Ok, first... this is either your belief or a fact... can't be both. There aren't scientific facts for everything, and I have personal experience to that effect... The Bible is only sexist when taken out of context... Yes, you are entitled to your belief, but you have no proof positive for any of your previous statements. Hence, nothing you said is an "actual fact" except for the part about these being your beliefs.
2007-08-26 19:26:40
answer #1
answered by The Apple Chick 7
You clearly don't know anything about the Bible.
1) The stories aren't true: Fact is most of the history of the Bible has been confirmed through archaeological discoveries.
2) The Bible is meant to be a book of lessons... to scare young children: That's not what it purports to be; your opinion of it is just that -- an opinion. Unfortunately it's not based on any facts.
3) The Bible is sexist: The Bible teaches that in Christ there is neither Jew nor gentile, neither male nor female. Some of Jesus' most faithful disciples were women. While the cultures the Bible was written in and describes were patriarchal, the Bible has been the basis for the liberation and education of women in many cultures.
4) The Bible only supports straight white men: There aren't any "white" people in the Bible. :-) Everybody was fairly dark complected.
5) Hell was just a backwards country: Interesting theory, not supported by the Bible at all.
6) Hell is a place to go if you're bad: The Bible actually teaches that we're all bad. You don't go to hell for being bad. But you wouldn't know that because you haven't really read it.
7) Hell is a place to go if you're gay: You don't go to hell because you're gay. The Bible offers heaven to both gays and straights.
And THOSE are the actual facts.
2007-08-27 02:22:34
answer #2
answered by Craig R 6
If you know the following it is enough to begin.
God is love.
Love God with all your heart.
Love people even if they hate you.
Don't judge.
Always stand for what's right.
I promise you that your life will change for the better.
There is no such thing as sin. Sin is a symptom of death.
Sin is a lack of love. If you don't believe in God then consider Buddhism. If you follow Buddhism long enough you arrive at a state of bliss and love, you perceive Nirvana. In fact it doesn't matter how you learn to love unconditionally! Unconditional love is the enlightenment. Once understood you'll know everything from inside you. You don't even have to pretend the earth is only 6000 years old or any other stupid thing. You don't need scripture because you will BE the living Word of God. It cost nothing. People don't like this message because it's not based in ego. This is the message Jesus taught.
This is why they killed him.
â¥Blessed Beâ¥
2007-08-27 02:35:57
answer #3
answered by gnosticv 5
Why don't you read 2 Timothy in the Holy Bible, it is talking specifically about you, funny how a book written so long ago,describes you to a T.
There will come a day sooner than you think when you will stand before God. When you make the plea that you just didn't believe He is real, He will say to you, "You have no excuse for the proof of Me is everywhere" as He is throwing you into hell and sealing the door shut for ever and ever. From your miserable vantage point in hell you will be able to see the saved being pampered and living in the mansions He has prepared for us. In your crying and gnashing of your teeth you will try to span the chasm, but you will not be able too. Damned forever to eternal misery. Separated from God and all that is good.
While you are still breathing there is still time. Get yourself a Holy Bible, I suggest a New Living translation which is written in plain modern English and find out how to stay out of hell, before it is too late. Hurry! You are not promised another moment, once you take your last breath which is coming soon, it will be too late.
2007-08-27 02:38:07
answer #4
answered by Sweet Suzy 777! 7
I do not.
if you think the Bible is sexist, you obviously are being a little prejudist yourself, as you ignore the great females such as Esther, Deborah and Mariam. Esther saved an entire nation from an attempted holocaust. Deborah ruled over Israel and led them to victory, while actually having a seat of authority over her husband in judicial matters. Mariam was called the first prophetess of Israel and was the first worship leader. if you pay attention, a woman is never inferior to a man in God's eyes. marriage is complicated and you don't seem to understand God's view of it, and He's not sexist. it's like a pi-lot and co-pilot. roles, not authority. and I suggest you read Galations 3:28 and tell me what you think.
as for non-white in the Bible, check the Ethiopean Eunuch, and the Magi.
I think you are referring to the place known as Gehenneh, which was an area not a country, where garbage was burned. hence, the Lord likened the abode of the dead to a visual representation on earth, a place of burning.
you go to Hell if you reject Christ as your Lord and savior continually, not if you're "bad". bad's left open to free definition, and for humans, morality is generally immoral.
gay? a whole other issue. there's homophile vs homosexual, desparate vs defiant, biological vs choice. it goes on. just know God loves everybody and wants them to come to Him, no matter what temptations they get.
2007-08-27 02:32:09
answer #5
answered by Hey, Ray 6
You have only heard about the bible but not actually read it and if ever you have read some verses, it is not enouugh to understand it. Do not annoy yourself from asking question which you still do not know. Study the bible to understand everything and maybe you are still young to determine the t ruth of the bible.
2007-08-27 02:27:50
answer #6
answered by Jesus M 7
It is clear that you have not read the Bible. I do not see where it supports only straight white men. Jesus was a Jew.
There are also scientific archaeological facts that prove the city of Sodom was destroyed by fire. (yes, they found the city) etc.
Science can be made to work however one wishes it to work my dear. Generally, a good researcher reviews what he is basing his hypothesis on prior to revealing it to the world.
In Charity,
2007-08-27 02:32:48
answer #7
answered by teresa_benedicta_of_the_cross 4
I don't believe in the Biblical God, but I disagree with your view of the Bible. The Bible is many things, and consists of many parts that were not necessarily related when they were written.
The Bible has its share of anachronisms. But if you read it, you'll find there are some good things in it as well.
Believers: Sorry, I'm lukewarm.
2007-08-27 02:28:51
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Your lack of Bible knowledge is quite surprising, makes me wonder where you are from as it might be that your area needs prayer and needs to have men and women of God come in and teach your neighbors about the Lord Jesus Christ.
2007-08-27 02:29:35
answer #9
answered by cowboy_christian_fellowship 4
Oh great another person against straight white men.
Funny where the Jews white ?
Just because you don't like what the bible teaches don't make it wrong . Maybe your the one who's wrong.
2007-08-27 02:28:49
answer #10
answered by pestie58 the spider hunter 6