No. Bad stuff happens to people all the time.
You make your own luck...
2007-08-27 14:39:07
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
2016-12-23 00:45:14
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
2016-12-24 05:31:06
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Probably not. Things like this happen to my family, too, and a lot of families that I know. Like the old saying goes, "When it rains, it pours." Once you get in the mindset that all is going wrong, all that you'll see are things going wrong.
As for the dream thing, that's normal. I'll wake up, not even remembering even having a dream, but then later in the day something will remind me.
In light of all this, though, I still wouldn't hesitate to look further into it. I don't deny that there are some things in this world that cannot be explained. Pray, practice positive thinking, and maybe talk to your family about it.
2007-08-27 14:47:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
First off, don't panic. Very many times life will throw much more at you than you think you can handle. This is just the nature of life, and like other spats of poor weather it will eventually abate. If you think you are being cursed, then you will interpret every little inconvenience and misfortune as a symptom of this "curse". Stress will often mess with your sleep patters, including your dream types and dream recall. It is perfectly natural for that to happen. Lack of sleep can cause your eyes to misfire, and seeing "things" in the corner of your eyes, or fleeting in mirrors are the most common side-effects of optical fatigue. So don't let those things worry you too much.
That being said, I can't say whether a spell was used on your family or not (the answer is generally that it hasn't been, because in most cases there is no curse or hex - but there are the cases where something has been done), but there are things you can do to start clearing the energetic atmosphere around you and your family. The stress of these events has most definitely caused the atmosphere to become thick with negativity, and cleaning this out will go a long way to restoring everyone's mood and health!
Start burning sage. Make sure the smoke gets into EVERY nook and cranny - open cabinets, get into the backs of closets, corners of ceilings, EVERYWHERE. Open all the windows while you do this, and leave them open afterwards until all the smoke has cleared. While you are burning the sage in each room say a prayer of clearance and blessing. If you are Christian, there are many beautiful prayers in the Psalms that you can use. If you are from another tradition, pick a prayer that best suits you.
Once you are done in a room, light a white candle (tea lights are fine) that you have anointed with olive oil while saying another prayer of blessing.
You may also want to make a floor wash with some cleansing herbs - rue, hyssop, sage, lemongrass, basil, and bay are all very cleansing and protective. Tie up the herbs in a natural cloth - like cheesecloth, or clean cotton - and drop them into a pot of boiling water that has just been taken off the heat. Let it sit for about 13 minutes. Pray blessing and cleansing over it as it steeps. Add this pot of water to a mop bucket of water. Also add a small amount (like a teaspoon) of ammonia to the mix, and some salt. Clean the floors with this, and wipe down your walls. If you have carpets, you can spritz the mixure lightly onto the floors with a mister bottle; if you have some other surface that doesn't lend itself to mopping you can wet a broom and sweep the mix over the floors, or use a Swiffer wet with the mix. You may want to LIGHTLY spritz draperies and upolstery. Pray while you do all of this.
If you burn the sage and perform this floor wash, your house will be VERY energetically clean. Depending on how things "feel" after you do this cleanse, you may want to repeat these steps daily for 3, 9 or 13 days straight in order to get a very deep state of clean.
You may also wish to add some of the cleansing mix to a bath that you take while praying, in order to cleanse your own energies. Others who have been affected may wish to do likewise - both bathing and cleansing their homes. You can get pretty much the same effect by "bathing" yourself in the sage smoke, too. This may be easier not only for you, but for everyone else as it requires much less preparation and time.
If you have great faith in the Catholic Church, there are plenty of protective medals that you could have blessed and wear as another way of keeping your mental state elevated. If not, you may wish to obtain some protective crystal/gemstones to wear during this time. Black tourmaline, blood stone, red jasper, and apache tear protect from and deflect negative psychic energy; hematite helps to ground excess energy and transform negative into positive.
If after this in-depth cleanse you are still experiencing problems, then you should contact a professional spiritual worker to aid you. Depending on what spiritual and cultural tradition you come from, who this person is will vary. If you have any botanicas or similar spiritual supply stores near to you you can find help there, or at least a referral to a local spiritual worker. They can help you discern the true nature of the energetic disturbance (even if it is just an internal negative atmosphere caused by all the stress), and help you come up with more personalized ways to deal with it.
Many blessings.
2007-08-27 15:01:59
answer #5
answered by prana_devi 4
look im sorry all this has been happening to you but to attibute it to a curse is just superstition
by that logic..most of the people in developing areas like africa would be cursed because I assure you they experience more 'bad luck' every week than you have in a lifetime
things will get better I am sure
2007-08-27 14:42:40
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It will get better eventually, everyone goes through a tough time in their life
2007-08-27 14:42:09
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I'm soo sorry for your bad times. I am 38 yrs. old and can tell you some crazy stuff that has occurred in my life. Please know that there is a time for everything, sorrow anger etc. It's not the cards that we are delt in life, it is how we play them. And to quote someone...?.... What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Hang in there!!!! xo
2007-08-27 14:44:37
answer #8
answered by The 411 2
could be a stretch of bad luck like forever maybe ?if so you'll get used to it eventually.
2007-08-27 14:43:39
answer #9
answered by dogpatch USA 7
You may find this interesting to read:
2007-08-27 14:44:22
answer #10
answered by Mutations Killed Darwin Fish 7