I agree with you. Completely and utterly and passionately. Too many people died for that right for people to so blatantly reject it.
2007-08-26 04:06:34
answer #1
answered by ~Heathen Princess~ 7
There are just biblical wars allowed for protection of God given rights, and there are unbiblical wars of greed. The war in Iraq is the latter. Call it anti-Amerikan to point that out if you choose, it doesn't change the fact that it is true.
Go here, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12319798/ and notice the reference to the Vatican, linking the antichrist system. Scratch and sniff to see if you don't smell smoke too.
2007-08-26 11:12:28
answer #2
answered by my_my_now 3
We are Americans, who, since our foundation, have disagreed with the way that others worshipped, disagreed with the way we are governed, and settled such disagreements through violence. Who cares about freedom, fighting is just what we do!
2007-08-26 11:09:20
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Actually, the only time I really attack religion is when religious fundamentalists attempt to legislate their moral/religious beliefs. I view the attempt to make America a Christian country a threat to the democratic ideal of free thought.
2007-08-26 11:09:03
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I think the main reason for this is that religions have to divide people in order to persist, combined with the fact that many (most?) Americans put their church ahead of their country.
Osama bin Commonsense (below) is a perfect example.
2007-08-26 11:04:47
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
In case you haven't noticed, there is a 'cultural war' in progress. On one side, we have sanity, rationality and critical thinking. In the opposing corner, we have gullibility, irrationality, willful ignorance, self-delusion, intellectual dishonesty, drooling stupidity and hypocrisy. This happens to be a battlegound in that war... essentially, a war of ideas. It is our ethical duty and moral responsibility as sane, rational human beings to intervene, in the hope of protecting vulnerable, questioning minds from the harmful ideological indoctrination (delusions) of 'religion'.
Right now, Christians are packaging up gullibility, irrationality, willful ignorance, self-delusion, intellectual dishonesty, drooling stupidity and hypocrisy into capsule form... and administering it to their children... and telling them that it is 'truth' and 'virtue'... like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xKDKq_PPbk&mode=related&search=
So... is that what we want to defend? The right to poison and destroy the minds of vulnerable, innocent children? Personally, I would rather fight to PROTECT the vulnerable and innocent minds of children, rather than acquiesce to the mental, psychological child-abuse of religious indoctrination... which I regard as a crime against humanity.
Get it now?
There's more. Consider the global warming, and the degradation of the environment. I think that everyone is still missing the REAL story... the story that accounts for why we're not making any real progress with regard to the environment and global warming. The real story is that the people who actually have the power to DO something about these problems do not think it matters. Every now and then, though, some blabbermouth lets something slip, which provides a critical insight:
"Reason must be deluded, blinded, and destroyed. Faith must trample underfoot all reason, sense, and understanding, and whatever it sees must be put out of sight and... know nothing but the word of God." ~ Martin Luther (This blabbermouth is for historical context, only.)
“My responsibility is to follow the Scriptures which call upon us to occupy the land until Jesus returns.” ~ James Watt, Former (US) Secretary of Interior, Washington Post, May 24, 1981
“We don't have to protect the environment, the Second Coming is at hand.” ~ James Watt, Former (US) Secretary of Interior, Washington Post, May 24, 1981
"I don't know how many future generations we can count on until the Lord returns." ~ James Watt, Former (US) Secretary of Interior, to a Congressional committee in 1981, quoted from "A Brief History of the Apocalypse"
It is not that the people who are high up in our government do not believe that the destruction of the environment, and global warming are immediate and dire threats... it is simply that they do not care about the threat. They believe that the return of Jesus is imminent... that this world will be destroyed, and a ‘new earth’ will be created for the ‘faithful’. So, it simply does not matter that the earth may soon be unfit to support human life. For this same reason, they are not concerned about the burgeoning national debt... they simply don’t think that anybody will be around to 'collect'. They are not concerned about future generations for the simple reason that they do not think there will be more that one or two future generations.
Of course, our ‘leaders’ cannot admit to this... if they were to do so, a large part of their ‘Satanically-misled’ constituency would denounce them and repudiate them. So... they prevaricate... they obfuscate... they lie... they deceive... they misrepresent... they ignore and even discredit the ‘science’. To them, it is no more than a delaying-game... a ‘rear guard’ action in what is (to them) a very real ‘war’... a war against Satan and his minions... and they think that they are the ‘good guys’. What a hoot... the 'good guys'... intentionally paving the path toward the destruction of civilization and humanity. In short... our leaders are quite insane.
These people think that they are the most moral of men... working tirelessly to further “god’s plan.” And since they are are working on behalf of ‘god’, they see absolutely nothing wrong with lying, cheating... whatever it takes to thwart and delay those who would interfere with “god’s plan.” In other words, lying to those who are doing the work of Satan is not regarded as a sin. They think that god gave man ‘dominion’ over the earth (from Genesis)... and they view it as their god-given duty to claim the earth, subdue it and use it... physically and politically... for the glory of god... and anybody that opposes those aims is, of course, working directly for (or deceived by) Satan.
This is the real story... and it is a BIG story... bigger than Watergate... bigger than global warming itself... real ‘Woodward and Bernstein’ stuff. It needs to be told... and these crazies need to be exposed... and stopped.
Don’t take my word for this... it is relatively easy to research. The best place to start would be in investigating ‘dominionism’... ‘theonomy’... ‘Christian reconstructionism’. Here are a few good places to start:
Here is an excerpt from the first link:
“Dominionists, are attempting to peacefully convert the laws of United States so that they match those of the Hebrew Scriptures. They intend to achieve this by using the freedom of religion in the US to train a generation of children in private Christian religious schools. Later, their graduates will be charged with the responsibility of creating a new Bible-based political, religious and social order.”
This endeavor has been underway for about 20 years now, and guess what? It's working.
Get it now?
If you like the idea of fighting for something... please... don't let it be fighting for the right of these delusional morons to destroy us.
2007-08-26 11:30:43
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i agree that it is not where we should be as a nation to be slamming each others' faiths or lack thereof...i believe that there is room to disagree without hate. no group, it seems, is immune from attack, and no group is immune from the tendency to belittle others-i guess it's who we are, unfortunately...we hold our beliefs strongly, and some of us can't seem to understand that not everyone sees things the same-it goes for religion, politics, lifestyle, even entertainment choices!
as for what paul s has said, OF COURSE many of us put our faith ahead of our country-as a Christian, i most certainly do, and i'm not afraid or ashamed to say that Christ comes before the USA in importance to me...Christ existed LONG before this country was created, and will continue existingLONG after this nation has ceased to be, and this world is just a cosmic memory...i love this country, always have and always will-but i worship Christ-and there's a world of difference
2007-08-26 11:18:29
answer #7
answered by spike missing debra m 7
Sadly, the religious right has convinced people to put their churches first, and to abandon the United States. You're right - it's terribly Anti-American.
Hey, Commonsense, soldiers died to protect the rights of Americans. If you don't like it, you can move to Afghanistan and settle with your Taliban buddies.
2007-08-26 11:05:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Those who belittle or insult atheists are not true followers of Christ.
If you have ever read the bible, Jesus said to "Shake the dust from your feet and walk away from the unbelievers"
2007-08-26 11:11:08
answer #9
answered by Bad Boy 300 3
I agree with Windom Earle... for the exact opposite reason.
The only time I attack religion is when I see these Left-Wing, Godless Zealots attempting to force their immorality on me and my family through the Judicial System in this country.
Having continually failed at the ballot box, the last bastion of hope to impose their radical liberal agenda on Americans...is through narrowly decided and narrow-minded court decisions.
The right, the Christians, the conservatives - we are only fighting back, because our values, our beliefs, everything we love and hold dear are constantly mocked, belittled, undermined and under assault.
2007-08-26 11:18:11
answer #10
answered by Anonymous