When the concept of eternal life after death was made up, people weren't as philosophically intelligent as they are now. It probably seemed like a good idea at the time. These day's more of us are able to think 'outside the box' and we realise what a floored and almost uncomfortable concept eternal life is.
It's interesting that even religious people are constantly "evolving" their ideas of God and the afterlife to fit in with modern times. Even they know it doesn't work as written.
Christians will constantly spurt out claims of "it's unfathomable, incomprehensible to the human mind" Yet the bible would have been written to be fathomable and comprehensible to the human mind, and yet it is still highly floored and makes no sense. If the human mind can not fathom heaven, it makes little sense that our 'souls' would be able to fathom it either.
Which again is another great paradox of religion. If we are not as intelligent or spiritually savvy as our own souls, then we cannot be punished for any mistakes we make as flesh and blood creatures. It's exactly the same as punishing a child with downs syndrome or autism for not functioning the same as a 'normal' human being. It just wouldn't happen, and any God that would do that is truly not worth bothering with.
All anyone has to do is just think about it and the whole concept of religion comes falling down like a badly balanced deck of cards.
2007-08-21 22:08:53
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I have no idea
just kidding lol
well no one really knows the exact truth or whoever does cant answer this question
The only people that know the true answer is the people who have died but from what I get told every day in school if you die of sickness or old age or murder then when you go to heaven all the pain and suffering will be gone you will forget about all the bad stuff and you will live with Jesus and God
But only the people who have died would know the true answer but I'm sure that when you go to heaven you will automatically become very happy
2007-08-22 04:49:05
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Ah, just love this one, the old "Heaven will just be a nicer version of what I can see here".
Maybe, just maybe we may need to conceed we DONT know it all, and projecting our tiny world view onto the other side of death is just ignorance dressed up with a few well-worn hand-crafted rhetorical questions.
As a Christian even I couldn't pretend to know it all. Trying to describe heaven is like trying to describe the colours of a flower to a blind man.
Try not to think of Heaven as a place where earthly things are just better, but a place where God dwells, where there is NO evil, no decay, just Him and all that is good and pure. No earthly pleasures or trapping (and think about, even the nest earthly pleasures don't go THAT far do they) - just HIM.
With that, if your friends are relatives have no interest in God, knowing about Him, there's nothing there for them.
Even the nicest `friends` and `relatives` can turn nasty if circumstances were changed, especially in extreme cases. Imagine - just imagine for one minute - trying to defend ALL of your mistakes of ALL of your life against one who can see right through you - would you want to spend etenity there.
2007-08-22 06:55:28
answer #3
answered by brad m 3
I really dont think thats fair to label christians as selfish arrogant people, (guy with the first scathing remmark, i mean answer) i'm christian and i really take offence to that, who are you to judge, we will not be in our human form after we die so it is impossible to fathom what anything is going to be like, i see heaven as not a place but a sense or something like a dream world maybe, where you are eternally happy, if people chose to believe this and live there life as good and honestly as they can then wont that make earth better too?
2007-08-22 04:52:00
answer #4
answered by mags_dbee 3
1. Muslims and buddhists believe that hell will be empty one day.
2. In Heaven, nothing exist seperately from anything else...since we have left all concepts of space and time behind. We will be brilliantly weaving with eachother in the never ending dance of creation. And yes that means will be linked to people in hell even if they aren't able to reciprocate. For how can there be One all-encompassing GOD if there is something else to be aware of?
3. We are all (or atleast have the potential) to be servants unto the Creator...One day, you will come to know God and you will no longer worry about yourself or what you want.
2007-08-22 04:34:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Heaven is a flawed idea created to tempt. It's like telling a kid "be good and santa will bring you a toy at the end of the year" but Im not into the big pimping style of streets paved with gold and pearly gates so they'd have to dream up something better to convince me to worship the silent judge.
2007-08-22 05:02:54
answer #6
answered by Fiona F 5
It wouldn't be true paradise if you were mourning your loved ones in hell. Somehow I think you wouldn't think of them when you're in heaven, because you're so overwhelmed by everything. That, or somehow God ‘enlightens‘ us to see the reason that they are where they are better, and we'll be content.
2007-08-22 04:36:58
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Hi .You are thinking about a place that you could not even begin to imagine because you are stuck on earth in your earthly body using limited primitive logic to try to understand that which is impossible to do in your finite world as is the case with each and every person ever created.You will understand everything when the time is right,so try not to think about it too much because it will only get more complicated and frustrating.
EDIT....The concept of Hell being a place of torment and everlasting fire is man made. No one can know what hell is like just as no one can imagine Heaven.My own personal view is that hell is a place of unimaginable lonliness of the feeling of being separated from God because those who go to hell will be judged by God and they will have a short vision of him and wish they had not offended while they were alive but it is too late .they had plenty of time to ask forgivnes while they were alive but chose to reject him.and they will go to hell for all eternity knowing what they are going to miss out on. As i say this is only my thoughts and i may be totaly wrong.Nobody is in either place at the moment.Everyone living and dead are yet to be judged.
2007-08-22 04:55:16
answer #8
answered by ROBERT P 7
Ironic question. Ever seen a rich man mourning for poor people? Ever cried for a friend that laughed at you studying for classes then he flunked? Ever pitied the thirsty man that refuses to drink cool purified water you bring for him? Ever pitied the beggar who asks you for money to buy food but adamantly refuse that you buy the food for them? I don't pity stupid people (Stupid is having the ability to think but refusing to do so; it is not being mentally challenged). It is not that you would be happy at their dismay; you would merely be content that you tried to help and your conscience lies free of their burden.
Heaven boring? Naah, there will be way too much to do, and the action in hell would be a little too hot to handle don't you think? Ever stood directly over a fire and had a good time? If you have done so, try making the fire a little bigger, and if you really enjoy it, perhaps you have nothing to worry about if there is an afterlife. Just food for thought.
2007-08-22 04:50:17
answer #9
answered by Fude Fer Tawt 2
This world and all its people will pass. We spread the word and pray a lot while we're here. Once we make it to heaven, though our earthly cares will be long gone. All our attention will be on serving the Lord.
Won't you join us?
2007-08-22 04:33:36
answer #10
answered by Anonymous