I was a lefty switched to a righty because ppl then thought it was abnormal. bullonie but note that the bible doesnt take a stand on that issue.
Being Homosexual and whether it is ok or not is not dependent on whether the world sees it as good or bad. We that are Christians that read and believe our Bible say it is sin bedcause God says it is sin, and HE wouldnt say it is sin if it couldnt be chagned. To say we are born that way is a lie of science, just like saying a woman can take her own babies life and it not be murder. Doesnt matter what science says. God tells us that if science/knowledge, doesnt line up with His word, it is false and we are to flee from it.
WE dont hate homosexuals, we just say what God says that it is sin, we love them and pray and we warn them becuase we love them. God loves us all the same. YOu dont have to believe that. we all can choose who and what we believe in. But if you claim to be a christian, it means you are a follower of Jesus and this is what the Holy Bible says, that it is sin and an abominiation to God. Whether something is popular or accepted has nothing to do with whether its ok or not. There was a time when owning slaves when ok with the law, but it was always wrong Go dhated it too, but He does talk about it in the Bible to tell you what ppl were doing then, God says we are all created equally and He loves us all the same. black, yellow , red and white, gay straight, male or female. But He says we must turn from sin to be saved.
Faith without works is nothing, remember, it is dead????
IF we are truly a follower of Jesus we will do all HE says to do, whether its popular or not. PPL hated Jesus for the stands He took, but He still stood for truth and spoke it boldly. THey killed him for it, and many will hate us too, but God will get us thru it. Just live the truth and continue to speak it whether it is popular or not. Right now its ok to kill an unborn baby, with the goverment. IS it ok? NO, Its murder, but yet its allowed. Only by folling the full word of God will we really know the full truth and know just how to live.
2007-08-27 08:50:50
answer #1
answered by full gospel shirley 6
Religion is about controlling others through guilt. Condemning homosexuality is just another way of instilling guilt. This way people return to church to worship and to be forgiven of their sins. This way the coffers stay full. It is a never ending cycle that keeps drawing you back. Look at all of the impossible standards it sets. The authors of the bible even have the audacity to tell you that you are imperfect and that you will never be able to live up to these standards. It is one of the greatest hoaxes of all time. Stop listening to what the religious claim and I promise you will be better for it. Christians am I correct in saying that every single person ever created by your God is sinful? We always have been and always will be sinful? Why then single out homosexuals, from the liars, from the adulterers? There is nothing you can do about it right? Why do you judge homosexuals so harshly when their sins are no worse than yours? Isn't this why Jesus supposedly died, to free us of our sins? Even if homosexuals don't commit the act, they are still going to be full of sin. Why does the source matter so much when all you have to do is accept Jesus as your Saviour and you will saved?
2007-08-27 09:43:55
answer #2
answered by Danny 6
Homosexuality is not condemned by the Bible. Homosexual acts are. There are many abnormal conditions that are the result of genetic influences. That doesn't make them any less abnormal. If a particular genetic influence causes people to be more prone to committing certain kinds of sins, then those people just have to work harder at avoiding those types of sins. Sin is always a choice, even if circumstances that are sources of temptation may not be something we chose.
2007-08-27 08:52:59
answer #3
answered by PaulCyp 7
Because despite if it's genetics or not, it's still a sin, and everyone needs a savior for their sins. That's where Jesus comes in. We're all sinful, and whether it's homosexuality, adultery, providing false testamony, immorality, woshiping idols, coveting, all of those have the same effect....With those sins (plus countless others), we push away from God, but if we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, our sins are paid for by His death and resurrection.
No, it's not an ancient superstition ;)
2007-08-27 08:58:26
answer #4
answered by Thomas The Servant 4
the problem here is that in the strict Biblical view it's not a matter of genetics (whether it actually is or not). From the Biblical perspective it is an abomination and a sin, in other words--a moral defect. I don't endorse this view in any way and it is one of the points where I disagree strogly with others who call themselves Christian
2007-08-27 08:48:01
answer #5
answered by metanoia 3
Homosexuality is NOT genetic. There is absolutely NO proof that you are born a homosexual. It is a CHOICE and a sin.
In his book, Overcoming Homosexuality, Dr. Robert Kronemeyer says, "From my 25 years experience as a clinical psychologist, I firmly believe that homosexuality is a learned response to early painful experiences and that it can be unlearned."
Even homosexuals who are honest about their behavior have admitted they were not born gay. John Dececco, editor of The Journal Of Homosexuality, says homosexuality is a "behavior, not a condition" and that "the idea that people are born into one type of sexual behavior is entirely foolish." ["A Biological Theory For Sexual Preference," USA Today, (March 1, 1989), p. 40]
Bill Flatt, Ed. D. , says, "Conditioning is the predominant cause of homosexuality: conditioning by parents, siblings, by dating and other experiences. Genetics alone is never the cause. Genetic studies of homosexual and heterosexual groups cannot accurately distinguish between the two groups." [Counseling Homosexuals, (Jonesboro: National Christian Press, 1985) p. 65]
Even if these medical professionals and reliable sources did not consider homosexuality a learned behavior, God, the only one truly qualified to comment on human behavior, says it is!
When a man burns with desire for another man, or when a woman lusts for another woman, it is because they have each left the natural use of their desires (Rom. 1:26, 27). They have a "debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness" (vs. 28, 29). It is unnatural to be gay because there is nothing in life that teaches such activity. If humans, animals, or plants attempt to live in a male to male or female to female arrangement, each species would cease to exist. The natural order calls for a male to female relationship.
2007-08-27 09:04:41
answer #6
answered by TG 4
Homosexuality "genetic"? Bah, humbug! If it were, God would never call it an abomination, would he? There is nothing that says that the same-sex oriented person HAS TO ENGAGE in homosexual activity...celibacy still works. We ALL have our crosses to bear...some are physical, some emotional, some mental, and plenty of them are situational. We all have the right to fall in love...but sometimes that right does get impeded. I wish with all my heart that I weren't diabetic...but I will keep it and even embrace it for the sake of bringing more souls to Jesus so that he may be glorified in and through me: "I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church" (COL 1:24).
2007-08-27 09:07:37
answer #7
answered by The Carmelite 6
The Bible doesn't condemn homosexuality. If one bothers to do any study or research of the handful of passages used to justify homophobia, one would quickly discover that there are many alternate translations and or meanings to those passages.
The Bible does condemn homophobia, however. Homophobia leads to harm against gay people. Harming others is not treating others as one would want to be treated; therefore, it goes against Christ's commandment. In place after place in Scripture, it tells us we are to love others. Homophobia is not loving others, no matter how it's sugarcoated. It's sinful and immoral and those promoting and justifying it should repent.
2007-08-27 08:54:23
answer #8
answered by Michael B - Prop. 8 Repealed! 7
Homosexuality is NOT genetic. It's not genetic because it's not natural. If everyone in the world were gay, there'd be no kids.
Meaning if everyone in the world were gay, there would be no reproduction.
People "feel" it's genetic because it's a "spirit" they were born with. It's not in your blood. It's in your body. Indwelling in your body. And it's a part of you because you chose to walk that path.
Why do people say it's genetic, on what grounds is it natural?
2007-08-27 08:55:13
answer #9
answered by BLI 5
When has Homosexuality ever been genetic?? Demons are passed down four generations. Why do you think you can see that spirit on someone from such a young age? Ever heard of the sins of the father? Homosexuality is an unclean spirit that needs to be cast out. God can deliver you from it if you want it to go. But the demon has deceived the person to think that that is who he they are. That is not you! God did not create you that way. Stop owning those devils and get free. Jesus came to set the captives free!! Go to your prayer closet and ask Jesus to take that desire from you and deliver you. Or go to a pastor who is annointed to perform deliverance and get free!
2007-08-27 09:18:16
answer #10
answered by Lavendersmile 1
I agree, but the cause of homosexuality hasn't been "officially" determined. There are studies that point to many different sources.
2007-08-27 08:46:11
answer #11
answered by squierhater01 2