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So why do so many of you keep pretending that you're being persecuted? You outnumber everyone else by at least 7-1. So how can you blame the minority for oppressing YOU. You're the ones that elect most people into office, and you usually only elect other christians. So wouldn't it be more accurate to say that you all persecute yourselves? You can point the finger at organizations like the ACLU or whatever else you feel is your oppressor, but those organizations don't make the laws, the people you elect to office do that. So, who's really persecuting you? Even better, are you really persecuted, or are the majority of you the persecutors?

2007-08-25 07:54:04 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

Once upon a similar question, I was informed that the gay community was "persecuting" Christians. I know. I nearly fell out of my chair too. Apparently, the Christian definition of persecution is the inability to force everyone to live as you have decided they should. Personally, I find myself long tired of being called evil by twits complaining to be persecuted for not be able to force their fantasy beliefs on me.

2007-08-25 12:40:19 · answer #1 · answered by God 6 · 5 0

Well, now wait a minute... I DO occassionally persecute the people you have in mind...

I persecute those who fix elections and perpetuate the myth that Christianity is law...
I persecute those who fail to care for the least among us because of their egos...
I persecute those who do not equate war with murder...
I persecute those who think they can weigh the morale and righteousness of others...
I persecute those who would deny housing to hurricane victims because they didn't own housing prior...

These people are not Christ-followers at all... and I think they deserve a little persecution from time to time...

And I think that Christians should not give so much shelter and support to these betrayers of their faith.

Jesus was a liberal - why aren't you?

2007-08-25 09:28:25 · answer #2 · answered by rabble rouser 6 · 2 0

I am going to answser this even though I am an Israeli/American Jew.
Christians are feeling a "backlash". Muslims are allowed to wear their religious articles and most Jews I know are allowed to wear ours but teachers and others have been forced to take off their crosses for fear of offending people.
I have been persecuted by people who claim to be Chrisians but they are far from it. I believe a person who is a true Christian would never persecute anyone.
We have gone so overboard with being poltically correct and protecting the rights of Muslims that Christians have felt the affect.
Yes, we elect leaders. Everyone of every faith elects them but times can change in the 4 years people are in power. Our last two presidents were/will in power for 16 years combined. Things change in 16 years. The ACLU is partially to blame because they are funded by Saudi Arabian funds and also have a very deep coffers.
It would be a mistake to say true Christians persecute others or themselves (which is just silly). It would be more accurate to say the problem can partially be found in people who profess Christianity but seem to have no real grip of what that means.

2007-08-25 09:45:40 · answer #3 · answered by Feivel 7 · 0 2

Being "officially" persecuted is good for business. It keeps you ahead of any possible harm because it´s like having your big brother behind you in a toddler´s fight. The government is backing you up so you can basically do as you please: you can do no wrong.

I have no animosity for jews, on the contrary, I happen to like them a lot. Still, check when a movie is related to the holocaust... It usually gets an Academy Awards: The Schindler´s List, The Pianist, La Vida es Bella, etc...

It´s good for them to remind the world that they have suffered. Guilt is a prodigious catalyst for cash flow.

In any case, I´m basically not against people, only against some ideologies... and sorry to say... against religion.
So basically yes, I do agree with you.

2007-08-25 16:14:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It's funny because I just had this talk with my mom last night. I love my mother, don't get me wrong - but she always has to bring up religion when we talk. I'm pagan - she's Southern Baptist... thankfully blood is thicker than water - but when you put the religion in there it's like the oil to separate us.

Seriously, she would bring it up, and then I just said I don't want to talk about it - and then I got goaded into it and once I disagreed with her 'facts' it was all - well why don't you leave this country? You aren't allowed to dissent! You and people like you make it harder for us God Fearing people to live in peace. It's so black and white with many Christians and I get to a point that enough is enough.

I think that they see it as - my way or the highway - and now that there are more and more non-Christians open about their beliefs - and all this immorality in the world - they can't fathom that real Christians would let the world act the way it does. There is no reason or rhyme - and certainly no point trying to point out the error of their ways. They see it only the way they want and put blinders on to any truth other than the Bible.

2007-08-25 08:27:40 · answer #5 · answered by Willalee 5 · 5 0

on a similar time as Europe became construction universities and recovering guidance usa became going throughout the time of the frontier point the place charlatan preachers made a reliable residing from fake preaching! for this reason almost all the extremist Christian sects and cults are American! besides the fact that usa has now caught up on universities and almost on guidance it form of feels the indoctrination of very, very youthful little ones is so extreme it is protecting returned their skill to the two see the certainty or to step into actuality! yet even in usa Christianity has lost over ten consistent with cent in under a decade!

2016-10-09 05:38:03 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Ugh. I've lost track of the number of times I have been told that this is a Christian nation and that if I don't like it I should go to some other country. Somehow my not agreeing is persecution to them.

2007-08-25 08:34:07 · answer #7 · answered by Sun: supporting gay rights 7 · 6 0

They are persecuting each other. There are so many branches or "sects" of Christianity and none of them can agree with each other, even though their main goal is all the same, supposedly. Lutherans, Baptists, Presbyterians, Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc... they're all bible-based CHRISTIANS and none of them can agree....so they bash each other, which really ends up equaling bashing themselves.

2007-08-25 10:24:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Uh oh, you're messing up their pity party with the facts. I think the ones that like to cry about persecution are just wanting to add excitement and drama to their lives. Others want to feel special, like they are martyrs for a divine cause.

2007-08-25 08:00:28 · answer #9 · answered by Graciela, RIRS 6 · 14 0

But its such a great PR move for the Radical Religious Right! Nothing like a little fear-mongering to get people up-in-arms behind you....

2007-08-25 23:49:30 · answer #10 · answered by Mr. Niceguy 2 · 2 0

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