Its all the MEDIA!
The Western Media has caused the west to believe in their point of view, and only giving one side of the story blinds the people viewing: that is almost everybody. It has made its "victims" extremely ignorant, and I am truly proud of those who see through its schemes. The Media has forced its viewers to believe that Islam is a violent, bloody, intolerant religion, but in reality this is actually the opposite. If people would stop accepting their television sets as their teachers, more people would know the actual truth about Islam. The Media reports misleading stories, gross exaggerations, inaccurate information, and false statements about Islam and Muslims to undermine the religion, and unfortunately, this propaganda is a success--many, MANY Americans believe everything they hear on the news or read in the newspaper. What they fail to realize is that what they read/hear is only one point of view of a bias Media that has been criticizing Muslims with false information vigorously since 9/11.
Terrorism is CONDEMNED in Islam; it is not allowed, period. Neither is innocent murder, suicide of any kind, forced marriages or forced conversions. These are all misleading fabrications composed by the Media. You can't always believe what you hear.
Although such actions undoubtedly do or did occur at some point in time, these were/are not actions imposed by Islam, but rather the actions of the misguided people who have misunderstood the meaning of true Islam.
Terrorists are not true Muslims; they use Islam as a mask to cover up their dirty work, and give Islam a bad name. Most of them are only Muslim by name, yet are still accused of acting upon Islamic teachings, when in actuality, they are not. It is not fair for the majority of Muslims, who oppose terrorism and denounce violence that is occurring. Unfortunately, the Media, which suppresses their voices, will never let this be known, making it look like Muslims support or at least condone these radical actions, when in reality they absolutely do not.
Please refer to the following video. It is very true, and will provide valuable insight; I strongly recommend watching it:
2007-08-24 06:23:02
answer #1
answered by Omer 5
And we know that too unfortunately as the saying goes "One bad apple spoils a barrel" People are scared right now and then media tells us Blame the Muslims
I know that those fanatics are taking your the Muslim faith in the wrong way unfortunately we never hear or see a news article saying A Muslim group saves 100's of peoples lives on plane close to crashing! we are influenced by the media and the media are there like any other show and need high ratings the people want to blame someone so the media give Muslims up as a sacrifice it is a sad truth and until the fundamentalists/fanatics in the Islam religions stop their Attacks and say hey your good people lets be friends most people will see you all as a group But I should point out that these fundamentalist are not unlike the ones in our own faiths and like the Islam religions fundamentalist/fanatics they take things to far!
2007-08-23 23:19:14
answer #2
answered by ladyjayne2002 2
Ok all religions are peaceful it is the people who become violent. In reference to the negative attitude some may have and I did say SOME may have towards Muslims.. maybe because Muslims have the same negative attitude towards them.. and this is not all but some .. Sometimes if you are not part of the group or click than you are an outcast.
Some religions (non inparticualar) preach one thing and do another.. what comes out of their mouth is good sounds good but what they may demonstrate is sin beyond sin .. in another religions eyes.. If you are not involved in any religion group like myself and seeing some of the things that I have and watching the topics and subjects address by some ... there is room for question just like any other religion .. Muslim religion is not Gold..
Everyone's concentration, dedication, should only be to The Creator, there is only One God .. and that is where all faith and believe should be.
2007-08-23 23:16:52
answer #3
answered by shortnlucious 1
I ask myself the same question sometimes (and no, I am not Muslim).
I think the main reason is that the people that were responsible for the 9/11 attacks were Muslim, and therefore it gives people an 'excuse' to hate on them.
The fact is that these people who have caused these attacks have made the decision to do bad things - just like anyone can make a decision about anything; going down to the local store, for example. People then look for reasons - why would they do this? Oh, it must be because they're Muslim. Correction - it's not because they're Muslim, it's because they are PEOPLE and they make bad choices.
Furthermore, another reason people might have a negative attitude is because of the seeming control Muslim has on women. I personally don't see it as that, but I can see where others might. Because it doesn't fit with the general Western lifestyle, people see it in a negative light - and we all know that people are afraid of what they don't understand.
I think we, as a people, need information - we need to understand what Islam is all about, and educate ourselves (leaving all the extremists - Muslim or otherwise - at the door).
Rocket Queen - Read the Bible, read the Torah, in fact, read any Holy text and there'll be violence and equivalents of 'kill the infidels'. Hell, in the Bible, there's this in Exodus Chapter 22 alone (and 22:19 sounds pretty similar to Islam, am I right?):
22:1 If a burglar is caught in the act of breaking in, and is struck and killed, it is not considered an act of murder.
22:17 Do not allow a sorceress [witch] to live.
22:18 Whoever lies with an animal must be put to death.
22:19 Whoever sacrifices to any deity other than God alone must be condemned to death.
Sure, we still punish those who steal, but we don't kill them.
Not allowing a sorceress to live? Seems pretty harsh.
I get Verse 18, but not death - still a bit harsh.
It's basically because extremists take the word of the Bible, Torah, Qu'ran, etc. to heart, and take it word for word, as a literal translation. We need to understand that these texts were written a llllooooonnnnggggg time ago, and are now out of context.
Sweetlove - I disagree with your comment: "Everyone's concentration, dedication, should only be to The Creator, there is only One God .. and that is where all faith and believe should be."
Everyone's concentration, dedication, should only be to whatever they want to believe in. To me, there isn't just one God - am I wrong in believing that? Prove to me there is or isn't just one God - you cannot. I believe that yes, your faith and belief should be in your deity/deities, but don't proselytise of one true God - be a little more open minded.
2007-08-23 23:03:03
answer #4
answered by ? 2
Read "Infidel" by Hirsi Ali. She is the Somalian immigrant who became a dutch M.P. She renounced Islam - the faith she was born into - and has to now live in hiding. The very act of renouncing Islam is a crime under Shariah law, one which is only punishable by death. To my knowledge, this is not the case with any of the other major religions.
As to whether Islam is a peaceful religion - wherever there is Islam in the world, there is conflict, it seems. Hirsi Ali has much to say on this subject - If you want the truth, get it from the horses mouth, so to speak!
2007-08-24 00:05:07
answer #5
answered by joel44 2
Last time this was asked on here, my answer recieved a violation notice because I stated the following :
Islam is not a peaceful religion. Most of the terrorists in the world are Muslim. (notice I didn't say 'Most Muslims are terrorists'). Suicide bombers have ripped through many countries and affected many lives due to these fanatics.
Muslims treat their women appalingly. They think stoning is acceptable behaviour. They are sexist, homophobic, bigoted and intolerant. (as are most religions).
And I won't get started on Muslims violent protests against cartoons of mohammed or of Salmon Rushdie. Its just pathetic.
Its as if the muslims just want an excuse to kick off.
Anyway thats my opinion. Wait for the next violation notice . . .
2007-08-23 23:27:56
answer #6
answered by GayAtheist 4
9/11, Al Quaeda, Women denied the vote, driving licences, jobs, in Burkhas, etc. Priests who advocate violence/death towards anyone who doesn't agree with your particular and peculiar view of the world.
As a pagan your peaceful religion allows me no vote or say in how an islamic state is run if it is my misfortune to live there. The more fundamentalist amongst you say that your reilgion offers non muslims a two choices, convert or die! now why do you think i might feel animosity towards that attitude?
2007-08-24 01:45:06
answer #7
answered by Aine G 3
Tell that to the Christians who were deliberately hunted down and murdered in Indonesia by Muslims in the late 1960's. This was sanctioned by the Muslim government.
What about the Muslims who converted to Christianity in Muslim lands who we beaten to death in the streets and watched by the police?
Why do Muslim Afghans fight Muslim Afghans?
Why the Iran - Iraq war that killed one million people?
Why the aggression towards Israel?
Why the aggression towards the West?
Why Al Queda?
Why does the Quran teach that those who refuse to convert be put to the sword?
Why do Muslims speak of the Crusades (started 900 years ago) and their need for revenge? Somehow they have forgotten that their brothers, the Moors, conquered Europe in revenge for the crusades and killed unknown thousands who would not convert. Yes the Moors brought much of their art and culture to Europe, but this mentality of the need for revenge for something that happended hundreds of years ago is absolutely stupid! Even the great Saladin would have laughed at this idea of revenge after such a long period of time.
I have studied Islam and the teachings of the Quran and know what white converts are not taught so I speak from experience. The teachers may reveal their own interpretation and present it as fact and by using two names beginning with M and A make this teaching unchallengable.
Until the time comes that Islam cleans up its own affairs then this very negative attitude will continue to grow. The birth and growth of Islam is drenched in blood as it's own history records; and subsequent expansion into Asia, Africa, and former Soviet states only serves to prove the case.
9/11 and the later attacks on London show how violent Islam is! Yes, it has its fanatics, but it shows that the rest of us who are not Muslims may have something to be concerned about. Apart from a few freaks like Jim Jones and at Waco, Texas, Christians do not go about bombing innocent people, or kidnapping them, or beheading them with a knife, or shooting them, etc, but somehow Christians are blamed for starting all wars around the world.
Islam is what it wants to be at any given moment in time. My life has been threatened by a Muslim because I was not one of them. Where was this infamous toleration? Where was this peaceful demonstration of Islamic peace?
I will live and let live, but when someone treats me wrongly on the basis of the colour of my skin, the language I speak, the country I belong to, and the religion I chose to follow, then I have the right to form an opinion. If those of the Islamic faith residing in the UK do not like the British way of life they can choose to leave and go elsewhere. Many chose to come to the UK knowing our traditions and way of life, so why are Muslims so keen to turn the UK into a Muslim state?
I am not BNP or anything like that, however, what I have said above I would say to anyone, i.e. if you chose to come to the UK and you do not like it here for whatever reason then you can freely choose to leave the UK and leave the people here to live in peace instead of planting bombs, shooting or kidnapping people. This applies to everyone of any faith or religion, or non-religion, and not exclusively to Muslims.
2007-08-23 23:38:51
answer #8
answered by Mac 3
Hundreds of millions of peaceful Muslims get a bad reputation from some thousands of violent fanatics.
Many religions, including Christianity, produce fanatics willing to harm others, however, fanatical Muslim's are in a position to put this willingness into action. American media plays to this. It gets ratings.
2007-08-23 23:15:23
answer #9
answered by capekicks 3
unfortunately I don't know enough about it to answer this question. Could you please explain to me why it is a peaceful religion?
Unfortunately some people have no respect and will just stir hatred unneccesarily. Just because one person walks off a cliff doesn't mean everyone will do it. If something is constantly being shown in the media and the 'same' origin of people are doing the same thing then these people are tended to be 'branded as ....whatever they have done'....yobs, murderers etc...some people are unable to widen their minds to know that each person is different.
I am a Christian but not all Christians are like me but we will get branded the same.....etc
2007-08-23 23:17:15
answer #10
answered by *Sparki* 5