Every good thing in my life can be traced directly to my membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka Mormons).
Thanks to applying what I have learned about God and Jesus Christ I have found happiness amid the storms of life, peace amid the conflict of this world, and comfort through all the trials and difficulties I have gone through.
To put it mildly I love the Church.
2007-08-25 17:51:42
answer #1
answered by Joseph 6
I'm a non-Mormon, living in Utah.
They are extremely devout (moreso than any other religion with the possible exception of Islam). Like every other religion, they have a handful of very unique beliefs. Also, like most religions, they believe their religion is the only true one.
2007-08-26 20:27:58
answer #2
answered by jdkilp 7
Mormonism through their doctrine have shown to be a non-christian cult. I say this not as an attack but in biblical response to that doctrine. Believing Jesus to be a created being and not the God of all creation is the main reason they are non-christian. They have changed the true God for one of flesh and bone. Though they believe the Father is a spiritual being they also believe that he is a glorified man.. A MAN!!! They believe he was once like us a sinner on some other god's planet. Going through life just as we are now. This makes their God a mere man and not the supreme power of the universe. This adds to their false teachings about God. Then they teach that they can become like our God is now.. This bypasses mere error and become out and out blasphemy.. They have many more alarming errors in their doctrine but this is the main reason why they are a non-christian cult... Jim
2007-08-24 11:38:50
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The Mormon religion is a false religion.
How about facts instead of opinions?
The priesthood they say was restored hasn't been according to the Bible.
2007-08-26 08:14:40
answer #4
answered by Buzz s 6
That is not repeatable on this forum. To put it politely, if they follow me down the street preaching one more time, I'm going to mace them in the face because someone needs to tell the males that two men following a lone woman down the street preaching just screams possible rape, regardless of the subject they're talking about.
2007-08-24 11:22:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
As much as I like every Latter Day Saint I have ever met, the fact remains that the Mormon Jesus is not the same Jesus as revealed in the Gospels.
Mormon Jesus is the brother of Satan.
(The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, p. 34)
Christian Jesus is the only beloved Son of the Father. Satan was a created Cherub.
(1John 4:9, Ezekiel 28:13)
Mormon Jesus was not God incarnate.
(Alma 11:28-31)
Christian Jesus was the "I AM" and the "Alpha and Omega", the Almighty.
(Rev. 1:8)
Mormon Jesus was born in Jerusalem
(Alma 7: 10)
Christianity Jesus was born in Bethlehem as the scriptures foretold.
(Matt 2:5)
Mormon Jesus cannot be accurately assessed by scripture because scripture has been corrupted.
(Bruce McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, pp. 82, 83)
Christian Jesus said that in the volume of the Tonakh it is written of Him, and it is they that testify of Him.
(Heb 10:7, Luke 24:44)
Mormon Jesus went to the Americas after his Resurrection.
(Book of Mormon Introduction)
Christian Jesus went and sat at the right hand of the Father.
(Eph 1:20)
Mormon Jesus was conceived by God having sexual relations as a perfect man.
(LDS Apostle Bruce McConkie, The Promised Messiah)
Christian Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit.
(Luke 1:35)
Mormon Jesus was married and had children.
(LDS President Orson Hyde, Journal of Discourses 2:82)
Christian Jesus was unmarried and came to give birth to His church.
(1John 5:1)
Mormon Jesus did not come to save.
(LDS President Spencer W. Kimball, The Miracle of Forgiveness pg. 206)
Christian Jesus came to earth as Savior and Lord.
(1John 4:14)
"In bearing testimony of Jesus Christ, President Hinckley spoke of those outside the Church who say Latter-day Saints ‘do not believe in the traditional Christ.’ ‘No, I don’t. The traditional Christ of whom they speak is not the Christ of whom I speak." (LDS Church News, 6/20/98 p. 7)
"It is true that many of the Christian churches worship a different Jesus Christ than is worshipped by the Mormons or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." (LDS Seventy Bernard P. Brockbank, The Ensign, May 1977, p. 26)
Mormon Apostle Bruce R. McConkie reinforces this teaching when he states, "…virtually all the millions of apostate Christendom have abased themselves before the mythical throne of a mythical Christ." (Mormon Doctrine, pg. 269)
2007-08-24 11:16:44
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I agree with Schneb
Watch this video "DNA vs the Book of Mormon":
2007-08-24 11:21:02
answer #7
answered by redeemed 5
It makes the most sense to me. In the words of Tony the Tiger, "It's grrrrrrreat!!!"
2007-08-24 13:34:19
answer #8
answered by Senator John McClain 6
I think that although they have some nice guys(I know a couple) I still think they are delusional. I think they are glorified door to door salesmen.
2007-08-24 11:15:47
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
never heard about it.
some details will help
2007-08-24 11:16:20
answer #10
answered by -conviventia- 3