Have you consider Fibromyalgia, The CATCH-All SYndrome
This is the list of symptoms:
Tenderness and achy muscular pain in the lower vertebrae region, second rib, thigh bone, middle of knee joint, base of the skull, neck and upper back, side of elbow, outer side of buttocks, headaches and pain in the back of the neck, head, upper chest. Burning, throbbing, shooting, stabbing pains all over the body. Serious PMS, strange skin jumping, irritable bowel syndrome, TMJ, painful menstruation, anxdiety, palpitations, memory problems, skin eruptions, dry eyes and other eye problems, impaired coordination, dizziness, and the list goes on and on.It does look like everything under the sun points to Fibromyalgia, doesn't it?
It’s no wonder that people are skeptical that there can be such an all-encompassing illness. It sounds like the sufferers must be on death’s doorstep…which they most likely feel they are. Not all Fibromyalgia sufferers have all the symptoms. In fact, one of the telltale signs is the all-pervasive tenderness in certain sites on the body.
Other problem areas include sleep disturbances which, in turn, depress the immune system even further and become the start of the chicken and egg story….which came first? The TMJ comes from tooth grinding and the person who isn't getting enough sleep suddenly gets headaches as well. Another anomaly is that many more women than men are affected, immediately making male doctors and people in general think that women must be bigger sissies or must have a lower pain threshold. All these symptoms lead to depression, anxiety, trauma and then, finally, infectious illnesses. It’s a vicious cycle. The viruses and infections are difficult to erradicate because the body is unable to withstand the onslaught.
Here we are with a serious medical condition, and nobody really knows what causes it or what to do about it. The Epstein-Barr Virus has been blamed along with Candida which both depress the immune system. Others say that heavy metal poisoning from fillings and environmental toxins drag the health down into the dumps, with the resultant “F-word disease.” Other surmised causes are anemia, parasites, hypoglycemia, and hypothyroidism are to blame. To determine the cause and effect is like finding a needle in a haystack.
Chronic Fatigue is very similar to Fibromyalgia except that CFS involves mainly fatigue as compared to pain. A friend of mine recently asked me if I knew of any healthy remedies for Fibro as she was at her wits' end with the drugs she’d been prescribed (to try out) that were doing nothing for her except creating side-effects that were worsening her situation.
As usual, the immune system, if it’s not fed and treated right, will allow all the organs to deteriorate and become open to attack from any passing bacterium.
The first nutrients to step up in the daily diet would definitely be Vitamin C (mega doses in the order of natural with bioflavonoids of 2/3000mg taken every few hours throughout the day,) CoEnzymeQ10 (75 mg a day,) Acidophilus (billions of cells at a time several times a day,) Lecithin, malic acid, enzymes, manganese and magnesium, a high dosage vitamin capsule with extra A, B Complex, Raw Liver extract and lots of garlic and grapeseed extract or oil.
People with this life-altering disease must take their lives into their own hands and change their eating habits forever. Junk food, sugar, meat, dairy products, caffeine and wheat products must be eliminated to allow the body to regenerate. Cooked food should be reserved for special occasions, and juicing should become de-rigeur. Essentially, eating has to go back to caveman style (oops, no meat…) with lots of water and herbal teas. Later on, some of these foods can be re-incorporated into the diet gradually making sure that they don’t start causing symptoms all over again.
Herbs that work well to boost immune system function would be astragalus, echinacea and Garlic. Dandelion works wonders, as well, to cleanse the body and improve immune function as well.
I can assure you that you will likely see improvement within a couple of weeks if you incorporate even half of these remedies into your lifestyle.
One of the most difficult things is to get rid of stress and anxiety. One can’t simply walk away from a job or an unhappy home, or any number of stressful situations we find ourselves in, but we must all remember to do what’s best for our future wellbeing.
Most of the remedies are simple common sense that we’ve forgotten over a period of a lifetime, so start with square one. Get 8 hours of sleep, eat healthily, stay away from sweets, exercise in the fresh air every day, and go tell that boss that you simply cannot add anything else to your workload. Simple as pie!
Get with the program! Even if you don’t have Fibromyalgia, a new leaf and new lifestyle will go a long way to work wonders on all of our bodies. Remember the wise saying, that shall remain anonymous: Garbage in, garbage out! Can we manage to drag ourselves around for another 40 or 50 or 60 years if we’ve got one foot in the grave?
2007-08-23 18:56:06
answer #1
answered by rosieC 7