2007-08-27 08:20:09
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
This very informal yet powerful meditation can be done while drowsing in bed as you are waking up or going to sleep, resting on the couch, or sitting with a straight posture. The premise of the meditation is that heavy energy caused by emotional trauma is lodged in the body, in particular in the energy centers called chakras. These spots of heavy energy become blockages of chi, ultimately manifesting in emotional and spiritual problems, and sometimes physical illness. The purpose of the meditation is to dissolve and dislodge the blockages.
SIMPLE SOLUTION: Spiritual healing can have a very profound effect on your life, and this technique is one that will help no matter what your experience with energy work may be, whether you are old or young, sick or healthy. Learn how, here:
You can finish reading this article and many others @ in the green living section or just click on the site below. If you type in MEDITATION in the search section there is a list of different meditations, like healing, forgivness etc. I also but the link to another site that explans meditation to help you get started. Meditation is a great way to heal, relax and feel tranquil.
Good luck in your quest I hope this helps.
2007-08-30 23:38:43
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Choose a quiet spot free from distractions. If you want, you can have something soothing in the background, such as a waterfall, sounds of nature, classical music, what ever makes you comfortable. Sit in a comfortable position with your arms in a loose, comfortable position, close your eyes and clear your mind of everything, letting the outside world melt away. This may seem hard at first, because the mind has constant clutter and background pollution going on, but take it slowly, concentrating relaxing your extremities (hands and feet) one at a time, then your arms and legs, then your body, your neck, the muscles in your face, and then focus on your mind itself, and silencing the thoughts that are going through it. It may take a while for you to get it, but with practice you can get to a totally relaxed state within a few minutes or even seconds. The objective is to completely clear your mind.
Although I learned a long time ago when I was a child, I can suggest this website as a starting point for you. Good luck on your journey to peace of mind and well being.
2007-08-27 15:32:59
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The best way is to learn from a teacher but beware of people just after your money, beware of teachers who try to sell "esoteric" meditation techniques like Kundalini or Chakra meditation at inflated prices.
Test the teacher too - ask the teacher any question that you like and see what they say. "How can I relax my shoulders" is a good one - don't worry if it seems silly. Steer clear of a teacher who tells you your questions are silly! If there is anything even the slightest thing you don't understand ask a question. If the answer is unsatisfactory say you don't understand. Be a nightmare! Look at the people who are in the class are they happy or do they seem a bit oppressed?
2007-08-27 15:48:08
answer #4
answered by Aryacitta 2
Buddhist Meditation
ebook Library
2007-08-28 00:32:11
answer #5
answered by wb 6
their is a weekly meditation class over the Internet from but you should try to find a group which can help more as their can be problems which a meditation master can help with. it can help with state of mind and stress levels and all the things you say but their are many types most commonly known is vippassana meditation from the satipatana sutra also known as insight meditation their are some good recorces on
2007-08-27 16:11:03
answer #6
answered by manapaformetta 6
Yes , its best to start with simple relaxation techniques,which can be learnt through books or tapes,there should be lots of stuff online if you do a search.Breathing ,visualization and mantras are popular,also clenching and releasing muscle tension. Meditation is more advanced.
Hypnotherapy & hypnotists also teach relaxation methods,often within the framework of therapy.
Paul McKenna does a hypnotic relaxation cd too.
2007-08-27 15:23:43
answer #7
answered by mr.bigz 6
Take your time on this one - don't go spending any money as techniques vary and you may spend a lot before getting something that you prefer. A couple of things you can try is sitting quietly in a room, block any thoughts you get by repeating anything over and over, you could try thinking 'no thoughts', 'no thoughts' repeatedly until thoughts no longer occur. You also need to dis-associate yourself mentally from others - do not take on other peoples thoughts or actions. Remind yourself that other people can have their opinion and their opinion is different from yours - do not argue at anytime and don't think that anyone can cause you harm or pain as this isn't true.
2007-08-27 16:02:42
answer #8
answered by angelsrus 4
Arya citta says:-"beware of people just after your money, beware of teachers who try to sell "esoteric" meditation techniques like Kundalini or Chakra meditation at inflated prices."
Perfectly correct---people who do not know the correct meaning and full purport of Kundalini and Chkrams(Mandalam etc ) would cheat at inflated rates---learn "simple Meditation" practices.
2007-08-27 16:11:06
answer #9
answered by ssrvj 7
meditation in deed is the opening door to a new life,
alsways start by open up chakra's and some times let your spirit take you on a jorney to there home.
2007-08-29 04:23:45
answer #10
answered by adam w 2
If we examine our life we will discover that most of our time and energy is devoted to mundane activities, such as seeking material and emotional security, enjoying sensory pleasures, or establishing a good reputation. Although these things can make us happy for a short time, they are not able to provide the deep lasting contentment that we long for. Sooner or later our happiness turns into dissatisfaction, and we find ourselves engaged in the pursuit of more worldly pleasures. Directly or indirectly, worldly pleasures cause us mental and physical suffering by stimulating attachment, jealousy, and frustration. Moreover, seeking to fulfill our own desires often bring us into conflict with others.
If true fulfillment can't be found in worldly pleasures, then where can it be found? Happiness is a state of mind, therefore the real source of happiness lies in the mind, not in external circumstances. If our mind is pure and peaceful we'll be happy, regardless of our external conditions, but if it is impure and disturbed, we will never find happiness, no matter how much we try to change our external conditions.
"Irrigators direct the water, Fletchers fashion the shaft,
Carpenters bend the wood, The wise control themselves.
~ Dhammapada 80"
The purpose of meditation is to cultivate those states of mind that are conducive to peace and well-being, and to eradicate those that aren't. Only human beings can do this. Animals can enjoy food and sex, find homes, hoard wealth, subdue their enemies, and protect their family; but they cannot completely eliminate suffering and attain lasting happiness. It is a great shame if we were to use our precious human life only to achieve results that even animals can achieve. If we wish to avoid such a wasted life and fulfill the real purpose of being born human we must devote ourselves to the practice of meditation.
"Wisdom springs from meditation; without meditation wisdom wanes.
Having known these two paths of progress and decline, let a man so conduct himself that his wisdom may increase.
~ Dhammapada 282"
As the overall purpose of meditation is to understand and transform one's own mind, and the human mind is a very complex thing, the Buddhist tradition offers many different types of technique to work with it. This touches on the beauty of there being many ways within Buddhism, each responding to different needs. There are techniques with objectives developing very specific qualities of mind such as the reduction of lust, the development of loving kindness and compassion, developing enthusiasm for spiritual practice and such.
Concentration Practices are those that work with one's conditioned habits of feeling, emotion, thought, perception and consciousness, gradually eliminating the unwanted and painful areas of oneself and bringing an experience of peace, calm and stability. These sometimes involve specific reflections, contemplations, visualisations, concentration on an object etc. The main point is to learn how to keep the mind where one wants it to be - in a place which brings much benefit to oneself and others.
Insight Practices are those that use the peaceful stability of Concentration as a basis for developing deep insight into the true nature of reality. Meditation, correctly developed, will then uproot the defilements and unskillful qualities in our mind, one by one, progressively purifying our mind to acquire Peace of Mind and Happiness.
Free Book to effectively Learn Mindfulness(Insight) Meditation
"Mindfulness In Plain English"
By: Ven. Henepola Gunaratana
- With Metta.
2007-08-28 15:21:20
answer #11
answered by Thomas 6