In a manner of speaking, any army consists of terrorists, since to wage war is a terrible thing and causes terror.
Some of the Iraqis who are fighting the United States, the U.K., and the other allies are really defending Iraq. Many of the rest are creating terror by fighting with Iraqis who are trying to help the first nation which has really attempted democracy or democratic republicanism and multiculturalism. Today in Iraq the world sees, believe or not, a nation where Shia, Sunni, Yazidi, Syriac Christian, Mesopotamian Catholic, and others can live, work, and worship without interference from the state.
Before the task force invaded from Kuwait in March of 2003, Iraq was under a dictatorship which hid behind the cloth of Islam, ruled by a cruel despot and the Baathist Socialist Party.
I was one of those in the allied forces which invaded back then. My job was to drive a lieutenant, leader of an engineer platoon in the engineer brigade from the Third Infantry Division based out of Fort Stewart, Georgia. By mid April we had replaced a Marine unit which had stormed a twelve story building and government compound by a stadium, part of Sadam Hussein's "Olympic village." We established Camp Raider amid the neighbourhood which Sadam Hussein had set aside for government officials. (Baghdad was divided into neighbouhoods in which different occupations resided-- there was a neighbourhood for military officials, another for doctors and medical professions, another for tradesmen and their families, etc.).
Did I agree with the decision to invade? No, but that was not my job, to decide that. I did my job, which was to fight and win wars for my nation. Did I hate Iraqis? Certainly not. I had nothing against them. In fact I grew to love the people and that land. I left a piece of my heart in Baghdad. Every day and night I read or hear of what is going on there, and it grieves me. And yet I think Iraq is better off now than before, even with the violence which racks it daily.
Was America the tranquil and orderly nation which today for the most part exists, back when the army and navy of King George surrendered to us? In fact it was not, and many in Europe wagered that we would not exist. We faced not only the hostile nations of the United Kingdom, but also the powers of Spain, Russia, and a host of native American nations and tribes. We faced the problem of becoming a unified nation.
I don't like war any more than you do. Probably I have much more reason to hate it. I know war first hand. Maybe you should learn much more about Iraq and its history before you allege what your question seems to imply. Maybe you should go there. Go and learn first hand what is going on. Then get back online and write some questions.
I wish you peace and safekeeping. I leave you in the hands of Allah (God) or whatever is your higher Power.
Bye now.
2007-08-21 16:03:02
answer #1
answered by cafegroundzero 6
Let's get the facts straight here
Definition of terrorist: One that engages in acts or an act of terrorism.
Definition of terrorism: The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.
Definition of invasion: The act of invading, especially the entrance of an armed force into a territory to conquer.
Iraq has not been renamed a US territory, state, or dominion. We don't tear down IRAQ flags and put up ours. I don't see how we conquered it. We are not burning Qur'ans, bombing mosques, and erecting Christian churches. You are your own nation. You just won the Asian Cup soccer championships, didn't you, as Iraq not as USA?
We Americans are not resorting to car bombs and suicide bombs to instill fear into Iraq to change it's ways. Who's doing these covert ops....rebellious Iraqians. But not all of them. So not all of IRAQ is filled with terrorists.
2007-08-22 00:19:51
answer #2
answered by cvcsjgrl 3
I wouldn't say so, but from what I read and hear, there is very little of that going on. The US troops there are now accepted by the elected government. So any action against those troops is now a criminal act, one considered illegal by the government. Most of the violence is not the Iraqi government vs the US troops, it's Shia vs Sunni, or al-quaeda vs USA, or one sect of Shia vs another sect. The invasion, as such, is over. Where Iraq is being invaded TODAY is by Iranians who come to cause trouble, Syrians who come to cause trouble, Al-Quaeda who come to cause trouble. These are the groups that the Iraqi govt should be trying to stop, not the USA.
2007-08-21 22:49:24
answer #3
answered by Chredon 5
you know what US should do when they first invade iraq and remove saddam? they should put a law that banning any automatic weapon like M-16, AK-47s, RPG from iraqis for what ever reasons and those who carried one should be shot on site. for personal defence give them bolt action rifle and hand guns.
this will make a job easier for US troops, since anyone carring AK will be shot on site thus making easy to spot civilians and not. give the iraqies police a garand rifles only so giving smaller prob for them to shoot back at US troops or sell their weapon to the insergents, who want to fight with garand when your enemy fought back with mini guns?.
while for iraqis, start using your head get ridd of saddam and start be a civilise country not a moron one who killed each other for what reason i dont know anymore , just like an animal even animals behave less than what people in iraq do, drilling heads, beheadings etc, is that what we called civilize?
while US troops , stop making fun of iraqis and be more mindful of their customs and treat you prisonner like humans not like animal, do you also want to be treat like animal by iraqis when if you get capture?
US have a big responsibility not only to your self but to the world because US is part of the worlds, you have the power, used it wisely
2007-08-22 13:54:01
answer #4
answered by Ya..Bru 3
How about the Iraqis who blow each other up becuae they are different kinds of muslims (shia blowing up sunnis and vice versa)?
How about Iraqis who blow up lines of young Iraqi men and women who are trying to get work, simply to fight the democratically elected system?
How about the Iraqis who blow people up because they are still loyal to the Baath Party of Saadam Hussein?
How about the Iraqis in the south who blow people up because they have allegience to Iran and want to break away from Iraq?
How about the Iraqis who bliow people up who are not actually Iraqis, but Jihaddists from all over the middle east who want to kill an American or Brit.
Real Iraqi patriots had more than enough chance to fight the U.s and UK forces face to face when they were the biggest army in the middle east and they didn't bother.
Real Iraqi patriots know that the quickest way to get US and UK troops out of their country is to stop blowing each other and the coalition forces up.
If they were to do that the UK would be out of Southern Iraq in weeks....and they know it...but thats not what they want!!!
2007-08-21 23:32:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Nope, because I assume you're referring to some of the so-called insurgents who are motivated to fight by what they see is a foreign army occupying their country. Regardless of whether or not Iraq was justly invaded for the betterment of their country, they want them out.
It's tempting to think all of the groups battling it out with the US and Iraqi forces are the same, but they're not. Some target civilians, some target all opposition forces and some just target US soldiers.
2007-08-21 22:59:13
answer #6
answered by Gotta have more explosions! 7
Which army are you talking about? The one from the US that is busy building infrastructure, training police and trying to make the country safe enough for the new government to run on it's own or the Iranian army which is shelling Kurds? These Iraqis who are "defending their country" seem to be extremely busy killing Iraqis. What kind of defense is that?
I'd suggest Iraqis learn from Japan and Germany who underwent US occupation and were completely rebuilt to economic strength. You don't need to bite the hand that is feeding you.
2007-08-21 22:44:45
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
There are at least 4 categories of fighters there:
1. Freedom fighters, true Iraqi patriots who want USA to withdraw. Use IED tactics on roads, mortar attacks on the "green zone", snipers (see their "work" on Youtube). Freedom fighters destroy only aggressors.
2. Warlords from both Shia and Sunni sides who fight for the power. Attack each other, detonate large devices near mosques and bazaars.
3. Al-Qaeda terrorists from abroad. Use suicide bombers mostly.
4. Bandits, gangsters. Shoot and loot.
2007-08-21 22:56:25
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If we were trying to invade, the job would have already been done. The problem is that we are actually doing our best not to take over.
If they were just trying to keep us out, why are they killing police and blowing up mosques and destroying their own infrastructure?
2007-08-21 22:47:50
answer #9
answered by Paladin 7
It is not terrorism, it is unconventional warfare. Which is used when attempting to force political change by: convincing a government or population to agree to demands to avoid future harm or fear of harm, destabilization of an existing government, motivating a disgruntled population to join an uprising, escalating a conflict in the hopes of disrupting the status quo (Al-Quida), or drawing attention to a cause.
Terrorism is a term used to describe unlawful violence or other unlawful harmful acts committed (or threatened) against civilians by groups or persons.
2007-08-21 22:48:57
answer #10
answered by booney_tunes 2