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First of all, don't insult me. That just supports the idea that the religious are ignorant. I have a few hypocricies that I'd like to see how you religious explain away to yourselves.

1) God is all love and compassion. He doesn't cause pain and suffering, only allows us to cause it for ourselves. I get that part. But in the old testament God kills the first borns. He makes the chosen people wander for 40 years in a desert. He floods the entire world.
Yet God is unchanging. If the bible is God's word, how could he have caused so much suffering in the OT, but is said to be all love in the NT?

2) How can creationism work if there were only two people created? Adam and Eve would not have had enough genetic diversity and their kids' kids would have been inbred.

3) Jesus' Golden Rule- love your neighbor as yourself, is, as He said, the number one rule. Homosexuality is, according to some religions, wrong. Yet homosexuals receive much hate from christians.

2007-08-21 13:31:29 · 14 answers · asked by pab 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

1) A) God didn't kill ALL the 1st borns...only those whom were not of His own "children" Pharoah, whom worshipped the devil god, had threatened to do that to all of God's children, along with many other atrocities... God just showed him and all Pharoahs people whom they were messing with.
B) His chosen people had sinned...allowing satan to be in their lives...punishment was needed, but, they DID reach the promised land.
C) Again, satan had corrupted God's people... God had warned them many times, they chose not to believe Him.
D) God keeps His Word... He warned and He made promises...He kept to them...people did not.
D1- God promised never to do it again and gave a rainbow as a sign of His promise to come after every rainfall.
D-2-God's Son Jesus came that God's promises may be fullfilled.

2) God FIRST created Adam and Eve...He also created others AFTER that, for there was a city that they went to and their children married...hence the DIFFERENT TRIBES of the JEWS and of Gentiles....but only through ONE TRIBE was God's chosen.

3) Love the sinner NOT the sin....all fall short of the glory of God, do unto others as you would have them do unto you does not mean do what they are doing or to even accept what they are doing...it means to treat each other with love and respect, courtesy, being a good samaritan, etc.,. Exactly how you wish others to treat you....and to pray for one another...especially those whom hate you.
We are also supposed to rebuke people when they are doing wrong...to extort and to exhort also... council and advise and try to help them see Truth and forgiveness...

If alcoholics made a campaign against Believers for saying that drunkerds were against God and were sinning, what would you say?
What if a Pedophile group raised up against the church saying "God says to love the little children and that's what they were doing" and that Believers were wrong in saying it was a sin, what would you say? (By the way, many pedophiles actually try and use this as validation)
What if adulterers, people committing incest, etc.,. rose up and said that they were not sinning, etc.,.?

i still have a problem with smoking. I KNOW it is a sin. But I am not trying to tell anyone it ISN'T a "sin" or to tell people that they are wrong to tell me it is. Like the others, I am working on it and God DOES love and bless me even though it is still in my life. That doesn't make it "ok" Not at all. It is a weakness, just as homosexuality is a WEAKNESS...a SIN...calling it by any other word does not make it better...

It's rediculous that we can pray for others so effectively and be blessed and still have a major sin in our life and can't eliminate it from ourselves.

Not all "Christians" "hate" Homosexuals.... only those whom do not like looking in the mirror that shows up their own sins, and homosexuality is useful to them to point at their own sin and say "Well, at LEAST I'M NOT........"

We are human, are we not? Hate the SIN...love the sinner. From one sinner to another, God Bless. :)

2007-08-21 14:34:32 · answer #1 · answered by ForeverSet 5 · 1 0

1. God is not all love, He is also a God of justice and righteousness and judgment in both the old and new testament. In the old there was blood atonement through animal sacrifice for sins.In the New it was Christ's blood.He struck Ananias and his wife both dead in the new testament after the Resurrection. A time of judgment is still to come for the rest of us.He has not changed.
2.Because of the fall, Adam and Eve pro- created and yes there had to be incest. If they had obeyed that sin would not exist, nor would all the genetic defects we stilll have today.
3.All Christians do not live the lives they should live, they are after all just people. It doesn't make it right.
You should always love the sinner,hate the sin. If there wasn't a church where else would you find a hypocrite.

2007-08-21 20:52:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'll just go in order on these three.
1) God is all love and compassion, but He is also holy,
righteous, and just. When he killed first borns, made His chosen people wander in the desert, and flooded the entire world it was in judgment of sin. God can't contradict His own character. He is holy and just, therefore he punished the sins of the Egyptians, the Israelites, and the whole world. Second, God is not all love in the New Testament. In Acts 5 God strikes down a couple in the church, Ananias and Saphira, for lying. He is holy, just, merciful, loving, righteous, and compassionate. He is also sovereign and has the right to do with His creation as He sees fit.
2) As to creation, God created the whole world and universe, not just Adam and Eve. As to genetic diversity, over thousands of years and genetic changes and dominant and recessive traits coming into play, we got people as they are today.
3) Now, I'll go to homosexuality. True, homosexuality is a sin to Christians, but Christians do not necessarily hate homosexuals. They are not called to hate them. They may hate the sin (homosexuality), but they see the sinner (the homosexual) as a sinner in need of God's grace and forgiveness. We still love them and want to help them.

2007-08-21 20:51:17 · answer #3 · answered by Aaron 2 · 2 0

1. God created all of humanity, yet he got zero credit for it. I'd be mad too and kill them all. But then I guess in the NT, he repented, hence Jesus' emphasis on forgiving.

2. Adam and Eve's children could have evolved from whatever they were. And genes mutate over time, bringing about new diversity. The inbred thing I still don't get, Adam and Eve didn't have a daughter so.... yeah. I prefer to believe that God made more wives for their sons.

3.This one is simple. People don't read the entire Bible, or at least don't remember all of it. (And who can?) I have a friend who is the son of a pastor, and has never read a whole book in the Bible. Sad, huh? AS for those who have read it, they think that anybody who sins is of the devil.

2007-08-21 20:49:35 · answer #4 · answered by YouCannotKnowUnlessUAsk 6 · 0 1

1) You are measuring God according to the righteous ideas of a finite man. God is an eternal spirit consider what this millisecond of life is to an eternal God? The God of the Old Testament is the God of the New Testamant the only difference is the change in man.
2) God is all powerful he can create from nothing before the law there was no sin and therfore no effects of sin that causes disease and death.
3) No one who follows the teachings of Christ hate anyone and all sin is sin and all of us are sinners saved only by the
atonement God provided.

Man is flesh but also given an eternal spirit and is more than flesh. God's plan is not for your sinful flesh which returns to dust but the new man who will be made new.

2007-08-21 20:43:58 · answer #5 · answered by djmantx 7 · 1 0

First of all, if any Christian, or anyone that claims to be, for that matter, tries to say that they're perfect, that it's okay to hate, say, homosexuals because it's wrong, is a hypocrite. They really have problems. He or she could be saved and just have a problem with that sin area in their life, or they could be fooling themselves into thinking they're saved. Maybe their parents were Christians, or they said a little prayer that didn't come from their heart. In the Old Testament, He used those disasters to bring glory and honor to Himself. He doesn't want people to suffer, but He had to punish those people for the evil they were doing. Actually I was just reading in Genesis this morning about some of these things you're talking about. God killed the first borns of Egypt because Pharaoh was wrong in not letting the Israelites go. He wants us to see that He is the Supreme Ruler and has the power to do anything. Also, He'll take things that the devil causes for bad and turn them into something for His (God's) glory. The Israelites had to wander in the desert for 40 yrs. because of their sin in turning away from God. The Flood was to destroy the evil in the world. God sent His Son Jesus in the New Testament, so a lot of It talks about Jesus's life here on earth. You do read about some persecution for the sake of Christ, but that's about the only thing that I can think of for suffering in the New Testament.
As for your question about Creation and genetics, I'm not really a scientist so I don't know all that much about genetics.

It does seem logical that Adam and Eve's children would have had some deformities, but they really had no other choice. In my opinion, God kept it from happening. Of course, we really don't know that these people were all perfectly healthy. I'm sorry I really don't have a lot of info on this.

As for your last question, I understand what you're saying. I actually know people who claim that they're Christians but have been so extremely hateful toward me in the past that I just have to seriously question that. We are to love the sinners but not the sin. We all sin. (Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.) So don't let any Christian try to say they're perfect. Don't believe them if they act that way. Some of these Christians that hate homosexuals could be misled, but I would really have to question their Christianity in the first place.

I hope this answered your question. Feel free to email me if you have any more.

2007-08-21 20:49:51 · answer #6 · answered by 77684 3 · 1 0

Hey fella,
Loosen up. You are wound way too tight.

I am not "religious" as you so arrogantly put it, but I do belong to Christ Jesus.

What you call "a few hypocricies" ??? would better be called a complete and absolute misunderstanding of God's Word on your part.

By the way, genius, I love your spelling.

What you fail to see is...is... well everything.
If you knew what you were saying, you would not ask the foolish nonsense you dribbled, but rather begin by asking God to save your sorry hide and then He could show you great and wonderful things from His Book.

But no, you're too smart for God.
News flash youngster, you woke up this morning in a world you DIDN'T create and might just not wake up tomorrow. You do not know the day of your last breath.

So wise up before it's too late and bow down before the One who allows you to have one more heart beat.
Otherwise, you won't be quite so sassy when you stand before Him.

2007-08-21 20:50:41 · answer #7 · answered by xhellant1 2 · 2 0

1. He is not interested in people whose hearts are inclined towards iniquity and refuse to turn from evil so He can punish them by killing them.

He flooded the entire world to wipe out the disobedient.

2. If its possible for a white corn seed to produce a yellow and a purple on the same cob theres no reason why a man's seed cannot produce variety albeit through climatic conditions.

3. Love your neighbor as yourself...Your neighbor could also be a murderer or a rapist in which case you protest the outrageous wickedness by showing them you hate their behavior. Homosexual acts are contrary to nature and morality.

2007-08-21 21:15:39 · answer #8 · answered by Been There 2 · 1 0

1) At the time many religions (such as Asheroth) practiced burning their living children as sacrifices. Killing them would've spared them from that fate. The 40 years was to punish the generation that repeatedly complained and refused to follow God, and he only flooded those who wouldn't follow him no matter what.

2)How do you know that there weren't others living at the time of Adam and Eve?

3) True, christians are viewed as hating Homosexuals, but no where in the Bible does it say that they should be hated.

2007-08-21 20:37:50 · answer #9 · answered by Skunk 6 · 0 0

1) God gave Pharaoh chance after chance to free his people. Finally after his 1st born died he gave up (kinda). Just like today. God gives man chance after chance. God doesn't turn away from man....man turns away from God. just like if a child is disobediant..he/she will be punished. the reason why the Hebrews wondered for 40 yrs is because they complained. they didn't want for God's will. they were impatient. God doesn't cause suffering. it's man's evil heart that causes suffering. also...Pharaoh ordered 1st borns to be killed. why didn't you say anything about that?

2) two people were created to be fruitful and multiply. God commanded them to do so. therefor....population. that makes more sense to me than my ancestors coming from monkeys.

3) i don't hate anyone. i don't have to like the ACT. huge difference. just like i don't like it when people lie, murder, steal or even cheat. it's all wrong in the eyes of God. whether we like it or not...God said homosexuality is a perversion. and who ever changes the word of God into a lie is also a sinner. everyone sin's. no one is perfect but because of God's mercy and grace He forgives. God HATES sin but loves the sinner. God HATES homosexuality but loves the person.

phobia means to have a fear of. i am not scared of any man or woman. i hate the word "homophobia"...people misuse that word so badly. why would i be scared of another person? also IF God did great homosexuality why did he call it a "perversion"? thats one thing i dont get. it's just another tactic people use to justify their sin. if people what to use God as a sourse they need to know that God does NOT agree with sin and He will not tolerate it.

2007-08-21 20:46:30 · answer #10 · answered by Ms. Lady 7 · 1 0

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