For the drive a DVD pally is the key. We drove a long 24 hr road trip with a 18 month old last summer and wouldn't have made it without it. Another great toy for the trip is a Magnadoodle. My daughter loves hers.
For the actual wedding do your best to make sure she is well rested, and not hungry.Then also let her know if she is a good girl she will get a special treat. It doesn't have to be something big. One our daughter biggest treats is when daddy takes her to the animal shelter (no they have never brought home any animals thankfully :) ).
Good luck
2007-08-21 14:31:28
answer #1
answered by Esther D 2
I am dubious of expecting a 2 year old to perform in a wedding. 2 year olds have not yet developed the ability to control their emotions or impulses. Nor do they possess a sufficient level of understanding of their environment and attention span to "perform". Your daughter could be happy and adorable, or have a complete meltdown. Sorry, I know you didn't want to hear it, but I'd be irresponsible to not point it out. I don't think it's fair to put a 2 year old in that position.
But if everyone is set on going through with it, maybe you can stack the decks in favor of a Happy and Adorable (H&A)outcome, but there is no way you can assure it.
I'm sure you already know to make sure your daughter has had sufficient food and sleep before the wedding so that she is not tired or hungry, right? 2.5 hours drive is a long time for a toddler. If you can get there the night before and rent a hotel room and keep your daughter on her normal bed time schedule that might help. If that is out of the question, then maybe if you start out early enough that she might finish her sleep during the drive, that might help. Or perhaps she can have a nap when you get to your destination, if you can arrange your schedule to allow it.
Some other suggestions to stack the decks for H&A:
Trust in her mother and in her environment, a feeling of safety and security, can help your daughter enjoy the situation rather than feeling anxiety about it, or being caught off guard by a new and different situation.
Tell her all about it before hand. Talk about it every day. Make it into a bedtime story. Practice walking down the aisle with her. Have as many friends and family as possible line up to act as the bride and groom and people in the pews while she walks down the "aisle" tossing her petals. If you can't round up enough people use props like stuffed animals and dolls, chairs, pillows, anything that can be "imagined" as a part of the wedding party and attendees. Make it as fun as possible. Have her talk about what it might be like. Have her practice wearing the clothes she will wear during the wedding. Tell her how much the bride will like having her there. Anything that prepares her for the event and helps her see it as fun.
If you have been talking about the event as a bed time story, maybe that can be integrated into your drive to the wedding destination and help her to sleep on the way.
Good luck. I hope the event turns out to be a Happy and Adorable memory for you and your daughter.
2007-08-21 14:57:11
answer #2
answered by PJ C 1
Well, the drive isn't much of a problem. Just get her a few new toys. Also, bring her a few of her old toys that she loves. Bring some yummy snacks. Things that she usually does not get, but loves. Then, bring some of her favorite snacks as well. Bring a blanket from her bed, so she can have something that feels and smells like home. (this can also be used at night, it will help her sleep)
As for the wedding, it will be be as easy. She is only two, so you have to be ready for the fun. I think it is very cute when little kids are in weddings. Many times they do such silly things. But, to try for the best. Make sure her dress isn't itchy, and she likes it. Also, make sure she has enough sleep, and has a full tummy. Also, when you get there, have her do a few run through. To make sure she knows where to go. Also, make sure she knows the two little boys. That will make it easer. Have them all go down the isle together a few times as well. Make sure she is in the dress for a few of the trials. Also, make sure her daddy is around to help her (or someone she knows really well). So, you won't have to go running down the isle. But, if you have to...then you have to. Also, make sure you have snacks up near the alter, and near the back of the church. Also something to drink. Also, don't expect her to sit up at the alter the whole time. Have someone have her during, and bring her back up the front for the walk back down.
Know it is almost garenteed that she is going to do something cute and funny, so make sure you have a video camera ready.
2007-08-21 14:56:52
answer #3
answered by Umm Selma 5
I asked a similar question a few months ago...the majority of people suggested I not bring my 2 year old to a wedding. My best friend was getting married and I was a bridesmaid and really wanted my daughter to be at the wedding also, but she is definitely in the terrible two's phase and after really thinking about it I decided to let my sister-in-law watch her so my husband and I could attend the wedding. I guess I didn't really give you much help, but hopefully things work out for ya.
2007-08-21 14:52:44
answer #4
answered by Mommy of 2 2
Drive there at night, if possible when she will be sleeping. Always keep a baggie full of snacks to keep her busy. Play her fav music or play a musical movie to keep her attention. At the wedding?? Wow, I don't know, she is so young to be in a wedding. I hope you have an adult there that you trust to help out with sending her and the twins down the isle. Best of luck!
2007-08-21 14:29:25
answer #5
answered by Deva 2
For the drive and the wedding, you should bring crayons, a coloring book, books, and other quiet toys. Also, we have a portable DVD player that we use. We put in one of his DVD's and my son is in heaven. Be sure to allow enough time, so you can let your daughter run around before the wedding. At the wedding, have Dad or a trusted friend take her if necessary, and have her play with her quiet toys.
2007-08-21 14:32:41
answer #6
answered by seatonrsp 5
as quickly as we've been given married a pair of years in the past our son became into a matching age. He became into the only youthful baby to be on the marriage so i offered him a clean toy that he became into given on the day of the marriage. I spent £10 on a wood automobile factor that he enjoyed. i needed it to be new on the day for him so as that he would not have had a gamble to get uninterested in it and it labored, he became into entertained and behaved incredibly properly. i think of its an incredible theory to %. a bag to your daughter, put in some thing new (and much less costly) whether its a clean colouring e book, and additionally a time-honored toy jointly with a splash teddy to convenience her if she gets drained. maximum of all have exciting, she's very youthful so no1 will assume her to be quiet all day. Have an attractive day, relax and she or he'll get exhilaration from herself :)
2016-11-13 03:04:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
She's old enough to talk about it with you. Show her pictures online, or even videos online of flower girls, it will give her an idea of what she's doing. Tell her how pretty she will be and how much fun she will have. But dont stress her out. Dont even mention things like "you dont have to be scared, mommy will be there" dont put that thought in her mind.
Honestly, we invested in a portable dvd player, and we do the bulk of our driving during nap times.
2007-08-21 14:22:06
answer #8
answered by amosunknown 7
Im sorry. If you want to enjoy your day and you want the bride and groom to enjoy their day, call in the night before, say she is ill and get a sitter. Otherwise there will be frantic chaos
2007-08-21 14:53:24
answer #9
answered by barthebear 7
M&M's that's the best way. let her know you have candy she'll want to get to the candy. we did it at my wedding they didn't make a sound, they went right to were they needed to be. if your child can't have candy try a toy you can hadle in you hand with out it being seen. good luck.
2007-08-21 16:08:56
answer #10
answered by mindy w 2