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9 answers

I believe they worship the same God I do as a Christian. I don't agree with the actions some of them make in the name of religion but I also don't agree with the radical things some Christians do.

2007-08-27 15:01:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim - In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Hello. Well, I am a Muslim, and I'm constantly amazed / amused / saddened because so many people think that Islam is some far-out religion that came from a mysterious place far, far away. In actuality, Islam was born in the same region as Judaism and Christianity. Indeed, the Prophets Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon them, were brother prophets. Their languages, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic, are cousin-tongues. Their Books, the Torah, the Gospel, and the Qur'an, all sprang forth from the same revelation that God revealed to mankind. Their message was one: Worship God only, He who created the universe and sustains it, with no partners. Do not lie, steal, murder, or commit sexual impropriety. Take care of your close family members, your neighbors, the orphans, and the travelers among you. Strive to be the best in this world so you will be rewarded in the world to come. This message has always been one message since Aadam, the first man, was created.

What do Muslims want? We want a just world where the hungry are fed, the ignorant are taught, men and women are respectful towards one another - peace on earthg, goodwill towards men, all that stuff. We want a world that acknowledges the Creator. We want to teach others about Islam so that they too will know the truth. This is the simple truth about Islam.

I encourage you to continue to learn about Islam from good websites such as the ones I have put below. Please be careful - there are lots of websites claiming to be Muslim that are really deviant. Feel free to ask questions and inshAllah - God willing - we will answer.

I pray that Allah guides you to that which is best in this world and the next. Ameen.

Fi Aman Allah,

Nancy Umm Abdel Hamid

2007-08-27 22:19:52 · answer #2 · answered by UmmAbdelHamid 5 · 3 1

I think the muslims are like every other religion , Christians , Jews , etc . All have two sides to them the idiots that ruin the religion and do stupid crap and the others that try to make light of there beleives .

2007-08-27 22:02:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

In my opinion, Islam the most truest religion in this world. In Islam, a Muslim completely surrenders his will before that of Allah. In other words, a true Muslim must first believe the Shahada (bearing witness) that There's no god except Allah and Mohammad (may peace of Allah be upon him) is the Messenger or Prophet of Allah. Muslims must believe in the unseen like the Day of Judgement, Angels. Hells and Paradise, punishment phase for those who disobeyes Allah, rewarding phase for those who obeyed Allah throughout their lives, did all the good things, never lied, helped their family members, their neighbors, their countrymen, their kit and kinsmen etc. Plus paid texes (Arabic - Zakat) helped poor and deserving people, helped those in needs, kindness towrads all especially the needy ones.
The religion of Islam was blessed and completed as favors by Allah on Prophet Mohammad. In the sight of Allah, there's only one true religion which is Islam. After the death of Holy prophet, Islam was divided into two main groups. One called Shias who followed in the life styles of Hazrat Ali (A.S.) who was cousin and son-in-law of the Holy Prophet. The second called Sunnis who conspicuously followed the life style of Holy Prophet.
Now what do Muslims want. Pretty simple. They want to live in peace. They want others to live in peace. In fact, it's the most peaceful loving religion since the creation of this universe.

Our religion is about tolerance, compassion and love. We invite you to study more about this beautiful religion from the following sites. We pray may God grant you insight to know more about His religion. Aamin.

2007-08-27 23:05:12 · answer #4 · answered by salimdist 4 · 1 0

1- I am Muslim so obviously I like most Muslims. They are people like anyone else and some are less desirable than others.

2- We want to live peaceful, happy lives like anybody else.

3- Our religion is about submission to Allah (God), believing there is no God but Allah (He has NO equals), following the word of our Prophet, and living clean, modest, honest and productive lives.

Tro_ll_guy2: Grow up. You know nothing about me or about Islam.

2007-08-27 22:04:44 · answer #5 · answered by ♥ terry g ♥ 7 · 1 0

Basically Muslims are persons who believe there is only one God and the last messenger is the Prophet Muhammad.

Muslims also believe that there are prophets (messengers of God) before Muhammad; such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus (in Arabic, Jesus is called "Isa").

Muslims highly respect Jesus and consider him as holy. However his status in the Islamic teaching is only the messenger of God and not the son of God.

The above is the basic belief system of the Muslims.

Muslims want peace, be able to practice their religion peacefully and die as Muslims. The ultimate ambition or goal of Muslims is to receive God's blessing and go Heaven.

Terrorism linked to Muslims?

First, Islamic religion do not teach its followers to simply kill anyone just because differences in religion, ideology or opinion.

If certain group of Muslims arbitrarily kill innocent people, it was done for other reason and not because of religion. The groups can say that they do it in the name of Allah or in the name of Islam but all knowledgable Muslims know it was done for other reason.

In most cases, the act of terrorism was committed by persons who do not understand the true teaching of Islam, who misinterpret the true teaching of Islam, or who want to achieve his own self-interest that is not related to Islam but try to gain support by misusing the name of Islam.

If you want to know more about Islam, you can go to this American Muslims website:


2007-08-28 00:13:47 · answer #6 · answered by Ray Mystery 3 · 1 1

theyre just the same people as in Christians,Jews etc..there will always be bad people and good people in the religion.never blame the religion for the bad doing of the follower

may we all live in a peaceful life.peace=P

2007-08-27 23:20:21 · answer #7 · answered by peace 2 · 1 0

Maybe some muslims are peaceful. Maybe some muslims are nice. But don't run a comic about their hitle., err, muhammod, or they will riot in the streets and kill publishers.

2007-08-27 22:17:02 · answer #8 · answered by Lionheart ® 7 · 1 1

Many scholars will tell you the Muslim religion is all about killing and raping all infidels that do not believe in their religion, Wafa Sultan will tell you it's a dangerous religion.

2007-08-27 22:08:04 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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