Isn't it all a part of the assumed license to be judgmental about everything> Doesn't that seem a part of signing on as a god-believer and isn't it waht causes a good deal of the divide between people?
God-believers talk a good game when it comes to being tolerant but in reality they are the most judgmental groups around and I'm quite fed up with "tolerating" it. There are a few others who are thinking as I am, too.
I don't think that it does the world any good for non-believers of god to sit by and ignore the lies of the after-life bunch, including any of them and all of them from Jew to Muslim to everything near and between. It's time to speak loudly and clearly against the subjects of these misleading ways and against the divisivness they employ to fuel division between people and cause discord among nations.
"Yes" a return to innocense would be great... but we can't have that, can we? Let's stay focused on what we can have - honesty, justice, freedom, liberty, truth, and a wonderful place to live for all of us everywhere.
Retire god and embrace reality... and then do something to make a better world tomorrow. I say, "Let's all begin creating a real Eden."
[][][] r u randy? [][][]
2007-08-26 07:30:24
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
All of the things you've listed are all what's common to mankind. It would take a long time to sit down with you and explain this in its proper context. Reality ruins nothing for me, it simply mirrors very accurately what the bible wrote about millenia before I was born. No other religion has ever done this, and it's really ashame that not enough people seem to realize that it's not the adherents of Christianity that cause the division, it's the doctrine of the word itself. No other book in the history of the world has caused so much division of thought and belief among mankind as the Bible. A book that controversial, consistent, and enduring in its contents has got to have more truth about it than a mere perusal of its contents will ever reveal.
I'm not sure why you link religion and man's reality in the way you do, but one is abstract (religion), and the other very concrete (us). One does not imply the other unless they are both in agreement, and they obviously are not. Is that God's fault---or man's???
2007-08-26 06:40:32
answer #2
answered by RIFF 5
I progressed from the kind of Sunday School you refer to and into adulthood with my Christian beliefs still intact. For many years I went to church, even held religious meetings in my home. First I began to question the truth of the bible, then I became dissatisfied with the usual answers about the things you mention, hatred, wars, the cruelty in the world. Blaming it all on either the devil or the free will God gave us no longer did it for me. I believe as an atheist I can still lead a responsible, loving and caring life. I will never try to force my views on anyone else and I most certainly would not go to war over them.
2007-08-26 09:33:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It is the harsh reality of trying to live Christian in a world where most others are not. In Europe only 5% claim to be Christian anymore. And out of all the religions we have today are any following ALL of the Bible? If there is I can't find it. Each picks out their favorite lines and forgets the rest. The Catholic Church even removes lines to fit what they have decided you should do, NOT what Jesus said. Even the second Commandment is not in the Catholic Bible. It says God is a very jealous God and we are to NEVER pray to anyone one but GOD.... You have "gods" up there; do you believe there is more than one?
Even leaders that claim to be Christian have gone against the Bible to put there pride first.
For all of us to get along perfect, ALL pride and greed would have to be 100% gone. Leaders not put titles on themselves. All money not used for a nessary thing given to help others. Could everyone on the planet do it?
Believe and study the Best you can. There are even Christian Satalite dishes for under $15. a month
I wish it all could go back to a better time; but that is a dream. We are not in a dream. It could be that too many are trying to live dreams instead of life.
2007-08-26 06:38:37
answer #4
answered by geessewereabove 7
Ah, for the innocence of childhood. That is what I would like to have back. When Mommy and Daddy always made things "right". And your teacher's had all the answers.
My mother attended with me, (sometimes) when she wasn't suffering from her agoraphobia. My father never did.
Everything that was taught, was "right" or so I thought. It is as you grow up that you become disillusioned, but not just in religion, in all things. I no longer wonder why my popcorn "pops", or how my Mom gets the milkshakes just right and creamy. All my wonderment of youth is gone.
2007-08-26 06:39:18
answer #5
answered by Sapere Aude 5
I know exactly how you feel. It is very disheartening knowing God and seeing all the problems. This is where your faith and trust in Him will have to come up. People are immature and act out no matter if they are Christian or not. It takes awhile to become mature in Jesus and alot of us act like little kids with each other. We are selfish and want our own way and everyone else to be like us. If you keep your eyes and your heart on God you will not notice this problem so much. You will feel His love for others and be able to see beyond the downfalls. Jesus said He came to give us life and life more abundantly. We do not have to wait till death to enjoy our life. I don't know how He does it but there is a joy that He puts within us that sustains us through the difficult times. There are alot of wonderful loving Christians that give their lives to help others. Focus on these and ask God to show you the good things about life.
2007-08-26 06:16:56
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I think christians will point out that the reason for such division (hatred, racism, sexism, homosexuality, martyrdom and holy wars) are a result of satan, the unbelievers, and the not "true" christians.
I think christians will argue that until everyone is a "true" christian, there will continued strife and division in the world until the next coming of their messiah, who would implicitly put things to rights.
I think christians will not attribute anything bad or controversial to their god, but instead, attribute it to man's sinful nature (wages of sin is death) and to satan and his minions.
Yes, IMO, reality does not quite measure up to this worldview.
2007-08-26 06:12:40
answer #7
answered by CC 7
If life seems bad now for some people, then they always have comfort in knowing that it will get better someday when they die. All the hatred and stereotypes stem from insecurity. Insecurity about their beliefs and ways of life. People don't like to face reality because its not always so pretty and nice and black and white like heaven and hell. They like having the comfort of religion to get through times of distress. Its hard to face the facts, but luckily there are a few of us who have.
2007-08-26 06:12:24
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
you are not seriously suggesting that these things do not happen outside the church as well, are you? people are people...there are few that walk by the true spirit of God, many give over to their carnal nature both inside and outside the church, what you have done was to place your trust in PEOPLE rather than placing it in God when you were younger. You must remember not everyone who goes to church (I am talking of the Christian Church) even knows Christ...that is why Christ even said "not everyone who calls Lord Lord will see the kingdom" Their hearts were far from God, maybe some of the violators attended church because it was an easy mark...people wear MANY MASKS, But God KNOWS the heart.
PS Pangel that is why Jesus said that "the kingdom of heaven belong to such as these" (meaning the children) they are innocent..I feel sorry for those who lead children astray..I mean I really pity them
2007-08-26 06:55:47
answer #9
answered by candi_k7 5
I love Sunday school also ... when it was just sweet songs and colouring in sheets of Noah and Jesus
I hate growing up
innocence is wonderful
and I didnt realise the extent of the hate and bitterness until I came to R&S
in a way I wish I was still naive to it all , but then I think ... there isnt enough love and I want to help promote that
we should all be like children again
2007-08-26 06:11:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous