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Ideas are paper&pulp, powerplants, chemical. What else? and what country uses it in industry the most?

2007-08-26 10:58:02 · 5 answers · asked by DH 1 in Science & Mathematics Engineering

5 answers

Electricity generation is the largest single group of companies that use oil fire burners.

There are a huge number of other industries that use boilers to create steam or to boil liquids. How they are fueled depends on the cost of the available fuel and the factory design and the temperatures needed in the factory process.

Any company that uses an oil fired burner could easily convert to natural gas. Many homes in the North East are heated with oil fired burners, but almost no homes in the rest of the nation are, they use natural gas because the delivery system is cheaper.

The coffee industry uses oil fired burners (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffee_roasting)

Thanks to the oil crisis of the 1970s when OPEC first flexed its muscles a lot of companies have converted to another fuel; propane, natural gas etc. Of course in the end they all are oil based gasses so they end up costing a lot of money. That's why alternate energy sources are so important.

2007-08-26 11:13:31 · answer #1 · answered by Dan S 7 · 1 1

Boiler produces steam for heating/process use or driving turbinegenerators to produce electrical energygenergy . Fuel for the boilers commonly are coal/oil/natural gas or any other fuel gas/wood chips/ municipal solid waste/ biomass etc. Fuel is selected based on availability /economy/and type of boiler . Generally dual fuel firing boilers are prefered now a days, gas/ coal being the primary and HSD/Residual oil being the secondary fuel. Most of the boilers in power generation plants are like this.
All refineries still use residual oil fired boilers. Some process industry small capacity boilers/ heating furnaces are still using oil as fuel but most industries have switched over to other fuels since oil became costly .

2007-08-26 19:46:40 · answer #2 · answered by Swapan G 4 · 0 0

Any industry that uses large boilers usually has them set up to run on back-up fuel sources. I've worked in refineries, power plants, manufacturing plants, high technology research, office buildings and they all had boilers. Most were primarily fired on oil and a few only used oil as an alternate source.

2007-08-26 12:38:03 · answer #3 · answered by MrWiz 4 · 0 0

Oil industry

2007-08-26 16:17:22 · answer #4 · answered by Scott S 4 · 0 0

Don't leave out transportation....ships, trains, trucks [diesel]

2007-08-26 11:05:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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