Tithing is not required of you. The scripture that answers your question is:
2 Cor 9:7, which states, "Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves a cheeful giver."
In other words, let your own heart decide the question. Clearly our pastors need to be paid something, just as the Levites were supported by the other tribes. Their food came from sacrifices.
Just as clearly there's a world of need out there. In our house, I'm not sure what percent we give, and I'm sure it varies. We do give something to our church, and we have some pet groups we help. Sometimes something unusual or one-time comes up and we give. But I would never consider giving 10% of net or gross to one place.
2007-08-23 10:13:37
answer #1
answered by cmw 6
In my estimation I would say to give, 'if you can', 10% of your net income...You may have made gross $1,000 but after taxes you netted $750 lets say. God doesn't expect you to give 10% of $1k if you don't have it...He's asking 10% of what you have been given. And the 10% isn't cut in stone, but it's a guide, some give more and some give less and some always manage to forget their checkbook...God is looking at the heart...You can't outgive Him...But remember, what you reap you also sew. If you have a generous heart and use your gifts to bless others, you also will be blessed. If you choose to give little, then you will be blessed little...
As far as your home church goes, if you are a member then I would say your tithes should go there. You can give a gift to the church you are visiting that's above and beyond your tithes. Once you give up your membership in the old church and become a member of the new, then you give your tithes to the new church. But remember, it all goes to the work of the Lord no matter where you give it.
Giving money to the homeless is fine, at least to a homeless organization that helps to feed and clothe them. I don't recommend giving money to those on the street, so many will use it for drugs and alcohol. But, you can't do that with your tithe money...Tithe's are specifically to be given to the church, all else is 'gifts' above and beyond the tithes...God will bless both...I hope this helps!
2007-08-31 06:23:04
answer #2
answered by Domino 4
I can tell you from experience that tithed money goes a lot further than untithed money. I would personally tithe on your net income, since the taxes are taken from the gross and you never actually see that. I am married to a non-christian, and I converted after 10 yrs of marriage. Tithing on his income creates fights and tension, so I tithe on my own income, plus whatever I might use of the "common fund" for my own discretionary expenses such as new books, etc. Over and above that, I give extra offerings when I can.
If you aren't in a church, then you are free to donate the tithe money to a cause or needy person that you feel glorifies God, whether it be buying food, paying rent or donating to something like a battered women's shelter, whatever. Talk it over with God, ask Him what you should do.
Though I do strongly suggest that if you don't have a church you attend regularly, you should find one. Being out there on your own is not good--we all need the prayer support and friendship of like-minded friends and believers, and you cut yourself off from good avenues of service. Ask God to lead you to a church that is right for you; he's done it for me more than once. You may not stay in the same congregation for the rest of your life; that's not required. Ask Him where you can best grow and bloom now.
2007-08-24 04:28:37
answer #3
answered by anna 7
Tithing can be a touchy subject. The bible says to tithe a tenth of what God hath prosper you, Now the question remains , do we tithe on our gross or net. Myself I have talked to my pastor, He said Tithing on your net is OK, but when you file income taxes, you should also give tithes on that also, The reason I say this can be a touchy subject is because many can look at your gross as what the governmemnt also prosper, & not what you hath prosper, So I give on my net, But I give more then 10%, Now concerning your home church, if you are moving send your money to your old church until you get settle in & find another church where you move to at. One more thing about the gross, you have such things as medical insurance & life insurance, & other taxes coming out of your check, Can we say this is what God hath prosper us, In a way yes & in a way no, So let you conscience be your guide, but at least tithe on your net & also any income taxes you get back at the end of the year. The bible also says to give unto God what is God's & unto ceasers what is ceasers.
2007-08-23 08:10:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Wouldn't it be that if you are tithing, just so you will get something back in return, your heart is not in the right place, anyway? I hear a lot of Christians say, if you tithe, you will get so much back. Isn't that the wrong heart? Shouldn't we be thinking, I want to help those less fortunate than myself? I need to share what I have with others because I love them, and so does the Lord.
The Lord knows your heart, and He knows if you are giving for the right reason or not.
If you want to tithe, then do it, but don't go telling everybody you do. I don't think it counts then. It just seems like people are more concerned about themselves being blessed for what they do, then for who else is being blessed by receiving it. Just my thoughts. God Bless
2007-08-30 16:08:06
answer #5
answered by byHisgrace 7
Prove to me in the New Testament where tithing is Biblical. This is what the New Testament teaches us about giving now.
Gal 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Gal 6:10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
As we have opportunity. :) Some may be able to give more than ten percent, some nearly nothing.
Tithing was an Old Covenant teaching and the money went to the Temple, for three main purposes which would take too long to teach on R&S. We no longer have a Temple.
Preacher now say we are to give to the local church, and we should. The local church needs its bills paid also, but, pushing tithing as done in the Old Covenant is not Biblical.
2007-08-23 08:00:20
answer #6
answered by ? 5
Most likely on the net income. Also tithe on your tax refund, social security income. Also do it with a cheerful heart knowing that you are being obedient and investing in winning souls to God's kingdom. Also donate to any church needs.
2016-01-22 12:03:18
answer #7
answered by Frances 1
Let me answer your questions in order:
1. Net or Gross? Gross.
2. What if no home church? Tithe to the church were were tithing to while attending college or the church where you first became a Christian.
3. If you are getting your Spiritual food online, tithe to an online church.
Pastor Art
2007-08-23 08:55:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
whatever job God has blessed you with you should never feel "ripped off" when i have been unble to tithe on the amount before taxes, i always gave a tithe of my tax return. if i tithed on the amount before taxes, i was told by my pastor to keep my tax return. if you don't have a home church, you could always send it to the church you just moved from. although you could give to the homeless and you would be doing it as unto the Lord, you would need to be careful not to be furnishing their cigarettes or beer or drugs. not that all homeless people engage in using the above. tithing was meant for the ministry. offerings could be used for various things. you could always see about supporting foreign missions and maybe give a little of your extra time and an offering to a homeless shelter.
2007-08-31 03:42:48
answer #9
answered by christy 4
The amount the government steals from you is not God's fault or problem. If you don't like the tax structure move.
You owe God the first fruits, meaning the first 10% that you earn. Not in the middle.
If unable or unwilling to give to a church here's a good place christforasia.com.
If you obey God then what is left will be enough and He can start increasing you.
Salvation, Blessings, healings all these things are yours but you have to make the first move. That's part of the free will thing.
Speaking of will none of us put enough will power in what we do anymore. Make it an act of will to give and see what you get back, but if you feel bad or stingey or made to give, don't bother. He doesn't bless that kind of giving.
2007-08-28 18:54:08
answer #10
answered by Anonymous