A Protestant is a member of a Western Christian church whose faith and practice are founded on the principles of the Reformation. Essentially, any Western Christian religion that is not Catholic. Baptists are one sect of Protestantism.
Catholics and Baptists have a lot in common. They both worship the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, just like other Christians. They do not worship anyone else. They both believe in the necessity of Christ’s death in order to achieve salvation. There are some smaller differences between them, however. Here are the main ones:
1. Saints. Catholics will pray to saints, asking them to intercede on their behalf. Baptists don't do this, and don't really have saints. Also, Catholics believe Mary was born without sin (the "immaculate conception"). Protestants do not.
2. Structure. Catholicism has a hierarchical structure with the pope at the top, then cardinals, bishops, priests, deacons, other religious, and laypeople. This is not to say Catholics follow the pope mindlessly or above God, just that he acts as a father and a guide for the Church. Baptists do not have this structure, but rely on small self-governing communities.
3. Bible. Baptists use a Bible that is the same as the Catholic Bible, except for the books of Tobit, Judith, Esther, 1st and 2nd Maccabees, Baruch, and Sirach. These were removed. Also, Baptists look to the Bible as their sole source of religious authority. Catholics look to the Bible, the Church, and Tradition.
4. Sacraments. Baptists acknowledge Baptism and Communion as their sacraments. Catholics acknowledge these as well as Confirmation, Reconciliation, Marriage, Holy Orders, and Annointing of the Sick.
5. The Eucharist. Catholics say that the Eucharist is the essence of Christ, present with them. They worship Christ in and through the Eucharist. Baptists think the Eucharist is bread, symbolic of Christ, but not actually Christ.
6. Baptism. Catholics believe in infant baptism; Baptists do not.
7. Salvation. Baptists believe that salvation can only come from accepting Christ as your savior. Essentially, no matter how good a person is on their own, because they're not perfect, they wouldn't be able to make it to heaven if it weren't for Chirst's sacrifice. Catholics believe this is true, but that you also have to 'walk the walk, not just talk the talk.' Salvation is based on the acceptance of Christ as savior combined with good works.
2007-08-25 05:04:58
answer #1
answered by Caritas 6
Baptists are protestant. Any denomination that protests the Catholic Church is called protestant. All Christian "churches" with the exception of the Orthodox church are protestant. The Catholic church was started by Jesus himself, and entrusted to Peter. Peter was the first Pope of the Catholic Church. Contrary to what protestants say the Roman Emperor Constantine was never a Pope.
Since some of the clergy had become corrupt and took advantage of people, some groups of people decided to break away from the Catholic Church. Martin Luther is a prime example. He was a Catholic Monk and didn't like the corruption he saw so he started the Lutheran Church. The function of the protestants is to protest the Catholic Church. While some are nice and giving to others some are not and spread lies about the Catholic Church and use people to get money from them. These are false teachers and the Lord will deal with them. Only two Christian denominations are truly churches the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church, because they can trace their lineage back to the original 12 Apostles. The rest are merely eccliastic groups. These groups as long as they follow the teaching of Jesus and accept him as Lord and Savior have the means of salvation.
2007-08-24 12:53:18
answer #2
answered by Deslok of Gammalon 4
They are all different sects of Christianity, but as with any three different sects, they have their own ideas on what combination of personal study, "faith vs. works", ceremonial traditions, importance of certain Bible passages, etc. is the best way to go about it.
Actually, Protestantism is a more vague term for sects that have their roots in the reformation led by Martin Luther in the 16th century. Baptists could technically fall under this category. Catholicism has its roots in being the first organized sect of Christianity, citing Peter as the first Pope (the first in a line of many to follow up to their present Pope). Protestant religions have a much more stricter emphasis on personal Bible study and no laws of celibacy for clergy. One notable difference between Catholics and Baptists is that Catholics practice infant baptism, while Baptists (as the name implies) believe Baptism should only be reserved for people old enough to understand the religion.
These pages explain more:
2007-08-24 12:44:16
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Catholic is "The" Church, historically. There are many rituals and observations within that church, and Seven Sacraments.
Protestant is all Christian churches that are not Catholic. Martin Luther protested many of the rituals and observances and too-many sacraments. Other leaders thought he had it right to question these things and these "protesters" split from the Catholic church.
Baptists are Protestants whoe believe in full-immersion baptism in order to be saved and cleansed of sin.
2007-08-24 12:46:21
answer #4
answered by Ruth C 7
"What separates us as believers in Christ is much less than what unites us." (Pope John XXIII)
Almost all important doctrine is completely agreed upon between Catholic Christians and other Christians.
Here is the joint declaration of justification by Catholics (1999), Lutherans (1999), and Methodists (2006):
By grace alone, in faith in Christ's saving work and not because of any merit on our part, we are accepted by God and receive the Holy Spirit, who renews our hearts while equipping us and calling us to good works.
There are many minor doctrine issues and some major cultural traditional differences which, I believe, do not matter that much.
A Catholic worships and follows Christ in the tradition of Catholicism which, among other things, recognizes that Christ made Peter the leader of His new Church and Pope Benedict XVI is Peter's direct successor.
For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church: http://www.usccb.org/catechism/text/index.htm
With love in Christ.
2007-08-24 16:25:17
answer #5
answered by imacatholic2 7
Baptists go out and tell everybody they have the true faith.
Other Protestants believe they have the right to discover the true faith by trial and error, according to their personal preferences.
Catholics have always had the true faith, but they've done a lousy job of promoting it.
2007-08-24 13:51:28
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It is not the difference you should be seeking, but rather what is the same... They all (including all of the other Christian dominations) make up their own interpretations based on their own personal bias. Think about it. They all claim the same religion (Christianity), but claim that their specific points of view (denominations) are the correct ones. In my opinion they should each be claiming the Christian title, drop the denomination, and accuse each other of blasphemy.
2007-08-24 12:46:09
answer #7
answered by T M 6
Catholics get good 'wine', Protestants get grape juice.
2007-08-24 12:46:08
answer #8
answered by Dysthymia 6
Different men made each religion. That is why I don't do religion. It is man made rules & regulations on how to worship God.
I choose to follow Christ's teachings and commandments. I am a Christ follower - a Christian. No man made rules in true Christianity. Just follow Jesus' example.
2007-08-24 12:42:53
answer #9
answered by Kaliko 6
I don't know much about Protestant, but I think the difference is the way they interpret the Bible. If your Catholic you just make up your own parts to it.
2007-08-24 12:40:16
answer #10
answered by spinelli 4