Catholics do not worship Mary. Check your sources and try again. =)
2007-08-24 05:53:39
answer #1
answered by Jennifer 4
I don't know why you're so upset about the Hail Mary. It's in the Bible! Luke 1:28 and Luke 1:42. Look it up. The angel says, "Hail Mary, Full of Grace" (or "Fullness of Grace" or "God's Most Favored One" of "Highly Favored of God" depending on your translation.)
For a guy who claims to read the Bible, you're sure missing important parts of it.
Pray does not equal worship.
Mary is never recorded as being a sinner and the title "Full of Grace" indicates that she is fully absolved by Christ already.
Catholics don't put Mary above Jesus and we know that Jesus is our only Mediator. But Mary helped bring Jesus into the world and gave Him His humanity, so she's a co-worker or helper in our Salvation, and that's why we call her CO-mediatrix. (If we were replacing Jesus with Mary, we'd just call her the Mediatrix).
2007-08-24 08:49:33
answer #2
answered by sparki777 7
*sigh* you could've search for previously asked questioned and got about 300 answers for this.
okay, your first statement is wrong in many ways. Praying is not worship, Catholics don't worship Mary, and the strawman belongs with Dorothy on the yellow brick road.
second, Rev. has passages about the prayers of saints "going up before GOD"(8:3-4)
you also have to take into account that Jesus would honor His mother. don't forget how Jesus' first miracle was performed at the request of Mary.(turned water into wine)
2007-08-24 05:57:31
answer #3
answered by Quailman 6
Official Catholic doctrine strickly forbids the worship of Mary, saints, angels, or any other being besides God/Jesus. However, Catholics can show respect to Mary, and they are encouraged to approach her with their troubles so that she may work as an intermediary between them and God.
There are plenty of instances where reverence of Mary has effectively transformed into worship of her (particularly in Latin America), but the Church does not support the practice. It is, technically speaking, a heresy.
2007-08-24 05:58:11
answer #4
answered by Nightwind 7
they don´t worship the Virgin Mary, they just pray to her. I an not Catholic, i do know a few. and for some reason they believe the "rosary" and saying the "hail Mary" and bowing down before her praying to her will make them feel better and some how be closer to God.
what they seem to forget about is, its Jesus who died for us and will be our Lawyer in heaven before God, not Mary.
2007-08-24 05:56:25
answer #5
answered by FarmerCec 7
I've always been told by Catholics that they pray to Jesus through Mary. She is like an operator at a switchboard.
2007-08-24 06:01:11
answer #6
answered by MishMash [I am not one of your fans] 7
As the obedient, infinitely holy Son of God, the Lord Jesus was a very firm believer in the commandment to honor one's father and mother. Now, what most people don't know about that commandment is that in Hebrew it literally reads, "Glorify your father and mother." This means that, since Christ took God's commandments very seriously, he would glorify his mother Mary, and for us to talk about his mother in a cavalier, irreverent manner is to impugn the glory which Christ himself has given her. As a result, if we were to talk about Mary in an impious manner then we would be offending not only Mary but also Christ by denying his mother the glory that he himself gave her.
"Glorify your father and mother." We are to bring glory to our parents, and that includes not only our earthly, physical mother but our heavenly, spiritual mother as well. We are to imitate Christ, and just as he brought glory to his mother, we are to bring glory to her as well.
This is something Mary herself said at the beginning of St. Luke's gospel (1:48), when she prophesied under the Holy Spirit, "Behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed." That is a prophecy that has come true in the course of Christian history, and it is the basis of Marian devotion, for that is what we are doing when we honor and glorify Mary: we are calling her blessed on account of all the marvelous things God has done for her and all the glorious graces he has given her.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
2007-08-24 06:12:39
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." -1st Timothy 2:5
The Mary which Roman Catholics worship is not the Mary of the Bible. Biblically, Mary was only human. God chose her to be a vessel to bring His beloved Son into the world. But Roman Catholics bow down to statues of Mary, exonerate and venerate her more then Christ Jesus.
In Exodus 20:4,5 God said, "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them..." Mary would never be a part of this! She was not there when Christ created the universe. Christ was God long before she was ever born. Bowing to Mary is a sin!
Roman Catholic teaching states Mary was sinless. That is not true. In Luke 1:46-47, she too admitted that she needed a Savior. Like all Jewish mothers, Mary gave a sacrificial offering of two turtle doves (Luke 2:21-24). Romans 3:23 declares, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."
Catholics have created a monster, called The Blessed Virgin, or Queen of Heaven. The Catholic Mary is a fraud, a demonic myth. Catholics teach that Mary was born without a sin-nature (called the Immaculate Conception), lived a sinless life, remained a perpetual virgin, and was bodily assumed into Heaven. Not one of these false doctrines can be supported with the Bible. Yet, Catholics fully reject the Word of God to keep their own TRADITIONS instead (Mark 7:9).
Mary saw her son crucified, but He came to die and pay the price for all the sins of mankind, including her own. God's blood ran through Jesus' veins (John 3:16; Acts 20:28). If you are saying that Christ is without sin, then you are right. You can find this teaching in 2nd Corinthians 5:21 and 1st Peter 2:22. The Scriptures state there is only one God (Deuteronomy 6:4) and one Mediator between God and men, and that is Jesus Christ (1st Timothy 2:5). Jesus is the ONLY one we can go to for salvation (Acts 4:10-12). In John 14:6, Jesus said He is the ONLY way to Heaven. There are absolutely NO two mediators.
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." -John 14:6
A Catholic recites "Hail Mary" 53 times in EACH Rosary. This amounts to saying "Hail Mary" 1,005,940 times in a Catholic's lifetime (if prayed daily for 52 years). How can Catholics claim not to worship Mary? As defined by Webster's dictionary...
Worship: extravagant respect or admiration for or devotion to an object of esteem
Yep, I'd say Catholics worship Mary, by every definition of the word.
2007-08-24 06:25:36
answer #8
answered by TIAT 6
Mary was saved by her son Jesus and has now been perfected in him, just as we all hope to be perfected some day.
There's much that is not ... and was never intended to be ... included in the plain text of scriptures.
The scriptures themselves testify to this.
2007-08-24 06:21:20
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Because Catholicism tried to convert Pagans by integrating their gods into Catholicism. Mary is just the name they gave to Hera/Juno, and the one that was Odin's wife. Sadly, many modern Catholics who revile these religions refuse to admit this is where so much of their religions came from.
2007-08-24 05:58:34
answer #10
answered by YouCannotKnowUnlessUAsk 6
Catholics don't worship her. end of story.
your question is very unoriginal. it has been asked over and over and has been answered well over and over too by Catholics.
edit: the Hail Mary is Biblical. you're only showing how ignorant you are.
2007-08-24 05:58:32
answer #11
answered by Perceptive 5