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One morning in spring 1942, U-boats from the German Navy attack tankers bringing oil from Lake Maracaibo in nearby Venezuela to Curaçao and its refineries. Life on the island, which had been somewhat idyllic despite the war, begins to change as the U-boat remains offshore and no shipping will come without a naval escort, which the U.S. cannot yet provide. Eleven-year-old Phillip Enright's parents are divided whether to stay on the island or not. His father, an expert in producing aviation gasoline, works at the refinery for Royal Dutch Shell and cannot leave. However, his mother wants to return to her native Virginia.

After the spectacular sinking of a British tanker, his parents decided that Phillip and his mother will leave. Phillip would prefer to stay but has no choice. They risk a passage on a Dutch freighter bound first for Panama and then Miami, even though Phillip's father advises them to fly, Philip's Mother declines because she is scared of flying.

Off the coast of Panama, the freighter is torpedoed, and Phillip is knocked unconscious and separated from his mother by the ship's boom while trying to escape. He wakes up four hours later to find he has been rescued by an old black sailor named Timothy and is sharing a raft with him and Stew Cat, who had belonged to the ship's cook.

Timothy builds a shelter on the raft by using of their clothing and catches flying fish to eat. Since Phillip's mother is prejudiced against black people, and has passed some of those attitudes on to her son, Phillip is wary of Timothy despite his kindness and resents that Timothy treats him like a small child.

After several days, Phillip's head injury causes him to go blind, forcing him to rely on Timothy for his own survival. They eventually find land, an uncharted cay in the dangerous reef area called Devil's Mouth, where they live for many months.

During the stay on the cay, Phillip comes to realize that his prejudice against black people is wrong, and he becomes friends with Timothy. Timothy becomes sick with malaria, and the pair must deal with a hurricane that passes across the island. The storm had torn apart the eighty year old Timothy and slowly but surely Timothy died. However a couple weeks later Phillip is rescued by a boat. Phillip has surgery to his head and when the bandages come off he can see again.

2007-08-25 10:50:41 · 5 answers · asked by Betty D 1 in Society & Culture Languages

5 answers

Read the book. It's really not that bad. And then write your own report!

2007-08-25 11:49:37 · answer #1 · answered by mthompson828 6 · 0 0

What you're doing is an actual crime and you can be sued for it; it's called "plagiarism," which is copying someone else's work and passing it off as your own. Your teacher will know that it's not your work because he/she will see how different it is from the way you ordinarily write. Read the work and then write about it in your own words using your own style. You're asking for trouble if you keep cheating this way.

2007-08-25 18:54:19 · answer #2 · answered by Elaine P...is for Poetry 7 · 1 0

#1 Change the names
#2 Shorten or omit some of the details in the story
#3 Find a synonym for the word "Idyllic" and any other words you normally don't use

#4 Read it outloud and then rewrite it in your own words

2007-08-25 18:05:33 · answer #3 · answered by jasondharrison 3 · 0 0

¿Cómo puedo reformular yo este párrafo sin hacerlo tan obvio?

Una mañana en la primavera 1942, los U-BARCOS de los petroleros alemanes del ataque de la Armada que traen el petróleo del Lago Maracaibo en Venezuela cercana a curasao y sus refinerías. La vida en la isla, que había sido algo idílico a pesar de la guerra, comienza a cambiar como el U-BARCO se queda cercano a la costa y ningún envío vendrá sin una escolta naval, que los EE.UU. pueden todavía no proporciona. Los padres de once años de Enright de Phillip son divididos si permanecer en la isla o no. Su padre, un experto a producir gasolina de aviación, trabaja en la refinería para el Esqueleto holandés Real y no puede salir. Sin embargo, su madre quiere volver a su Virginia nativa.

Después de que el hundimiento espectacular de un petrolero inglés, sus padres decidieran que Phillip y su madre saldrán. Phillip preferiría permanecer pero no tiene elección. Ellos se arriesgan un pasaje en un buque de carga holandés salta primero para Panamá y entonces Miami, aunque padre de Phillip los aconsejen a volar, los descensos de Madre de Philip porque ella son espantados de volar.

Lejos la costa de Panamá, el buque de carga es torpedeado, y Phillip es golpeado inconsciente y separado de su madre por el estampido del barco al tratar de escapar. El se despierta cuatro horas de encontrar luego que él ha sido rescatado por un marinero ***** viejo Timoteo denominado y comparte una balsa con él y con Gato de Estofado, que había pertenecido al cocinero del barco.

El timoteo construye un refugio en la balsa utilizando de su ropa y agarra pez volador para comer. Desde que madre de Phillip es predispuesta contra personas negras, y ha pasado algunos de esas actitudes en a su hijo, Phillip recela de Timoteo a pesar de su bondad y se resiente ese Timoteo lo trata como un pequeño niño.

Después de que varios días, herida en la cabeza de Phillip lo cause que vaya ciego, lo forzando a depender de Timoteo para su propia sobrevivencia. Ellos encuentran finalmente la tierra, un cay inexplorado en el área peligrosa de escollo llamó Boca de Diablo, donde ellos viven por muchos meses.

Durante el permanece en el cay, Phillip viene a darse cuenta de que su prejuicio contra personas negras está equivocado, y él llega a ser amigos con Timoteo. El timoteo se enferma con malaria, y el par debe tratar con un huracán que pasa a través de la isla. La tempestad había despedazado al Timoteo de ochenta años de edad y lentamente pero seguramente Timoteo se murió. Sin embargo una semanas de la pareja Phillip posterior es rescatado por un barco. Phillip tiene la cirugía a la cabeza y cuando las vendas sueltan él puede ver otra vez.

2007-08-25 17:57:00 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

that's not a paragraph

2007-08-25 18:03:41 · answer #5 · answered by chilicooker_mkb 5 · 0 0

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