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Because catholics' are trying to work their way to heaven. The canon books have nothing what so ever to do with God Word. They belong solely to the catholic church. Westcoff and Hort wrote what they did on the behalf of mama, not of God.

The Word of God can only be obtain by the Masoretic text (Old Testament) Textus Receptus (New Testament. Anything else is just trash!

The Bible (AV1611), the Scriptures of the Old Testament and the New Testament, preserved for us in the Masoretic text (Old Testament) Textus Receptus (New Testament) and in the King James Bible, is verbally and plenarily inspired of God. It is the inspired, inerrant, infallible, and altogether authentic, accurate and authoritative Word of God, therefore the supreme and final authority in all things (II Tim. 3:16-17; II Peter 1:21; Rev. 22:18-19).

Quoting imacatholic2: 1500 years later, Protestants decided to keep the Catholic New Testament but change its Old Testament from the Catholic canon to the Jewish canon. The books they dropped are sometimes called the Apocrypha. immacatholic2, is just being a good Jesuits priest.

This is suppose to be mama "proof" that they gave us the Bible, Old and New Testament. However, simple God-given common sense proves it's all a lie (remember John 8:44). How, because you can't find the word "church" in the OT. It's just that simple!

In 1546 during the "Council of Trent," the vatican declared the Apocrypha was "Holy Writ," and officially part of their Old Testament Canon.

The most simplest way to prove that the Apocrypha is nothing but a lie is, go back and find one that was written in Christopher Columbus day.

We all know that land vs. water is 30-70. We also know that God doesn't lie (Refer to John 17:17) We also know that He is more than able to preserve His Word. (Psalms 12:6-7, Matthew 24:35, II Peter 1:21, II Tim. 3:16-17)

Apocrypha proclaims that land vs water is 50-50.

"For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:" 1 Peter 2:15

When referring to the Apocrypha, always remember John 8:44!

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

Anyone who would believe that the catholic church gave us the Bible has been played for a fool by satan. satan is the father and the owner of the catholic church.

The tract below shows how the catholic church went out of its way to kill people to stop people from obtaining God Word.

2007-08-23 18:33:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 10

The OT books included in the Catholic Bible were actually a part of the original Jewish OT canon. As such, they were included in the Septuagint, which is/was the Greek translation of the Old Testament (Greek was actually the lingua franca of the Middle East at that time - from about 300 BC to 100 AD) The Septuagint was translated by Greek/Jewish Scholars of Alexandria, Egypt, which was a great center of Judaism in the era just prior to the Christian era. All of the Jewish OT writings that were considered inspired and canonical at that time were included.

Later Jewish rabbis removed some of these books from their own canon about 150-200 AD partly in reaction to the Septuagint being adopted by the relatively new Christian religion. One rabbinical scholar is recorded as saying that he wished the Septuagint had never been written....

The Catholic Church from the very beginning has accepted the entire original OT as passed down from ancient Judasim and still does.

Protestants (notably Martin Luther) decided during the Reformation to follow the abridged Jewish canon that was adopted around 150-200 AD and called the books they did not include, "Apocrypha". Some Protestant Bibles, like the King James Version, sometimes include them in the back in a section called Apocrypha, or in the middle, between OT and NT.

As a Catholic myself, I accept these books as being canonical.

2007-08-25 19:48:04 · answer #2 · answered by the phantom 6 · 1 0

Distrusting the Latin Vulgate Bible, because it was relied on by the Catholic Church, Martin Luther decided to translate his Bible into German from the original languages. The earliest forms of the New Testament writings were in Greek, so Luther translated his New Testament from Greek.

It was known that most of the Old Testament had originally been written in Hebrew. So Luther wanted to translate his German Old Testament from the Hebrew texts.

In this he was following St Jerome, who had sought out old Hebrew manuscripts to produce the Latin Vulgate Bible in 406 AD. However, when Luther obtained Hebrew manuscripts from the Jews of his time, he found that the seven Books in question were not in their Canon of Scripture. This strengthened his resolve to remove the Books. The Jews, he argued, were the Guardians of the Old Testament, so he would use their Old Testament.


The oldest existing versions of the Jewish Old Testament DO INCLUDE the Seven Books. It is from these versions that the early Christian Scriptures were made. The best, oldest and most complete version of the Jewish Old Testament we know today is called The Septuagint, and this INCLUDES the books that Luther deleted, which the Catholics have maintained.

2007-08-23 07:00:15 · answer #3 · answered by The Raven † 5 · 9 1

Catholics believe the Septuagint text of the Old Testament to be the most complete (It was quoted more often in the New Testament.)

Protestants believe the Masoretic text of the Old Testament to be the most complete (It was canonized by the Jews around 100AD.)

2007-08-25 09:35:05 · answer #4 · answered by Dysthymia 6 · 0 0

The New Testament canon of the Catholic Bible and the Protestant Bible are the same with 27 Books.

The difference in the Old Testaments actually goes back to the time before and during Christ’s life. At this time, there was no official Jewish canon of scripture.

The Jews in Egypt translated their choices of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek in the second century before Christ. This translation of 46 books, called the Septuagint, had wide use in the Roman world because most Jews lived far from Palestine in Greek cities. Many of these Jews spoke only Greek.

The early Christian Church was born into this world. The Church, with its bilingual Jews and more and more Greek-speaking Gentiles, used the books of the Septuagint as its Bible. Remember the early Christians were just writing the documents what would become the New Testament.

After the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, with increasing persecution from the Romans and competition from the fledgling Christian Church, the Jewish leaders came together and declared its official canon of Scripture, eliminating seven books from the Septuagint.

The books removed were Tobit, Judith, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees, Wisdom (of Solomon), Sirach, and Baruch. Parts of existing books were also removed including Psalm 151 (from Psalms), parts of the Book of Esther, Susanna (from Daniel as chapter 13), and Bel and the Dragon (from Daniel as chapter 14).

The Christian Church did not follow suit but kept all the books in the Septuagint. 46 + 27 = 73 Books total.

1500 years later, Protestants decided to keep the Catholic New Testament but change its Old Testament from the Catholic canon to the Jewish canon. The books they dropped are sometimes called the Apocrypha.

Here is a Catholic Bible website: http://www.nccbuscc.org/nab/bible/

With love in Christ.

2007-08-23 17:29:47 · answer #5 · answered by imacatholic2 7 · 9 2

To piggy back on what Imacatholic2 said, Jewish leaders omitted anything that wasn't written in Hebrew in an attempt to slow the rise of Christianity. Any book that wasn't written originally in Hebrew was omitted. However, in 1947 the Dead Sea Scrolls (dating back to the time before Christ) were discovered, and when they were translated, it was discovered that all the omitted books (except for Ester) were contained in those scrolls (in Hebrew).

The apparent reason for the dropping of the deuterocanonical texts is that they support certain Catholic doctrines rejected by the Reformers. For instance, in 2 Maccabees 12:41-45 there is a reference to praying for the dead, a Catholic practice rejected by Luther. Because Luther rejected that practice, it was necessary to deny the authority of the Books of the Maccabees, and he also attempted to delete Hebrews as well, because there are references to that text. The reason for Luther's treatment of James had to do with the "faith vs. works" issue.

2007-08-25 12:00:12 · answer #6 · answered by momo5j7 5 · 0 1

The Jamnian Pharisee palestinian Canon rejected the 'biblical quality' of the Deuterocanonical books as much to exclude the new Gospel as to push their version of the OT canon over the Sadducee (Torah only) canon and the Alexandrian Septuagint Canon.

The Reformers rejected the LXX canon of the OT because Maccabees taught veneration of the saints,their intercession and it encouraged sacrificing for the dead. They still kept the Catholic/Orthodox Canon of the NT.

Anyone who cites Chick as a reliable source believes everything in the National Inquirer .

2007-08-24 06:59:21 · answer #7 · answered by James O 7 · 3 1

Martin Luther removed the books that he did not agree with during the reformation. One of those is Maccabees.

2007-08-23 09:40:40 · answer #8 · answered by patty 2 · 5 1

The short answer is that they were removed because they are not included in the Tanakh (the Jewish Bible), so they were considered non-canonical by the Protestants. You can still find Bibles that include these books. Just look for any version that contains "the Apocrypha."

2007-08-23 07:10:49 · answer #9 · answered by King James 5 · 0 5

The Raven and IamaCatholic2 have answered this perfectly.

shjOlds: no respected scholar, historian, or theologian accepts Jack Chick's tracts as anything more than misleading lies designed to propagate hatred toward Catholicism.
Please cite credible sources.

2007-08-24 03:53:37 · answer #10 · answered by Vernacular Catholic 3 · 6 1

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