Are you confirmed? If not, an adult confirmation class is just the place for you. If you're already confirmed, talk to the folks in your parish and find out what else is available to brush up on the basics.
2007-08-26 16:45:43
answer #1
answered by Anonymous Lutheran 6
I am also Catholic, I was born, raised and educated Catholic. You might want to try attending a service (mass) and see if you get anything out of it. Try not to go in with the idea you will be bored..try to keep an open mind.
This site is not big enough to explain what the differences are between us and other faiths, plus I'm sure you and I would receive some nasty remarks back.
I would suggest a class at your church..a bible or religion class..all catholic churches have them. They go into everything, and explain everything.
I would try these things first, if I'm not comfortable with the RC church's teachings and belief's, maybe then I would look around. But believe me, you won't be able to accept much the other Church's offer..not if in your heart you are still Catholic.
Just to name a few differences for you:
We believe in the virgin birth
We believe in the Saints
We believe in the forgiveness of sin, even if you murder someone, at the time of your death you ask God to forgive are forgiven.
We believe the Pope in matters of RELIGION is infallible.
We believe the bread and wine is transformed to the body and blood of Christ during the mass.
We believe in the resurrection of Christ.
I hope some of these examples help.
2007-08-26 23:54:38
answer #2
answered by djc1175 6
Go get yourself a protestant Bible. KJV , NIV, NASB or NKJV . Everthing you need to know is in there. You do not need the Catholic Church or any organized Protestant Church either to give you the truth. It is all in God's word the Bible. Once you have found the truth and know Jesus Christ as your personal saviour you can allign yourself with a church if you so wish. Dont listen to what men say, listen to what God says in his holy word first by reading the Bible. Once you know what God says, then you will be able to decide which men are telling you the truth and which are telling you man made doctrines. What ever men tell you, check it out and see if it lines up with what is in the Bible. I pray that you will come to the truth of Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
2007-08-26 23:53:21
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
What sets this religion apart from other Christian religions is that it can be objectively traced back to the time of Christ himself. All Protestant religions were founded in 1512 or later.
The second thing is the Mass. All Christian religions teach that Christ died to save us from our sins. But the Catholic religion teaches that we ourselves participate in Christ's sacrifice on the Cross. For a Protestant, that sacrifice happened a long time ago, and all we can do is remember it and be glad it saved us. For Catholics, it is made present to us every time we attend Mass.
In the Old Testament, at Passover time (remember the movie The Ten Commandments?), the Jews would sacrifice a lamb and wipe its blood on the door lintel of their house. Then what would they do? EAT THE LAMB. Eating the sacrifice was the way the common people would participate in the sacrifice -- it showed that they agreed with the sacrifice and wanted to receive its benefits.
The New Testament says, "Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us, therefore let us celebrate the feast" (1 Cor. 5:7). So once Christ has been killed, is the sacrifice all over and done with? No, the Lamb still has to be eaten by those who agree with and want to participate in the sacrifice, namely those Christians who participate in the sacrifice of the Mass.
So you see the Mass is not just a place to go and listen to music and eat a little wafer. It's literally a cosmic event that transcends time and place, and the one place on earth where you can worship Christ directly, fully and in person.
2007-08-26 23:52:58
answer #4
answered by Agellius CM 3
The Catholic church was based on the life of Christ. It was the first Christian oriented church. The other Christian beliefs branched off from the Catholic church when people decided that that it was either too strict or to lenient. To find the right religion for you takes a lot of research and "soul searching". It is YOUR PERSONAL choice. Find that which feels right to you deep down and you will find where you will be. I believe that there are many paths to the creator, not just one belief. I wish you luck in finding the path that fits you.
2007-08-26 23:50:04
answer #5
answered by Rev. Kaldea 5
The Catholic religion originated in 325 AD when emperor Constantine became a Christian and united pagan beliefs with Christianity to save his empire from falling apart. You can find more information about this by searching for the Council of Nicea.
2007-08-26 23:47:18
answer #6
answered by Aeon Enigma 4
The catholic religion to my understanding was set by Constatine after he had a vision while dealing with jews, after that He built a religious political system (being an emperor) and insead of destroying all the pagan people (romans) He disguised all gods (Jupiter,Venus etc.).
Time later, the system became the Roman apostolic Catholic universal religion.
2007-08-26 23:44:23
answer #7
answered by Cranberrydude 3
Listen, all religion is traditions of man even catholics, Now there is a Real god and his word is the bible, and it tells of all the secrets to knowing what he requires, and it is not about rules and regulations and traditions of man, it is about john 3:16, that Jesus died for you and me and now you can ask him into your life and he will send HIS HOLY SPIRIT INTO YOU, that's the goal, not how many hail Marys you say, Jesus say these traditions of man will make the power of his word VOID! So when you get that holy spirit, that is what we call being born again, and that spirit will bless you and you will have personal relationship with Jesus himself and not some priest hood that puts themself before you and your God! You must read his word, start in John and read to the end, it only about 150 pages, here read this sight and do it and you will know that your are a child of the living God, and you will not be deceived by the powers at be!
2007-08-26 23:46:25
answer #8
answered by bungyow2 3
The phrase sola scriptura is from the Latin: sola having the idea of "alone," "ground," "base," and the word scriptura meaning "writings" - referring to the Scriptures. Sola scriptura means that Scripture alone is authoritative for the faith and practice of the Christian. The Bible is complete, authoritative, and true. "All Scripture is 'God breathed' (given of inspiration of God) and is profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, instruction in righteousness..." (2 Timothy 3:16).
Sola scriptura was the rallying cry of the Protestant Reformation. For centuries the Roman Catholic Church had made its traditions superior in authority to the Bible. This resulted in many practices that were in fact contradictory to the Bible. Some examples are prayer to saints and/or Mary, the immaculate conception, transubstantiation, infant baptism, indulgences, and papal authority. Martin Luther, the founder of the Lutheran Church and father of the Protestant Reformation, was publicly rebuking the Catholic Church for its unbiblical teachings. The Catholic Church threatened Martin Luther with excommunication (and death) if he did not recant. Martin Luther's reply was, "Unless therefore I am convinced by the testimony of Scripture, or by the clearest reasoning, - unless I am persuaded by means of the passages I have quoted, - and unless they thus render my conscience bound by the Word of God, I cannot and will not retract, for it is unsafe for a Christian to speak against his conscience. Here I stand, I can do no other; may God help me! Amen!"
2007-08-27 00:26:05
answer #9
answered by Freedom 7
You’re in the same boat a lot of lapsed Catholics and ex-protestants are in. A lot of us grow up being a Catholic or Protestant but never really understanding what the Faith is. To remedy this, it just takes education and prayer.
You should look up books and websites that teach what the Catholic Church believes in and why. Knowing your faith is the best thing you can do for yourself. is a good place to start.
2007-08-28 17:28:47
answer #10
answered by Danny H 6
a catholic is a chrisitan. a christian should be somebody who embraces the love of God, someone who tries to emulate Jesus. love your brothers and sisters, we are all here together sharing the same experiences, the same struggles. when you make decisions ask yourself, what are my motives? are the decisions you make based solely on what is in your best interests...or are they based on what your heart tells you is right?
what steps should you take? small steps towards Christ. perhaps take a few moments each day to read the bible, get involved with a good cause in your community that interests you, surround yourself with people who will lift you towards Him.
your heart is in the right place, you'll find a religion that suits you.
2007-08-27 00:10:29
answer #11
answered by Just Askin' 2