I just got back home.On the bus,I was sitting there listening to an old man,in about his late seventies.He was having a whinge about today's women.He said they they are too dominant in society,and it was better when they were basically barefoot and pregnant,and didn't have very many rights.He said that it was disgusting that women were ever allowed to have custody of children after divorce,and children belonged to the father.He thought that since the Bible said it was okay for parents to spank their child if he misbehaved,a husband should have the right to hit his wife if she wasn't being obedient or submissive enough.Do you get tired of these sorts of people hiding under the cloak of religion?
30 answers
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And by the way,I'm not saying that only men can be sexists.I've seen a couple of femalesthat thought men were useless morons and should all be put down.I hate it when both men AND women are like that.
15:40:06 ·
update #1
chocolahoma,there are a lot of things that I believe people of that era got right,and we have gotten wrong.I am not in any way denigrating the things that they did get right.But at the moment,I am talking about sexism,not the era as a whole.
15:52:23 ·
update #2
And it has nothing to do with his age or generation either.I only used it to describe him.I am full of gratitude for the generation that has worked so incredibly hard to make the world what it is.But spouse beating isn't just a 'modern sensibility'.
16:06:51 ·
update #3
He is just a bitter old man, I do not like sexists of either sex, and there are plenty of both.
2007-08-25 15:37:45
answer #1
answered by bgee2001ca 7
Well his theory might be backed up by society if men didn't decide that: f*ck women if men have to work then women should work and they might as well pay half and if the man is sick of the kids then has every right to walk away from his responsibilities as a father/husband/head of household. It was men that decided that they were no longer running the home. It was men that decided they will refuse responsibility, they get women pregnant and keep going, we get NOTHING from them.
If we are dominant it's because WE WERE FORCED TO BE. Women have become just as hard, cold, and callus as men, now they dare show any empathy at all at what They've done. They made their bed let 'em lie in it.
You should have told him to have raised his sons to be worth something by respecting and honoring their women and maybe they would have carried on some class and the traditions of upstanding family values.
If the old ways of family and home life have been destroyed I can only see one sex to point the finger at.
I suppose it's not bad enough that they've had faithfulness issues for centuries!
2007-08-25 15:53:49
answer #2
answered by ? 3
Sexism is touchy. It's like a lot of steryotypes, sometimes it's true. Are women worse drivers? Yeah I think so. Are women more un-neededly emotional? Again, Yeah, more women are than men. Should women be able to vote? Of course. Should women be lesser lifeforms compared to their husbends? No, of course not. Should women stay home, and take care of the kids while the man works? Yeah, considering women are far more maternal and men don't breast feed very well. Should women shave their armpits, even though men don't? That's rediculous, women shave their armpits because it's more attractive. In the same sense, men don't grow their hair long and put it in ponytails, it's just that way. I'm not sexist, in fact I hate all kinds of boggots. But you have to know what's sexism and what's just being silly. -Atheist.
2007-08-25 15:54:20
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
2007-08-25 15:42:13
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Do you ever get tired of sophists?
Dancedoodles BITTER, party of one....
The best parent for children is BOTH parents... It's not women who are dominant in society that makes it a fact of the courts that women almost always get custody. It's a function of the dominant gender in our society ( men) not giving a rats butt about their kids enough to want to raise them after their relationship has failed..
2007-08-25 15:40:19
answer #5
answered by Socratic Pig 3
Yeah. I just watched this fundamentalist video and the guy was talking about how the breasts of women are meant only for man and his children, not for her personal use. And that women "are not stand alone people", as in, they need their husbands to survive. Thats just sick.
2007-08-25 15:38:57
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
2007-08-25 15:37:11
answer #7
answered by AuroraDawn 7
Yes. I once delivered a letter to a women's organisation, and I understand the need for protection, but do they really need to snap the envelope from my hand and slam the door in my face?
2007-08-25 15:50:00
answer #8
answered by Klute 5
I quit going to church because the more religious someone says they are, usually the more they have to hide. Sexism is an ugly thing that is practiced by weak and egocentric people.
2007-08-25 15:44:56
answer #9
answered by ladyjane 3
ignore father time
he's just saying his last words.
then he'll die with the rest of the sexcist class of 1803
And it has nothing to do with religion. He was totally wrong and thats not what the bible was saying. It says love your wife as you love yourself, and to spank your kids, your wife is not your child, so you cant blame religon
2007-08-25 15:39:03
answer #10
answered by Anonymous