Mine is the physical body. The emotional blockages of a lifetime, that came to a head with all the expansion going on.
In the process of releasing, Earth came into the equation. I don't know how many of you have been led to go outside at night. But I sure have. It's almost to the point where I'll stay out all night. Just grab a sleeping bag and sleep outside. To be closer to the energy. The feminine energy. Especially tonight, with the moon showing herself off.
Has ego come into play. Yes, I had fear. Would do something the opposite of what fear would do, just to keep showing up a greater truth. And let filter in, the changes that needed to be made.
You know that I can now tell what food does to me, with all due immediacy as well. It's just not worth it to eat something of no value. With my body at rock bottom, it either came up a notch or stayed down. So, a lettuce leaf could be felt. This is an intimacy. A knowing, that I didn't have before. I had it in my head, but to experience it is way different.
A light body. Funny, it sounds abstract, but it truly can be taken as a literal truth. As much of our spiritual practices are easily integrated into our lives if we understand the engagement of them.
On so many levels. The blockages are melting away with these simple things, and some help from my friends.
(So much gratitude goes to them, whether it be knowing or unknowing, of why our contact was happening in such a way and at such at time. Grabbing hold of each subtle movement and pushing through the walls)
Into Divinity....
It feels kinda cramps was literal for me Sunman! *grin*,
When it comes down to it. Facing Love,...embracing it, and giving it, brought me to the place of healing it all, and at one moment, Time literally expanded to show me lifetimes of existances, and then contracted back to the moment, and I could 'feel' it. Literally feel myself expand out into all that is, and come back into itself.
These times, the knowledge is coming forth through the very heart of us. As the Tree of knowledge, and the snake signify transformation and shedding of the old, as well. Truth is, we must heal our lives. To be held back by the circumstances of them are killing off our bodies.
that was my lesson this week. From Sunday, to Sunday....
Your timing is impeccible.
2007-08-26 15:46:54
answer #1
answered by shakalahar 4
We get the word Soul from the Old English word "Sawol" which has come to mean "spiritual and emotional part of a person, animate existence,", but originally was said to mean "coming from or belonging to the sea," because that was supposed to be the stopping place of the soul before birth or after death. Really it is an analogy to water. Water preciptates upon a mountain top, and takes a route down the mountain until it reaches the sea, where it can evaporate and be blown over the mountain again in a cycle. So the ancestors thought about our consciousness. When we question that notion, we see that it is entirely conjecture (thrown together by the brain of man). We make up such ideas about consciounsess; ideas which have no known reality. The question is "for what reason" does the thinking brain wish to be a separate personality that survives death? Does one separate life from death, and wish to avoid death? Secondly: the word truth derives from the sanskrit word "Daru" which is also their word for Tree. If you look at a tree, you'll notice that it has a big trunk from which branches, sub-branches, twigs and leaves emanate. These patterns are fractal patterns. Each branch splits into 2 or 3 brances from which further splitting can occur. In nature, all knowledge is garnered from seeing a partial view of something (e.g. splitting something by limited associations). So what we find is that people form opinions like tree's grow leaves. What we don't often consider is that the roots of the tree support the whole visible structure of the tree. Similarly: every thought has its opposite, which is buried within our brains subconscious. Every commitment to a certain perspective that you hold to, leaves the opposite view point stored in subconscious. We are in our knowledge therefore a split individual. We become rooted to certain mental conjections as if they are important. In attempting to escape the roots we create the tree of knowledge. It may have its place in survival issues, but why does the thinking brain never shut up? Why does the thinking brain become involved in every aspect of our lives, leaving us just programmed like a computer? The passage of psychological time is the continual movement of thought, is there a state of mind in which psychological time ends its constant self perpetuating movement, so that thought becomes only reactive to reality?
2016-04-02 00:52:24
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I can truly depend on no other but myself, but that is a blessing because I can truly depend on myself.
Adventures in the dream are to be had with each new sleep and each adventure leads to some truths. Adventures are also be had each day we wake breathing. Each breath is an adventure if you allow it to be so.
Secret lives are those someone does not know about. Just because one does not know, does not mean that another does not know. So, there are really no secret lives to be had when they are your life.
Why brace yourself when you can ride the wave of impact, when the promises are coming into play, when the changes start to take over, when the exstasy overwhelms.
2007-08-26 16:22:23
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
My week has been weak. I have brought myself down. My ego roared its ugly head and demanded to be recognized and pampered. In the process, I discovered I am a spoiled child.
The promises, though, are promising! I do indeed have a secret life. I live it simultaneously in the fourth dimension, as I live this one in the third. In that life my love is the only love; he was my first and will be my last. In this life, my first was never requited, and neither was my last. The wave has hit several times, friend, and I have learned to ride it to the shore. Body surfing, spirit surfing, surrendering not so much to its ecstasy, but to its power, its control, releasing mine and embracing the freedom of control without control.
I have a life with a telepath. How does one explain that life? It is strictly 4th dimensional. People think I'm flipping nuts. (((Sunman))) -- am I alone with this? Do you know of others who walk this path? My ego smells the fear; my higher self welcomes the experience. My ego fears the physical aloneness; my higher self dismisses it. My ego demands my attention; my higher self laughs and laughs, and says, "Ego child . . . step aside. Your time is done."
*Higher self secures itself in the sushumna, moves through to the crown and enlightens the physical being with its Presence, spreading ecstasy throughout.*
Ah -- THOSE discoveries! THOSE adventures! NOW I understand!
I can no longer be a hermit, can I? The mountaintop is releasing me. I must make my Presence known.
(((Sunman))). Make me think some more.
2007-08-26 14:56:49
answer #4
answered by Shihan 5
This week has held within it lifetimes....my heart has surged, and crashed, and broken, and healed, to love and embrace and expand in a way I have been remembering I do so well... I am out of my hermitage, I am emanating my true power, and I am calling to those who will hear my voice.
I have discovered my integration time was well spent, and am flexing now, to begin this new phase.....
no bracing, I ride that wave ~ that is Shakti, Kundalini, and all that is required is to be oh so still, to listen with your heart, and when she grabs you move as you have never moved before, as if your very soul depended upon it.....that is an ecstasy worth knowing....
there are so many many many that have been working so hard,for so long, for this time to be easy and joyous and light.....
my ego has been brought to it's knees this week, but we are all back together now, happy and playful, clear and focused.....
I'm a simple shakti - just let me love.
2007-08-26 19:27:45
answer #5
answered by cosmicshaktifire? 5
I believe I had an awakening just yesterday(or I think that's what it would be called, correct me if I'm wrong). I was meditating beneath the moon When I felt a presence nearby in the bushes. I looked around and saw what looked like, at first sight, the face of a demon in the bushes. Even though I knew it was just an illusion caused by the moonlight reflecting off the leaves I was still frightened. Only instead of pushing the fear aside and burying it like I usually do I allowed myself to experience that fear and acknowledge it as my body's natural reaction to something that could be deemed threatening, as a way of protecting me. I released the fear and looked back at the spot. It looked exactly the same but I wasn't afraid at all. In fact I was smilling. and, I know it sounds strange, but I felt like I had just passed some sort of test, though I don't know who or what the tester was or why I got that feeling. I felt elated and also felt like my eyes were more open to everything around me. Everything seemed to glow with more clarity and I could feel the vibrations and energy of the world all around me. It was an incredible feeling. Just like the branches of a weeping willow bend and sway with the flowing of a river or the blowing of the wind so too, must we bend and sway, always adapting to the changing times. I do sometimes feel cramped inside my own body, but despite that I am not yet ready to leave this life. I still have so much to experience. My ego still struggles to adjust but I am still young in both body and soul.
I love your question. Very poetic and thought provoking. And personally I think Lucifer did us a favour when he tempted us to partake of the tree of knowledge. We may know suffering because of it but also because of it we are able to fully grow and to fully treasure the moments of ecstacy. For if life were nothing but ecstacy how would we know it and truly experience it. After all we would have nothing to compare it to. Therefore we would just exist.
2007-08-26 14:31:35
answer #6
answered by MoonWater 3
I am practicing letting go, going with the flow, trusting the universe to let me ride the wave all the way in. No worries, no troubles, only life. It is a new experience, creating my life from the inside out instead of the other way around.
Lots of good answers here, by the way. :) Peace to all.
2007-08-27 16:11:24
answer #7
answered by NRPeace 5
:-) Big big smiles, I know what is happening, a Giant is raising the dead.
The tree of knowledge is one of those 5 trees in paradise that never perish or die, always it is there for anyone who can find it. To understand how to eat from it one needs to understand why it was said that thou shall not eat of the tree of knowledge.
I felt the awareness of our consciousness grow, saw it encircling the earth, saw us all as part of a Giant moving as one. Then formed I another edge on my sword. And now because of your question do I finally understand how to know when one is ready.
Thank you Sunman!
2007-08-27 14:03:35
answer #8
answered by James 5
Two trees in the Garden,
eternal life unknown;
to the eternal.
One must first consume,
the knowledge of good and evil.
In the old tradition, the Snake,
is full of wisdom.
Two Cherubs guard the tree of life,
with flaming swords no less,
*Who* dares enter,
unless they trust the Snake,
and know they are full of *Light*.
*Bows* a second time.
2007-08-26 14:29:20
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
these are the days that there is so much to learn... the monopoly of spirituality that the churches have imposed upon humanity for the past 2000 years and the destruction of the vast amounts of information that came from a healthy spirit has come to an end... we are all beginning a new time of calm and peace as nature itself becomes healed.... the purpose of our spirit is to unite us with nature and all that was lost is returning to us .
2007-08-26 14:30:36
answer #10
answered by Anonymous