Hello, Kent:
If you are a Christian, God expects you to pay to the Government what they require. Jesus said, as recorded in Luke 20:25 "And [Jesus] said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's, and unto God the things which be God's."
That means if you are not paying taxes, or paying God's workers, you are a thief, and will meet your reward, and a Bible code reveals the date. See http://abiblecode.tripod.com
Shalom, peace in Jesus, Ben Yeshua
2007-08-26 13:34:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If you are a Christian, then you should "give unto Caesar (the government) that which is Caesar's (the government's)." That means that, along with other sermons about following the laws of the land, Christians follow the law and pay taxes. There are some petty persons that argue that taxation is unconstitutional, but do you really want your military funded by someone else? Maybe China would be a better? I don't think so.
2007-08-26 13:34:27
answer #2
answered by Cheshire Cat 6
1.) I have no idea who you are or what your position in life is, but an avatar with a necktie just screams "power hungry control freak."
2.) People apparently don't feel like proper Christians unless they can imagine they're being actively persecuted.
3.) Everyone else has to pay taxes they feel are grossly unfair. Why do you imagine you're exempt from normal civil obligations? I'll bet you imagine you're better than the rest of us.
2007-08-26 13:49:30
answer #3
answered by Diogenes 7
God even told his followers to give unto Cesar's what is his, this is correct, in Romans 12 we submit to governing authorities which God has establish so please, be a good boy and pay your taxes
2007-08-26 13:37:07
answer #4
answered by Code 3 3
Pay your taxes. And if you think you dont owe the, and you dont pay, the law allows them to put your butt in jail. And they will.
2007-08-26 13:35:08
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
God says to, "Give to Ceaser what is Ceaser's, and to the God what is God's." Jesus also told us to obey our authorities, as long as they do not go against God's word.
So yes, you should have paid your taxes.
2007-08-26 13:33:02
answer #6
answered by Yallo248 2
Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and you won't have to worry about them.
2007-08-26 13:32:21
answer #7
answered by bestonnet_00 7
You know the Word
2007-08-26 13:32:51
answer #8
answered by sego lily 7
How'd you get to a computer in prison?
2007-08-26 13:36:47
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
you should have paid your taxes.
2007-08-26 13:39:15
answer #10
answered by Anonymous