Competing: First, the scientific method. A phenomenon is observed. A possible explanation is proposed. This is a hypothesis. Ignorant people often call it a "theory" then add "only a". The proposer tests to see if there are any conflicting explanations. Then every test he can think of is used. If it passes every such test it is published for other to examine and test. If the hypothesis can not be faulted, it is accepted as the theory which is the explanation.
Second, the non scientific method. Several thousand years ago somebody claimed he had met a spook who claimed to have great powers. He continued that people would be much better off if they made gifts to the spook. However, he would be the spook's agent for collecting such goods. People believed this. One of the spook's commands was to behead or burn at the stake anybody who did not believe in the spook. Good luck came to many believers and bad luck to many non believers The believers were proud that they "had faith" and to test the commands would be evil and bring them bad luck.
To each his own, but I will be more likely to accept spooks and world creators if they prove it with the scientific method. True faith is not my thing.
2007-08-27 08:05:18
answer #1
answered by Edward Hyde 2
Religion is just coiled around one word: Faith. Humans may or may not be special, there may or may not be a God, there may be or may not be a predestined future, there may be or may not be life outside this tiny planet called Earth. Actually there is more that we dont know than we know. How do we know that what we are seeing with our own eyes is the real world and not just created like a dream or illusion? (Matrix allusion) I know the answer to all those answers, and that is: We dont know. Humans fear the unknown. The reason why I get all nervous about my exam results is because I dont know 100% sure that I got a good grade. Maybe I just screwed up without noticing, etc. Among anything that a general person would fear, there is the fear of Death. Religion was created so that humans would have faith in that there will not be a bad result afterwards when we die. We dont know what happens in afterlife. Christians believe in the 'messenger' Jesus Christ because according to the Bible, he prophesied many things that were coming, such as his own death and resurrection. Then if he also said that the Gates of Heaven would be opened up for humans, then why not believe in him? I wont speak for other religions because I am not sure an expert in that sect, but Im sure they promise a good afterlife for good people. If there is a God, then that being is so beyond our imagination that he can have billions of followers at the same time and respond to each one individually. And how do you know that if people had not prayed, "they would get the same result"? "if the the future was already predetermined", wouldnt that mean that literally that prayer provoked the next result? And as you said, "possibly 100 years later, the answer is found", but we dont know the answer right now, do we? Maybe the answer is: "All along there was a God. And because you idiotic humans did not put faith in Him, you cannot take it back and say 'now I believe in Him because Ive seen Him'. What do you think? If you have seen the world with detail, you will notice that miracles often happen and many questions have remained unanswered for more than 2000 years. Thats why people believe in God, I believe in God. Nobody should force nobody to believe what they believe, and if you are dubious about His existence, then dont believe. Maybe in the future you will encounter an event that makes you believe. Again, we dont know. What we know is the present, that we need something to believe in for afterlife, so that we can live without worrying about it all the time. Think about it, what would you rather think: that we die and there is nothing afterwards, or that there is a paradise waiting for you even if you die. Just personally I like the idea of believing that there is less to fear about death. There is nothing to lose in Believing. *If you found anything offensive in this text, please know that this topic is controversial and many people will have a different way of viewing it. I didnt intend any of this to offend anybody, and I respect any other beliefs/opinions/explanations/arguments etc. If you disagree with me, do so because I am not talking about a fact, but only a personal opinion.*
2016-05-19 02:56:16
answer #2
answered by ? 3
I think what I am seeing is man does not understand what impact the imperfections of sin is.
If there is a God that does allow man a short life full of troubles in this kind of life with the promise of being saved
from it at some point in time, after all the man is innocent of it,
and God could wipe out the whole mess, it is no good to its
self or the planet or any thing else for that matter, it is a system that will self destruct, that is true.
It sure will be a miracle if by any means any part of it is saved.
But due to the fact that it is so bad and has been so bad as to the book that was published in 1611 to tell us that from the beginning it was bad, after billions of years to perfection, then
that which it was prepared for makes it all bad?
I think so.
This makes it real to me.
There is a promise that it all must be done over again, that makes it real to me.
2007-08-27 08:01:50
answer #3
answered by jeni 7
Yes, but it is important to try to understand why so many people refuse to see this. I am not sure what the answer is. But there was an interesting statistic a few years back i think in Sci. Am. The average scientists in the U.S. are just as religious or not as the average person, i.e., about 50% really believe in a personal god, about 50% are either atheists or agnostic or believe in some sort of vague idea they call god but really is not. But the top scientists are almost 100% atheists. So yes to some extent really understanding the universe does help. But clearly that is not the only factor.
2007-08-27 07:52:32
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
May I suggest that folks believe in a lot of ideas that can not be supported factually. While some folks discount any possibility to the existence of extraterrestrial life forms, these same folks may believe that a person came back to life from death. Many believe in some form of after life. There is no proof for any such belief. I believe in love and compassion. I can not prove these exist. I could only show you what I think are examples of such great human traits. The duality of existence, the definition of reality and the explanation of why good and bad events occur are all issues that have little or no hard evidence but a lot of believers.
2007-08-27 08:01:05
answer #5
answered by david42 5
Why, i could say the same for you.. Can anyone see how utterly foolish and ignorant you are? I am not Christian, but i do support the theory that there is someone up there, someone who knows all, someone who created all, someone named GOD.Someone named Allah (swt)
How do you think we got here in the first place? What is the reason for our existence? What triggered the big bang? Do you think, that human intelligence can give you the answers to these questions...? There are things that are beyond our knowledge. Which means there are scientific facts we will NEVER know. But why stop there? Wouldn't a true scientist believe, despite his mind's limits, that something more intelligent must be the all-knower?
There is an all-knower.. He is the Creator.. the Beneficent.. the Magnificent..
And hopefully, he will put you on the straight path, for the path you are on now, is leading you know where but to Hell..............................................................................
2007-08-27 07:57:08
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
First, common sense dictates god doesn't care whether Anyone believes he exists or not.
Second,if a person doesn't believe in eternal life, or god or something after this mortality they could try climbing the highest peak they can find and throw themselves off and on the way down think more on this subject.
All Religion is silly.
Simply; Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You and be happier.
2007-08-27 07:58:45
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
look the thought of an all knowing and all seeing God is a hard pill to swallow. BUT, if you look at the universe and see how life has sprang up on this 3rd rock from an incredibly young and small star in comparison to others in the universe and how this planet just happened to be the right distance from the sun to allow life and the right atmospheric conditions and the right biological conditions for us to evolve to produce proteins that created the brain and consciousness. All these seemingly random perfect conditions to all be located on the same location seem to me a harder pill to swallow than the chance that their is a greater force or being in the world that is directing the events or for a better way to say allowing them to happen. I am not trying to convice you that their is a christian God, but to say that the chance that one does not exist is just as silly. Science is double edge blade yes it can deny God's existence. Its like an impressionist painting, when you see a real Monet at the MOMA it is huge and beautiful, but if you were to have it in your face all you would see is a bunch of dots.
2007-08-27 11:08:14
answer #8
answered by thelastmejia 2
Firstly, do you believe in a Creator? Do you think He has eternal existence? Do you believe He has the power to impart eternal life to those He may choose? If so, where's the problem? If not, then you've got to start all over again!
2007-08-27 07:53:51
answer #9
answered by Andy Roberts 5
If someone belives, why does that affect you so much? You can continue to live in your relaity. That will not change anything. And, don't call salvation a petty thing, it is not so, for those who are believers.
Hell is the absence of God, it's as simple as that. If you spend a lifetime rejecting God, why do you want to spend eternity with Him? Does that hold any significance to you? And if it does, you really need to ask yourself why it bothers you so much.
2007-08-27 07:59:05
answer #10
answered by ann 3