Christian Science is not the same as Scientology. Christian Science is a very well thought out religion founded by Mary baker Eddy. It is extremely thought provoking. I am not a member of Christian Science, but I have studied it in detail and was very impressed. It is definitely a religion for people that want to think and not follow blindly. The religion has been able to attract some of the most educated believers in this country.
2007-08-25 13:21:18
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Scientology was founded in 1952 by american author and philiospher L. Ron Hubbard, more than 60 years after the founding of Christian Science by Mary Baker Eddy.
There is no relations between the Church of Scientology and the First Church of Christ, Scientist. Scientology is not based on Chrisitanity, but shares the viewpoints of many philosphies of the east.
As a matter of interest, Scientologists who train to be ordained ministers must study scriptures in the Bible as part of their studies.
Scientology is an applied religious philosophy aimed at helping the able become more able and to handle those areas in life which man does not see fit. It embraces all aspects of life and it ministers to an all denominational congregation. You need not convert to be a Scientologist.
I dont know much about Christian Science and their website should be consulted to better understand their beliefs, or visit their page at
I have never met any Christian Scientists who have studied Dianetics or Scientology but you can say that our aims and theirs are in the same neighborhood.
2007-08-25 14:08:52
answer #2
answered by Christobal D 2
no they are totally different.
At the core of Christian Science is the teaching that God and God's creation are entirely good and spiritual, and that God has made all things in His likeness. Christian Scientists hold that the reality of being and of all existence is spiritual, not material. They see this spiritual reality as the only reality and all else as illusion or 'error'. Christian Science acknowledges that we all seem to be experiencing a material existence, but holds that this experience ultimately yields to a true spiritual understanding of God and creation. They believe that this is how healing through prayer is possible.
Scientology holds that an individual is an immortal spiritual being who has a body and a mind, and that each individual is adversely affected by events that occur when he is fully or partially unconscious, which are stored in the reactive mind. These beliefs are covered in detail in Hubbard's book, Dianetics: the Modern Science of Mental Health. Scientology training and counseling aims to eliminate these adverse effects and to allow devotees to regain native spiritual abilities lost over the course of many lifetimes.[9] Scientology claims to be applicable in all facets of life, including programs for organizational management,[10] study skills,[11] and drug-rehabilitation.
2007-08-25 13:16:01
answer #3
answered by Tim 47 7
There are a bunch of differences.
Christian Science prefers to rely on "prayer, faith and spiritual healing" rather than drugs and surgery. They believe that Jesus was "the Wayshower", a proof by example of the divine method of healing sin, sickness and death. They aren't officially forbidden to accept drug treatment or undergo surgery, though most do in accordance with the Biblical interpretations and teachings of Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of the church.
Scientology does not teach any members to refuse medical treatment that would ensure their survival. The medicine Scientology opposes is psychotropic drugs (which includes drug treatment for conditions like ADHD, schizophrenia and autism, and pretty much excludes use of everything from aspirin and caffeine to LSD and heroin). They pretty much support only drugs that will save your life. There are no teachings which prohibit surgery or blood transfusion.
Both were founded by previously unremarkable individuals. Mary Eddy, mentioned above, was the youngest of 6 children. She developed Christian Science in 1869 after turning to the Bible, experiencing a sudden abatement of her symptoms, and coming to the conclusion that was an illusion that could be healed through a clearer perception of God. L. Ron Hubbard was a mediocre science fiction writer with an interest in the occult and in making money. He created a new self-help method (Dianetics), called it a religion and henceforth Scientology was born.
The scripture of Christian Science of obviously the Bible. They also, as mentioned previously, rely on the teachings and writing of Mary Eddy. The "scripture" in Scientology are the writings of Hubbard. What Hubbard has said and wrote is considered infallible and invaluable and NOT subject to interpretation.
Christian Scientists are generally like Christians besides the issues they have with modern medicine. They rely on the Bible, consider God and Jesus to be their personal saviors, go to church, pray, etc etc. Scientologists, on the other hand, are TOLD that believe in God is compatible with Scientology while the TRUTH is that Hubbard has stated that belief in Christ and God is an "implant", a false mental implant.
When it comes to ethics and morality, Scientology subscribes to Hubbard's interpretation of "ethics". Read more about it here:
Christian Scientists follows the commandments and teachings of the Bible just like Christians.
2007-08-25 21:40:03
answer #4
answered by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7
Scientology isn't a Christian faith at all. It was founded by L. Ron Hubbard. Here's a website for it:
Christian science (the Church of Christ, Scientist) is a denomination of Christianity which calls itself "the science of Christianity." Here's a website for it:
2007-08-25 13:17:59
answer #5
answered by N 6
They both have "science" in the title, despite not practicing actual science. And that's about the only thing they have in common.
The Christian Science church is a denomination of Christianity, which has a particular focus on rejecting medical treatment.
Scientology is a completely different religion developed by L. Ron Hubbard, which bases its beliefs more on psychological claims than anything metaphysical.
I suppose you could say that both reject certain drug treatment in favor of something else (prayer in the case of Christian Science, "auditing" for Scientology), but that's it.
2007-08-25 13:20:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
They both have strong feelings against drugging away symptoms instead of treating causes. Other than that they are very different. Scientology believes that your cure is in yourself if you are shown how. The Christ Science believes that God, thru Jesus, can cure you.
Usually neither one of them, with millions of members, goes to an extreme of causing death instead of going to a hospital for anything major. But there have been some stories of fanatics on both sides.
2007-08-26 07:07:29
answer #7
answered by Gandalf Parker 7
Chrsitian Science is a pretty silly religion in its own right, I think; but at least THEY don't believe that your brain is infested with million year old aliens! Scientology is faqaqta!!!
2007-08-26 02:37:53
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Christian Science has absolutely NOTHING to do with Scientology.
Christian Science was founded by Mary Baker Eddy and they don't believe in modern medicine. Their holy texts include the Bible and a book called "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," written by Eddy (sort of the Christian Science answer to the Book of Mormon, if you will).
Scientology, on the other hand, was founded by L. Ron Hubbard and their biggest beef is with psychiatry. Their doctrine is based heavily on science fiction, being that Hubbard was a science fiction writer.
2007-08-25 13:46:29
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Scientology Christian
2016-11-04 00:59:47
answer #10
answered by ? 4