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The first bit when there were no humans around, how did that get there? It is written in the form of an eyewitness account, but that seems rather unlikely. It's not written by God directly, because it is in the third person. So who wrote it? There's zero explanation, not even a little "God told me to write this down, so"?

Secondary question: When and how did humans learn writing and for that matter, language? And what was that first language?

2007-08-24 07:38:15 · 16 answers · asked by The Son of Man 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

primoa1970: as usual, you did not read the whole question, nor did you understand it. Quelle surprise.

2007-08-24 07:42:56 · update #1

primoa1970: please be so kind to back your words up with scripture. I missed that bit. It's a big book.

2007-08-24 07:45:13 · update #2

16 answers

I think that the assumption is that Moses wrote the first 5 books; this is largely due to him receiving the commandments, it is also Jewish tradition that he did. There are other theories that each of the Talmud books were written by different people. There is currently no evidence to support either supposition. However evidence of the Hebrew people doesn't appear until around the 12th or 13th century BCE

Proto-Semitic inscriptions have been found in Egypt dating back to the 18th century BCE. However many civilizations had developed writing before that. As for spoken language, it's hard to date when humans first communicated verbally.

Sorry, I may have used the term "Talmud" incorrectly....

2007-08-24 07:57:07 · answer #1 · answered by Pirate AM™ 7 · 2 0

As for the first question, tradition holds that it was Moses (except for the last couple chapters of Deuteronomy, which tradition holds was written by Joshua).
The part in Genesis was actually probably an oral tradition that was passed down through the generations. Keep in mind that the Israelite people not only didn't have a name, but they didn't have a country. At least, not until after the Exodus.

As for your secondary question, I honestly don't know. There are Sumerian writings that are, what, more than six thousand years old? But there's no way to tell exactly what the "first" language was. It would be quite interesting to discover, though, that at one point all of the world spoke the same language.

2007-08-24 07:47:05 · answer #2 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 1 0

Scholastically speaking, possibly the Torah (in Exodus I think) was either written by God or given Moses to write down on Mt. Sinai. Now, as for the bit about Adam and Eve -Genesis, these were written by believers of the Judaic faith. As well as all the other books of the Old Testament. Same goes for the New Testament -written by a number of different people over a couple hundred years.

Some believe they were inspired writings -by God.

As far as the first language, etc....not sure..never took any linguistic classes. And I wouldn't trust anything wikipedia says on these matters either-they can be altered by anyone.

2007-08-24 07:52:25 · answer #3 · answered by SisterSue 6 · 0 0

Moses was the first writer of the Bible. He wrote under God's inspriation, partially putting to paper the information handed down by the Hebrews about their God and adding to it from what he himself experienced. Genesis (that part that starts before there were folks) is God's answer to Moses' question of Who He is that the Hebrews should follow Him. They knew the the events that had taken place because it was passed down from generation to generation. I dare say we could not match today the feat of continuing an oral tradition, but this was a thing that was essential back then. Because we don't have to rely on it and cannot possibly succeed at such a thing today we don't think it's really possible, but it was, just as it was for other cultures. Leviticus is an account of the giving of the Law and Deuteronomy is the 2nd giving of the Law, necessitated by Moses' breaking of the original tablets of the law. Exodus is actually where Moses began writing, and Numbers was an account of the lineages of the Hebrews.

2007-08-24 07:49:41 · answer #4 · answered by Steve 5 · 1 0

there is no 'Christian belief' about who started writing the Bible. There is an ancient tradition that Moses wrote the first five books, by divine revelation (as a prophet) but no one has to believe it. Christians believe that scripture studies can give us the history of the transmission of the texts of the Bible, and some of their background. For example, the stories of creation are perhaps using as sources ancient writings of the Near East.

second question, that is a matter of great study and conjecture with philologists and archaeologists. no one knows. writing maybe the ancient Phoenicians.

I will add: the beginning of the Bible does not claim to be eyewitness. Only Johanne in his letters claims to be eyewitness.

2007-08-24 07:51:26 · answer #5 · answered by rebecca v d liep 4 · 1 0

You've asked for Christian "beliefs," but perhaps you'd also be interested in the Tanakh (OT)...

Scholars have shown that it was written between 1200 and 700 BCE. Just because it wasn't written as it was happening, doesn't mean that it's not true. There are many lessons to be learned about living together as moral humans from the allegories and metaphors in the Bible.

Everything in the Bible is true, and some of it actually happened.

Read "Who Wrote the Bible?" by Richard Elliott Friedman.

2007-08-24 07:54:15 · answer #6 · answered by Hatikvah 7 · 1 0

I maintain my Christian beliefs because all of your questions HAVE been answered. 1. First, no one ever said Christians are perfect. 2. Homosexuality is a sin. When we sin, we need to repent and stop the sin in order to be forgiven. 3. Heaven does exist, and so does hell. God doesn't want anyone to go to hell, but people have the choice whether or not to go there. 4. In Heaven there is no pain or sadness. 5. In Heaven, there is no marriage. We will know each other, but not need each other as on earth. We will fellowship. 6. We know God and Jesus exist because the Bible says they do, and we believe with faith that it is true. Yes, the Bible was written by man, but God told them what to write. 7. I believe everything that the Bible says. I do not need to witness a miracle. I believe with faith. And for me, that's all it takes.

2016-05-17 05:36:41 · answer #7 · answered by crystal 3 · 0 0

If you read "The Book Of Enoch" (a deleted book from the Bible) you will see that God showed things to him and that he was instructed to record some of the events.
I don't know what the first language was, but it is obvious that some form of communication existed. If it hadn't, no one would have reproduced. God gave us common knowledge--sort of like animal instinct.
I'm sure the human race was not a result of constant rape, and we needed instinctive knowledge to care for our young.

2007-08-24 07:48:19 · answer #8 · answered by Me 6 · 0 0

Moses wrote the first four books of the bible. some say tha first five, but that is impossible becuz in Deuterotomy, Moses' death is mentioned. so more than likely, one of moses' children finished that book.

Eve and Adam spoke in the garden after Eve at an apple from the tree of good and evil. and for writing, moses wrote the first four books of the bible and part of the fifth. so as far as we can go back, moses was tha first to write

2007-08-24 07:48:32 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

God First Sent messegers and done some kind of religions . which this 1 is from the Christians !!. A man of course wrote the Bible to save the religion . and as I guess copied it by writing them down again . !!

but at finaly God Sent The Mesegger and Prophet Mohamed (ص) to make a new religion and the last one . which include all the religions of the old ones and new rules . The Rligion's name is The Islam which means . (peace ,being together to be strong ...etc ) . It Became so big in about 35-45 years . it took all the Ground of Saudi Arabia and about half of Africa . and became biger and biger !!.

2007-08-24 07:51:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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