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You've died and you 've been buried/cremated,what happens after that?

2007-08-23 09:11:17 · 44 answers · asked by Grumpy Gerry 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

44 answers

Our bodies decompose. We fertilise the ground in which we lie. Animals eat part of us and it goes on from there. Thankfully we wont be aware of any of this. Death is final.

2007-08-23 09:17:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Hi. What a great question! Ecclesiastes 9:5 says, " For the living are conscious that they will die, but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they have anymore wages, because the rememberance of them has been forgotten." Verse Six, "Also, their love, and their hate, and their jealousy ahve already perished, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun."

This scripture helps us to appreciate that the dead are conscious of nothing at all. They are just not alive anymore, and they have no spirit, or immortal soul that goes on, or keeps living on.

The Bible does have a hope for dead ones though. Acts 24:15 says, " And I have hope towards God. which hope these men themselves also entertain, that there is going to be a resurrection of the righteous, and the unrighteous.

So humans do have a hope to be resurrected, because the Bible also helps us to appreciate that the wages sin pays is death, so when we die, our sins are paid off. Notice I never said anything about heaven? Most of us here on earth today aren't going there. If you would like more information, you can e-mail me at creedflintmi@sbcglobal.net

2007-08-23 09:24:21 · answer #2 · answered by Sandra R 1 · 1 0

Buddhism teaches that when a person dies they are reborn and that this process of death and rebirth will continue until Nirvana is attained.

Most religions believe that the core of the person, the real person, is the soul, a non-material and eternal entity that survives in the afterlife. Buddhism on the other hand says that the person is made up of thoughts, feelings and perceptions interacting with the body in a dynamic and constantly changing way. At death this stream of mental energy is re-established in a new body. Thus Buddhism is able to explain the continuity of the individual without recourse to the belief in an "eternal soul", an idea which contradicts the universal truth of impermanence.


2007-08-23 14:52:24 · answer #3 · answered by wb 6 · 0 0

You leave the physical world and you enter the spiritual world, a place where if you even got a glimpse of it, you would commit suicide to be there(but suicide is frowned upon by God). The spiritual world is a place that is unimaginable while we are still on this earth.

A good way to think about it is to think of the physical existence as a mother's womb, you are here to practice your virtues and spiritual qualities like how a baby develops legs, limbs,etc. The child in the womb is comfortable in the small snug place, and probably cannot even imagine a world other than their mother's stomach, and perhaps would think that if it left the small and cramped place, that it will die and cease to exist, but instead it enters a world much larger and greater than the previous cramped world that is the womb.

2007-08-23 09:24:37 · answer #4 · answered by Itena 2 · 0 0

2 Corinthians 5
Assurance of the Resurrection
1 For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 2 For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation which is from heaven, 3 if indeed, having been clothed, we shall not be found naked. 4 For we who are in this tent groan, being burdened, not because we want to be unclothed, but further clothed, that mortality may be swallowed up by life. 5 Now He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.
6 So we are always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. 7 For we walk by faith, not by sight. 8 We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.

2007-08-23 09:35:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The Bible says that all that are in the grave are asleep(John 5:28,29). They remain in the until the Resurrection. This event will take place at the end of the world.

Read: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17.

VS 13 : Says those who are presently in the grave are "asleep".

2007-08-23 09:19:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Hmm....you should know of a place called heaven and hell. If you live your life for God and not for this world and believed in Jesus, you'd go to heaven. If not, sorry, you'd end up in a scary place where the demons would torture you everyday in a sea of fire and pain and fear.
This is not a tale, oh how many people wish it was. This is all true and I totally believe in it. I've known a lot of people who have died and went to heaven and back to tell us all about it.
Hell is a scary place you'd never want to even think about.
And I know a lot of people who've been up there and came back to tell us of it, and the things were very similiar. I don't think a lot of people would make those kind of things up, especially when the doctors themselves proved the person dead, send them to the morgue and then found them alive again. Not a coincidense. Believe all this.

I just read the other answers. I feel so sorry for you people. Like you said, we don't know because we're not dead then how come you're so sure that "nothing" will happen. How do you think this world was created? Do you think that just some spark exploded and then we, amazing, creative human beings were formed? Then who put that spark in the firstplace, not that I believe in the spark, but just a question. If God created us for us just to die and then nothing, then what's the point of creating us in the first place? He created us so that we could be with HIM. But you people out there who say there will be nothing, I'm telling you, I'm begging you to change your views because there's only two places you WILL go, and I can promise you, it WILL happen whether you believe in it or not, there is HEAVEN and HELL. And the devil is lying to all of you, he this very minute is laughing at you and saying "My, I'm so glad those souls will be mine"! Who do you think is making you be so overted to God and everything clean and holy? It's the devil. Every day we're being tempted and guided by those evil spirits or if we let ourselves and trust in the Lord, He helps guide us away from all the evil.

I'll pray for all of you, because you may still not believe this, there's no way I can make you believe if you don't want to believe it, it's easier to tell ourselves "NOTHING will happen to us" because then we don't worry about living this live rightfully, we'll go on in sin and will unintentionally be living with and for the devil, and thus, the king of darkness will claim you as his. Even now those of you who don't believe in Jesus, God and live everlasting, you belong to the devil and he can't wait for you to join him so he can torture you in hell forever, because he knows he doesn't have enough time anymore because when the world ends, and it WILL end, the devil will be cast to hell by God and Jesus and he doesn't want to do it alon, he wants as much of you non-belivers with him as possible.
Life is so complicated, and I'm very sad to realize that all of you, and many more people believe that "nothing" will happen after you die, but I'm telling you, THERE DEFINITELY IS LIFE AFTER DEATH. It's your choice to believe it or not, that's the whole thing, if you believe it you will get it.
Don't be fooled before it's too late, then when you realize you've been wrong all of your life, there won't be anything you can do. Please I beg of you Now, change your views.

From a daughter of God, who believes in HIM will all of her heart.

2007-08-23 09:20:08 · answer #7 · answered by HeySweetieDear 2 · 1 1

Every single thing you have done in your life will be counted. Yes, every tiny little thing.
“Allah” has placed angels on our shoulders, one which is Raqeeb; who counts the good deeds, and the other one is A’ateed; the one who counts the bad deeds.
If you were a Muslim and have done bad things in your life, you are tortured until the day of Al Qiyama or until your sins are gone. If you are a Muslim who have done good deeds in your life and were faithful to “Allah” then your grave becomes like a garden (I mean no torture or anything) until the last day of this life.
If you were Non-Muslim, I don’t know anything about it.

2007-08-23 09:36:12 · answer #8 · answered by Yuuji 1 · 1 0

This is just for the physcal body- After you've been buried, you eventually decompose into the earth and after years and years of decomposing, you will finally decompose into a fossil fuel, then refined, then be put into the future cars!

This will all happen unless of coarse you get buried inside of a coffin.

The soul- You go to Heaven or Hell.

2007-08-23 09:19:27 · answer #9 · answered by Titus M 4 · 0 3

The Bible gives the answer.


What happens at death is no mystery to Jehovah (Psalms 83:18), the Creator of the brain. He knows the truth, and in his Word, the Bible, he explains the condition of the dead. Its clear teaching is this: When a person dies, he ceases to exist. Death is the opposite of life. The dead do not see or hear or think. Not even one part of us survives the death of the body. We do not possess an immortal soul or spirit.

After Solomon observed that the living know that they will die, he wrote: “As for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all.” He then enlarged on that basic truth by saying that the dead can neither love nor hate and that “there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in [the grave].” (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10) Similarly, Psalm 146:4 says that when a man dies, “his thoughts do perish.” We are mortal and do not survive the death of our body. The life we enjoy is like the flame of a candle. When the flame is put out, it does not go anywhere. It is simply gone.


Jesus Christ spoke about the condition of the dead. He did so with regard to Lazarus, a man whom he knew well and who had died. Jesus told his disciples: “Lazarus our friend has gone to rest.” The disciples thought that Jesus meant that Lazarus was resting in sleep, recovering from an illness. They were wrong. Jesus explained: “Lazarus has died.” (John 11:11-14) Notice that Jesus compared death to rest and sleep. Lazarus was neither in heaven nor in a burning hell. He was not meeting angels or ancestors. Lazarus was not being reborn as another human. He was at rest in death, as though in a deep sleep without dreams. Other scriptures also compare death to sleep. For example, when the disciple Stephen was stoned to death, the Bible says that he “fell asleep.” (Acts 7:60) Similarly, the apostle Paul wrote about some in his day who had “fallen asleep” in death.—1 Corinthians 15:6.

Was it God’s original purpose for people to die? Not at all! Jehovah made man to live forever on earth. As we learned earlier in this book, God placed the first human couple in a delightful paradise. He blessed them with perfect health. Jehovah wanted only good for them. Does any loving parent want his children to suffer the pain of old age and death? Of course not! Jehovah loved his children and wanted them to enjoy endless happiness on earth. Concerning humans, the Bible says: “Time indefinite [Jehovah] has put in their heart.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11) God created us with the desire to live forever. And he has opened the way for that desire to be fulfilled.

2007-08-23 09:19:03 · answer #10 · answered by Futures_Inc 2 · 0 2

You don't die - only your body dies. Your soul is then removed from your body, your memory is erased and then you wait for the next suitable body (a birth) and your life 'seems' to begin again.

2007-08-23 11:23:01 · answer #11 · answered by angelsrus 4 · 0 0

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