i do too but i hate that i dont want to think bad
2007-08-22 06:32:18
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes I do sometimes
Usually it's to chavs or really trashy young mums
At the grocery store a week or so ago, I was standing behind a girl who looked maybe 20 ( I am only 18 and she didn't look much older than me ).
She had two babies. And she looked young!
She was using the government assistance and I had a comforting feeling that I knew that I'm never going to be a young mother ( and I mean that by having kids before I turn 25 or before I have a career )
I kinda feel bad about it but what can I do?
It's their lives.
2007-08-22 11:56:40
answer #2
answered by Sarah* 7
yeah - I know it's very judgemental and you can't judge a book by it's cover and all that, for all I know the person might be a brain surgeon or an award winning novelist or something but I do think to myself , 'crikey, make an effort - I have' when I see some people in the street. I do think my judging people is probably balanced out by the people looking at me and thinking, 'im sooo much better then you'
2007-08-22 06:34:21
answer #3
answered by Andy M Thompson 5
No, because you shouldn't judge people by how they look - it's what's inside that is important. People may look a certain way due to circumstances beyond their control - what makes YOU better? You do not know what's around the corner, so don't be so quick to judge others.
2007-08-22 07:16:41
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Yes, but I try not to let that take over my thoughts. I see them all the time, but it won't do me any good to complain about these people, nor do I need to give myself an ego boost because of how someone else looks that day.
2007-08-22 06:34:52
answer #5
answered by Mochi A 1
well you have a fat face, rats tail hair that needs a good cut, over plucked eyebrows, make up overload, cheap looking gypsy top, uneven skin colour, a boxers nose, squashed face and a deeply unappealing facial expression which makes you look like you are desperately trying too hard honey but i would never think i was better than you even though i am in every way
2007-08-22 06:54:38
answer #6
answered by tra 6
you are young and shallow. people are probably doing the same to you. my sister is very wealthy and she will only shop in the top boutiques, she will never set foot inside a supermarket and she would never converse with anyone outside her social circle. she thinks she is better than everyone because she is wealthy and beautifull. if she saw you she would think you were nothing. yet she is not happy, and if you carry on thinking you are better than others you will probably end up the same.
2007-08-22 06:49:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
When I look at someone like you I always think it, because my biggest pet hate is people who look down on others. I hope you get what's coming to you.
2007-08-22 10:12:44
answer #8
answered by Acai 5
When I see people like that I am thankful that I do not have their disadvantages. This does not make me better than them and it is not what I feel in my heart.
2007-08-22 08:03:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
No, but I have looked at people in the street and thought how sad it is you are so overweight, how sad it is that you seem homeless and desperate. How sad it is that you are wheelchair-bound or can't see to cross the street.
2007-08-22 06:33:08
answer #10
answered by Kate J 6
I cant really think of much to say on this one.
all I can, is, I wont dignify your words.
look ot history as to that sentiment allowed.
I wont speak of what i have personally learned of that sentiment. If I do I would rant at you. and Im not going to lower my self to that standard.
2007-08-22 06:49:07
answer #11
answered by Andy C 5