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Why is it that people that don't even read the bible only talk about believing in the bible when it comes bashing homosexuals? Stating that homosexuality is a sin in the bible and that all homosexuals will go to hell. How do these people know this? They obviously have no knowledge of the bible or even their so called religion. I have been raised to be a Christian and although I don't go to church that often, I believe in God. First learn about your religion and study what is said in the books and then go around telling people they are living their lives in the wrong way. Who is to say what is right? Who is to say what is normal? All of these things are really starting to annoy me. Tell me where it says "homosexuality is a sin" in the bible. Provide me with page numbers and sections and I will read and tell you I am wrong if I am. Thank you.

2007-08-24 06:45:16 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality


2007-08-24 06:59:00 · update #1

26 answers

Just a few. There are more....

I'm not Christian btw


2007-08-24 06:49:42 · answer #1 · answered by Bug Fuggy 5 · 2 0

As other people have already stated, the bible most certainly does condemn homosexuality. What a lot of people don't think about, however, is that nowhere does it condone homosexual bashing. People with homosexual inclinations were still created by God, and as such still maintain the dignity that every human is endowed with.

As stated in the CCC, the origin of homosexuality is largely unexplained and has taken many different forms in different cultures. The point is that where it comes from inconsequential. If it's really true that you have no say in your sexual orientation then how can it be your fault? Either way, "homosexuals," just like the rest of us are still called to chastity. It is only through a true understanding of marriage that we can fully appreciate why homosexual acts are wrong. That being said, any sex act outside the bonds of marriage is forbidden, homosexual or not.

God bless

2007-08-24 15:05:24 · answer #2 · answered by Thom 5 · 2 0

To start with I would like to put forward the premise that the gospels are not meant to be exalted above other divinely inspired scripture. Also the gospels themselves though of great value historically and to our faith are not comprehensive, we find out more from the other books of the bible old and new. Also we should ask ourselves if it was not mentioned in the bible does that mean Jesus didn't care, because he didn't say don't beat your wife either, just as an example. Here is a New Testament quote for you that will start leading us to why Judeo-Christian heritage moves away from the homosexual movement, "“But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate" (Mark 10:6-9). There are some other scriptural quotes that are usually used in this debate, "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable." [NIV Leviticus 18:22], "Because of this, God gave them over to their own shameful lusts. Even their women exchanging natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received themselves the penalty for their perversion." [Romans 1:26-27] So these are a few examples that are often used in the debate. There are counter arguments that bring up translation errors, or contextual issues.

2007-08-24 14:03:40 · answer #3 · answered by Rational Humanist 7 · 1 0

I agree about the whole, "knowledge of the bible before you give an answer to someone". I couldnt tell you where it is in the bible it says that it is wrong. I was taught it back when i was bisexual. I wasnt really into God at the time but i know its in there and if i could point it out i would.

God bless

(to the others)
And honestly... if your sick of yahoo answers then just stay off it!!!

2007-08-24 13:52:33 · answer #4 · answered by Gone Fishing 4 · 2 0

It does not really matter what a book says nor the belief in religion. It comes down to two things freedom and treat others like you would want to be treated.

We are free in this country people die for that freedom so we should treat people like they are free.

Number 2 not all religions last, no matter how long they are around. Look how long the Egyptians believed in their gods and were are they now?

So like always you peel back the layers of BS and you can see one group of people want to control another group of people and use Gods name to do so.

Now is that mess up or what?

2007-08-24 15:18:35 · answer #5 · answered by blazingfrog 1 · 1 1

Check Leviticus.

The intellectually stunted today take issue with it, so why wouldn't the Iron Age scribes that wrote the Bible not take issue with it? The Bible *is* anti-homosexuality. Why are you demanding that it be rewritten or reinterpreted when you should be divorcing yourself of the whole thing. Tear out the gospels and destroy the rest.

Although I agree with you on this issue, I have a difficult time sympathizing with someone who, given the instances of rape, incest, genocide, murder, slavery and sexism rampant throughout the Bible, can get caught up just on the homosexual issue. Why just remove that one brick when the whole wall is corrupt?

2007-08-24 13:59:04 · answer #6 · answered by Peter D 7 · 0 2

Jesus said an awful lot about religious hypocrisy, and absolutely nothing about homosexuality. The "Holiness Code" people quote from Deuteronomy and Leviticus is precisely one of the things Jesus attacked in the Gospel of St. Matthew, saying, "You force people to carry unreal burdens without lifting a finger to help. You teach as the law of God the traditions of men."
St. Paul goes through a whole list of things, many of which can be translated differently. He attributes behaviours including homosexual actions to the former life of those who are moving on and growing as Christians. Sin is not singular or specific, excluding any group of people, but common to all and overcome by the Grace of Christ.
Homosexuality was common in the Hellenic world, and a prominent cultural feature in most gentile countries. One must be careful in interpreting cultural aspects that Paul points to as evidences of sin with sin itself. The evidences are minor, the underlying sin greater. The two are not one and the same. 1 Cor. 6:9 speaks of "the effeminate and abusers of themselves with mankind." This is open to wider interpretation than is part of our present discourse, and those who read this passage should go on to read 6:11, which speaks of the transformation of this behaviour and the justification of sinners in Christ. 6:12 further speaks of all things as lawful, although not helpful or expedient. The end of sin is not judgement, but discretion. "And such were some of you" says an awful lot.

btw There is no "homosexual movement", you don't get handed a membership card the first time you hit a gay bar. There is an anti-homosexual movement composed of ignorant homophobes who learn their bible passages in so-called churches operating without grace or mercy. Jesus doesn't go near those places.

2007-08-24 13:53:50 · answer #7 · answered by Fr. Al 6 · 3 2

If I had a book that said heterosexuality is wrong would you believe me? Anybody can write anything and turn it into a book.

Heterosexuality is normal ONLY for heterosexuals. Homosexuality is normal ONLY for homosexuals. Not everybody is meant to procreate. Some people are infertile, some people are meant to adopt, some people simply don't want to have children, the list goes on . .

2007-08-24 13:56:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I'm not a Christian or anything, but I agree with you on this.
I was watching a Wife Swap the other day, where a muslim woman had to stay with an English family and the daughter was a lesbian. When it was the Muslim woman's turn to have her rules, she told the girl how being a lesbian was wrong etc, and how it's forbidden in Islam. Some people/religions are so narrow-minded. They don't judge for themselves and instead, they let the religion judge for them.

2007-08-24 13:53:52 · answer #9 · answered by UH HUH HER 5 · 2 2

Well, it is in the Bible.
This is the strongest passage against homosexuality, though there are more.

However, I don't care who you are or why you do it, discriminating against homosexuals is WRONG. You are WRONG. There is nothing wrong with homosexuality, no matter what your book says and it's not okay to be a homophobe.


2007-08-24 13:56:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The Bible does say that homosexuality is a sin ... but it also mentions greed, anger, lies ... and we don't see many people rallying against greediness or liars. Maybe if we did, the conservative Christians would have voted differently in this last election ...

2007-08-24 13:53:48 · answer #11 · answered by ◦Delylah◦ 5 · 2 2

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