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Q1:Are there every any signs that the baby might come early? My mom had 4 girls all preme, so I think I might have my little girl early! Q2: Wen your uterus grows, what happends to your insides, do they just all move up under your rib cage? (by insides I mean your liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, etc.)? Q3: Is it possible for the baby to kick your stomach (inside were your food is being processed) so hard that they make you puke? Just curious, was laying awake unable to sleep and was thinking about it! Thanks for all your answers! it is greatly appreciated that you took time out of your busy day to answer my rediculious questions! lol Thanks again

God Bless
29wks 4days

2007-08-22 07:28:49 · 9 answers · asked by Mama Boyce 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

9 answers

oh, it is so so sweet to read your question. I remember driving my doc's crazy, but hey that's what they are there for.I always said. I think technically they can't kick your stomach, but while my twins where in there I was sure they came very close.
Oh, your ribcage will expand more easily because you are making hormones to losen up all of your joints, it also makes you more prone to dislocations so be carefull. As you grow, you will wonder less and less where you intenstines are going, as you see you tummy stick further and further ...and further...out.
For preterm labor, there is no tried and true teltale sign. No way to predict it, that's why it happens,mostly just treatment if you get there in time and arent too dialated. It does, however, help to stay hydrated, as that will really cut down on those braxton hicks (false) contractions. I found that room temp water was better for me, cold cause me a lot of heartburn Once I got used to drinking it that way, it was no big deal. Also, all you pregos out there I hope you are taking your folic acid!!! :) You can get it for like 2 bucks at walmart, and you can not overdose on it, so no worries about mixing with prenatal vitamins. It not only helps your babies brain grow (and it is never too early or too late to start taking it) it is also wonderfull for your energy. I started 8 years ago for my twin pregnancy, and i still take it. Boy do i feel it when i don't!
God bless you & your baby!!!

2007-08-22 08:26:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your uterus kind of squishes your organs up and back, it's hard to breath towards the end of pregnancy because your lungs are being squashed. I don't think it's the actual kicking that could cause you to puke, but when the baby gets big it's hard to fit a lot of food in your stomach, so if you are too full you might feel more like barfing. I was checked for pre term labor a lot and they look for cramping thats not normal braxton hicks, and if your water breaks, and I'm sure there are a bunch of other signs.

Try to get some sleep!

2007-08-22 07:38:49 · answer #2 · answered by Carol G 3 · 0 0

As to your first question I'm not sure. The doctors will keep an eye closer to your due date on the dilation and effacement of your cervix that may clue them in on imminent labor. Make sure though that your doctor knows your family history of your mom going into labor early with all her girls. If anything I would say family history could be a clue as to what will happen with you though not DEFINITELY.

To your second question I'm not sure exactly where they get pushed to but I can't imagine they "move" very far. You can't eat as much later in pregnancy because your uterus presses on your stomach making the amount it can hold less. Just as you pee every three seconds because your bladder is constantly under pressure.

For your third question, I'm not thinking the baby could kick your stomach directly I think your diaphragm is in the way. The only thing CLOSE to this scenario I've heard of is a close friend of mine was in labor with her second, and during a particularly strong contraction the baby apparently kinda of kicked her diaphragm and made my friend projectile vomit over her mothers head and onto the nearby nurse. True story...if not a bit gross.

Hey pregnancy is full of ridiculous thoughts and questions. Nothing was every lost by asking.

Good Luck and Congrats

2007-08-22 07:41:48 · answer #3 · answered by moonshadow418 5 · 0 0

Signs of preterm labor are things like, more than 6 contractions in an hour, your water breaking, severe abdominal pain (not the same as braxton hicks). You can actually google for a list of pre term labor signs.

Your insides get smooshed in all directions, pregnancy actually displaces all your organs, even your heart and lungs are moved.

The baby kicks everywhere, but has the most space to kick out, up and down, not so much back towards your spin or organs. Generally you get kicked in the ribs, but you can get a foot or elbow anywhere. I personally never got kicked in the stomach, but the motion of kicking made me want to throw up.

Pregnancy is so much fun. Like, PMS the flu and ebola all at once. lol.

2007-08-22 07:37:26 · answer #4 · answered by amosunknown 7 · 2 0

1- It depends. If she gave birth early due to a medical condition, and you have that same condition, then yes it is possible.
2- I believe they stay completely under your rib cage. That is why your belly bulges out.
3- And I don't think that they can reach your stomach, but they do put quite a bit of pressure on your bladder, resulting in more trips to the bathroom. Plus your growing stomach and breasts are a bit awkward, so it can make it difficult to sleep or sit comfortably.
It's all a bit awkward, but as long as you take your vitamins, try to eat properly, and get your rest, you and baby should be fine. :)

2007-08-22 07:43:02 · answer #5 · answered by my brain hurts 5 · 0 0

the only signs you will get is pre-mature labor pains if you have your baby early, as far as your other organs the get smashed and moved out of the way, that is why we are so miserable towards the end, the baby can kick pretty hard at times but it is not painful and no the baby can't kick you to make you puke, it is not like being kicked from an outside source.

2007-08-22 07:36:51 · answer #6 · answered by kissybertha 6 · 0 0

You won't necessarily go early just because your mom did with you. EVERY woman in my family had babies approximately 10-14days early so I expected the same to be true for me. I ended up going 17 days late! I read a few interesting studies that the baby's length of gestation often has more to do with the father's genes than the mothers (when the baby has reached its maturity it helps produce the hormone that starts labor). If I can find the articles again I will add it.

2007-08-22 08:13:33 · answer #7 · answered by Ann W 4 · 0 1

Try checking out with a virtual experiment. I continuously had bigger good fortune with the ones than the road ones. I could advocate First Reponse virtual experiment. I had a miscarriage Dec 21. I certainly not had a risk to get a interval earlier than finishing up pregnant once more. I established the top of January with the virtual experiment and it got here again confident whilst the strains ones nonetheless stated no.

2016-09-05 10:11:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1: my cousin was premature and so was her little girl. Could be a coincidence, but i would take it easy. you want a healthy baby.

2. all your insides get pushed around. Makes breathing hard, heartburn and indigestion.

3. yes, it's possible. my little girl does it all the time. Last night being the latest.

Questions aren't ridiculous...congrats on your baby!

2007-08-22 07:44:41 · answer #9 · answered by Maria 5 · 0 0

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