As an ex-christian, I use to believe that "perfection" was only attributed to humans since we were created in God's image and have the ability to make decisions. But what is perfect cannot become imperfect, so humans must have been created imperfect.
But, for the sake of argument. Let us suppose that this perfect God did created perfect humans. However, these humans spoiled the original perfection by choosing to disobey God. What!? If something is perfect, nothing imperfect can come from it. The ultimate source of imperfection must be God. What is perfect cannot create anything imperfect, so God must be imperfect to have created these imperfect humans. A perfect God who creates imperfect humans is impossible.
2007-08-26 18:02:41
answer #1
answered by 8theist 6
You asked a good question.
The Bible says that Adam and Even were created perfect.
Perfection isn't just a state of mind it was for them a physical reality.
But what exactly is 'perfection' ?
Something that is perfect is something without flaws or blemishes in design or construction.
So Adam and Eve were made in both body and mind completely as God had purposed them to be.
'What was Gods purpose for them?'
The Bible says that they were to fill the earth with good god fearing individuals and to spread paradise throughout the whole globe.
This wasn't such a big task when you consider that people were made to live forever without dieing.
Unfortunately this first couple did not truly appreciate what God had done for them.
They then incorrectly used their free will and thinking and then chose to follow the ideas of another spirit creature that promised that if they followed him they would become like God.
They did follow this other creature which is named as Satan in the Bible.
Unfortunately they soon found out the real truth of what they were told.
Satan's promises were found to be lies , bu tit was too late , , Adam and Eve had made their decision.
This sinful decision and action brought about the penalty of death , both for them and their offspring.
So that is how we are in the state we are today.
The first pair were perfect in every way , but they chose to make themselves imperfect by disobeying Gods righteous authority.
Fortunately for us God has made a way for us to again get back to perfection and live forever on a paradise Earth.
If you would like to know more plz feel free to email me.
2007-08-26 20:34:48
answer #2
answered by I♥U 6
Adam and Eve were perfect because they were without sin and they were walking in the Word of God. Throughout the bible people are made perfect and people become imperfect because they chose to dedicate their life to God or not.
Becoming Perfect by Following the Word of God:
2 Timothy 3:15 -17
Other Perfect people:
Noah - Gen 6:9
Job - Job 1:1 and 1:8 and 2:3
Jesus made perfect - Hebrews 5:9
Becoming Imperfect:
King Solomon - 1 Kings 11:4
Don't confuse perfection with the ability not to make a mistake. Perfection is a degree of closeness one has with God by following his ways.
2007-08-26 18:27:59
answer #3
answered by Skrap 3
Adam and Eve were cresated "perfect" without sin nor the propensity too sin. They were the first humans. there was no human sin prior to them. God gave them "free will". Unfortunately they were tempted and fell and thus became "imperfect".
they were perfect also because of their fre will. They would be imperefect if God had created them without the free will to chose to obey him or not. They would have been automatons.
In human terms if you have a child. do you wnat that child to be programmed just to follow you directives, or do wnat them to have the ability to choose for themseleves to do the right thing, becuae they can see that it is right, that you have their best interest at heart.
Or another way do you want osmeone to fall in love iwht you out of compulsion. or because they freely chosse YOU. I think you can see the perfection in this. And the gift of free will that God has instilled in us.
God wants to be loved adored, worshped based on our free choiche to do so.
2007-09-03 11:12:52
answer #4
answered by johnnydepp1118 5
They were both as babes...... they had NO knowledge of wrong, because there was none...... they went around unhindered by thoughts of * this is wrong or right*, like people of today..... they saw no evil because there was none.....there was only that one little tree in the center to draw them into spiritual knowledge of right and wrong..... The Bible does NOT say how long they lived BEFORE they were tempted, it could have been 1000's of years..... The garden may have been so large they were not insight of the tree often, I just do not know....... I take it you know about Adam and Eve ?? naked and having all things around them under their care ?? Animals did NOT eat each other, they all ate of the grass and herbs...... Death was not a part of life before the forbidden........ the world around them was perfect.... maybe we can not understand such perfection, I know I can not..... anyway, I believe they always had free will, they just did not have the situation, for lack of better word, to practice it until that one fateful day, or maybe they did, maybe they were tempted more than that once, again, I just do not know...... after all this rambling, I do not think I answered your question..... *sigh*, maybe there is no answer... because like I said, we have never known nor do we understand perfection these days.......... go in peace......... God bless
2007-08-26 18:14:03
answer #5
answered by Annie 7
Ok, God created them with no flaws whatsoever. Not like u and I. We are so flawed because of all the rubbish that we've put into our bodies and minds over the centuries. And from disobedience to our Creator.
They sinned because Satan directly tempted and deceived them. He actually spoke to Eve, albeit through a bloody snake! But Adam was not deceived, he rebelled, and disobeyed.
He [Satan] still tempts and deceives human beings all the time, but he does it subtly through tapping into our minds without us knowing. He is jealous of us and he hates all human beings because he knows what we have the to potential to become, part of the God family. We think those thoughts are our own but they belong to and come from Satan and his evil demons. That is why Satan is known as the 'Prince of the Power of the Air'. He uses the air waves to put his evil thoughts into our heads.
Adam and Eve were created with the greatest minds. God personally taught them everything that they needed to know. They had higher IQs than even the most intellectual people of today. They were literally perfect, until Satan tainted their thinking with his own envy and hatred. And if they had eaten of the Tree of Life thinking like that, it would have been disastrous. That's why God locked them out of the Garden of Eden. They ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. These trees were only symbolic, not real trees, but they had very real significance.
2007-08-26 18:35:24
answer #6
answered by kiwi_mum1966 5
If you have or ever will have a baby, when it is born, it is perfect. The child will someday in the future make the decision to defy you and rebel. This is what happened with Adam and Eve.
God made them perfect. To be His children. He gave them the freedom to love Him and obey Him or not. They not being robots, had a mind of their own and they listened to and allowed Satan to tempt them and they willfully disobeyed God. This disobedience caused them to have a sin nature because they gained knowledge of good and evil that they didn't have before eating the fruit. I believe that the real sin was that they chose to believe Satan and eat the fruit rather than God and not eat it. Their disobedience caused death for all of us.
We have also become imperfect because we inherit this sin nature too. Jesus came and died for our sin in order to make us perfect to God again. To bring us back into the fellowship that man was supposed to have from the start and give us eternal life which sin took away from us.
2007-08-26 18:16:20
answer #7
answered by 4HIM- Christians love 7
You are thinking the word "perfect" means unable to choose sin. However, the Hebrew word "perfect" means "whole, complete." God created Adam and Eve "whole, complete" human beings with body, soul, spirit and free will to chose to obey or disobey.
2007-08-26 18:19:49
answer #8
answered by Wildflower 1
Physically, genetically perfect. Also, being sinless at the beginning, they were perfect that way too.
Their free will enabled them to sin, but it is clear that they were both equally responsible for their sin.
They WERE able to follow one simple prohibition, but chose not to. All the death, disease and suffering in the world today started from the wrong choices they made.
2007-09-03 02:32:46
answer #9
answered by zeal4him 5
I may not be remembering the Bible correctly, but I don't remember them as being perfect, I remember them as being created as man and woman.
Regardless, being given a perfectly good brain and human desires, isn't it just possible that they wanted to be more God-like? Satan told them that they would be if they ate of the fruit and God did not want them to be in the same category as Him/Her? If they believed they would be just as God-like as God, then why wouldn't their human nature come to the forefront and attempt this feat?
Another way to look at it is that they were God's children. How many children do you know who do not defy their parent at some point?
Blessed Be
2007-09-03 00:29:45
answer #10
answered by Linda B 6
Through all the ages Satan's work has been the same, ..... to make of none effect the law of God, to lead men and women to transgress the divine commands. God requires of human beings today what He required of Adam, "perfect obedience". Satan strives to lead them to mistake darkness for light, and error for truth. He tells them that God has abrogated His law, and that all they have to do is to believe. Were this so, Satan would have accomplished on earth what he attempted to do in heaven, and he would therefore be entitled to the throne as ruler of the universe. But today, as in the beginning, his assertions are false. God's law is unchangeable; and though by human beings it has been slighted, scorned, and rejected, it will ever stand as firm as the throne of Jehovah.
2007-09-03 15:32:44
answer #11
answered by Anonymous