We don't have so much of a problem with you telling us your beliefs, since we tend to do the same. But the problem comes in when you try to make it the law of the land. For example, blue laws, which are based on the Christian religion, prohibits me from buying alchohol on Sundays. I can't join the boy scouts because I am an atheist. But they are granted special use of public land by government. I can't run for government office in 7 states because I don't believe in god. Thats when atheists start to get really mad when you push your beliefs on us, because you force us to abide by them or to face consequences. Now that's just wrong.
I believe you should watch this video, that's where I got my facts from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4fQA9mt-Mg
2007-08-27 08:35:43
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If you don't try to convert me, I won't try to convert you to whatever it is I believe.
I have no problem with anyone sharing their beliefs and experiences with me. I have never asked someone to keep their religion to themselves. I find that religion can be a beautiful thing, a powerful source for peace... but I don't want anyone to tell me which one to pick. I have had Christians, atheists, agnostics (which I am already), Muslims try to tell what's right to believe. As well, I have had pleasant conversations about religion with all of these groups (different people of course) that ended with me broadening my horizons, so to speak.
Don't turn it into a believer, non believer thing, or a Christian thing, or a Buddhist thing. There are people everywhere who push their beliefs.
2007-08-27 15:35:59
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Theres a difference in saying, that what somebody else believes in is wrong and trying to convert them. They just don't agree with it ,they don't push religion. I may believe that a religion is wrong but I still respect it and I listen to others opinions before I respond with what I believe. Pushing religion is more so like saying "You will go to hell if you don't become a Christian." and etcetera..I don't do that..it is wrong and not a way to talk out your differences and beliefs.
2007-08-27 15:33:01
answer #3
answered by SMX™ -- Lover Of Hero @};- 5
Many atheists may post a denial or they don't care.
If a christian ask or answers a question about the bible,prayer,witnessing,Jesus,etc.the atheists will mock,*****,LOL,and tell the christian to shut up.Does this sound like 100% tolerance?Does it sound like they don't care?Does it sound like they are pushing their anti-chirstian views?
They brag about their great knowledge of words and writing but do they really know what tolerance means? Is posting that they are using their freedom of speech to mock,*****,and tell christians to shut up really "their" freedom.While christians are suppose to shut up because they have no right to post about the bible,prayer,Jesus,etc.They also call christians hipocrites?
2007-08-27 23:31:30
answer #4
answered by robert p 7
Yoy know you are right ,I am about to think let everyone believe what they want to,we are not going to change them all we can do is pray for them that,s all God ask,I for one have more important thing,s about my Fathers business for my Brothers and Sisters in christ.
2007-08-27 15:36:57
answer #5
answered by elaine 30705 7
I don't have an answer for you but I thank you for this question because I never thought of it this way and in thinking of times that this has come up you are so true in what you say.
2007-08-27 15:29:21
answer #6
answered by Vikki 4
OK, I don't try to push my ideals on anyone, it's when they try to push their ideals on me that I go into defense mode. But I do not tell anyone what or who to believe in.
2007-08-27 15:34:07
answer #7
answered by sweetgurl13069 6
Good point! I never thought of it like that before.
They call us hypocrites, but yet they are!
2007-08-27 17:09:02
answer #8
answered by Petina 5
i don't do that.
I am atheist, i never disrespect others beliefs, i just simply don't agree. and i have seen plenty of christians pushing their beliefs on others (not just atheists) rather than the opposite.
2007-08-27 15:32:54
answer #9
answered by metalholics18 3
Believe whatever you want to. Just keep it out of the laws and schoolrooms. that, of course IS the difference.
2007-08-27 15:28:50
answer #10
answered by RU SRS? 4