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I really like what you teach and think you are the only group of people teaching the truths about the bible.

But I have one problem.

I like to smoke a tobacco pipe 1-3 times a week. I don't inhale and it has not affected my health at all.

I know that smoking cigarettes in real bad for your health. The cigarette companies haved added tons of chemicals to the natural tobacco and cigarette smokers smoke large quantities of cigarettes a day and inhale to the lungs. That is totally unhealthful and damaging to the body.

But my hobby with pipes and natural tobacco does not cause any harm. Some may say that I might get lip or mouth cancer but I totally doubted with how few pipe bowls I have a month.

I could also argue that eating at Mc Donalds or eating junk food, and foods rich in sugar and saturated fat could cause cancer and/or heart disease/ or other health problems.

Been over weight is a major cause for heart problems, but there are many JW's that are overwieght.

2007-08-21 13:26:13 · 11 answers · asked by sfumato1002 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

So why can't I smoke a pipe if I don't inhale and it is not causing health problems.

Even if I want to smoke a pipe a week or a month.

2007-08-21 13:27:17 · update #1

Is it fair that I can't enjoy a pipe a month but other JW's are eating junk food or over eating and causing major health issues?

2007-08-21 13:28:50 · update #2

Boyz Madison, Why are you lecturing me about cigarettes when I'm talking about Pipe smoking?

I posted how I feel about chemical tobacco and cigarette smoking and inhaling. I know that it is unhealthy.

pipe smoking and cigarettes Is like comparing drinking a glass or two of wine for dinner to drinking a 12 pack of beer a day.

2007-08-21 14:02:22 · update #3

11 answers

It sounds like you're really seeking God and have a hunger for the truth of the Bible and God - Why not look for your answers there? He won't fail you.

People will never be able to give you a good answer to questions like this, because what you're saying is right and you know it.

What's your motive: if you quit the pipe, would it be for yourself, your organisation, or God himself? Pleasing yourself or the JW's won't do anything for you because in the end, you're going to stand before God himself to give an account of your decisions - not The Watchtower.

2007-08-21 13:36:20 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Men under 50 are more at risk than women of the same age group. SMOKING is not for those who want to live a long and happy life. The probability that a long-term smoker will eventually be killed by tobacco is 1 in 2. The Bible says: "You must love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:39) Love for your neighbors—and your family members are your closest neighbors—is a powerful reason to quit.

Smoking hurts others. Until recent times a smoker could light up just about anywhere and expect no objection. But attitudes are changing because more people understand the dangers of breathing in smoke that drifts from the cigarettes of others. For example, a nonsmoker who is married to a smoker has a 30-percent greater risk of developing lung cancer than if he or she were married to a nonsmoker. Children who live with parents who smoke are more likely to develop pneumonia or bronchitis in the first two years of life than are children who live in homes where no one smokes. Pregnant women who smoke endanger their unborn babies.The direct cost of cigarettes to the individual smoker is easy to calculate. If you smoke, multiply the amount of money you spend on cigarettes in one day by 365. That will show you how much money you spend in a year. Multiply that figure by ten, and you will see how much cigarettes will cost you if you smoke for another ten years. The result may surprise you. Think about what else you could do with that much money.

2007-08-21 13:44:36 · answer #2 · answered by boyzmadison 3 · 0 1

You asked the same basic question a couple of months ago. Didn't you like the answers you got then?

"Jehovah's Witnesses, If I smoke a tobacco pipe in moderation, could I be a JW?
God states not to contaminte your body, but ins't eating junk foods also contaminating the body.

Then a true christian should not eat at Mc Donalds or any fast food place, you should not eat anything that is fried as that creates cancer over time, should not eat chips becuase they have cancer creating chemicals and should not drink sodas, or coffee as coffee could be addictive and shrinks your veins. In fact cancer usually occurs because of what we stuff our selfs.

A true christian should have a strict diet of natural fruits and vegies and some fish and meat but not to much.

Also a christian should not be overweight. I see a tons of overweight people (you might be one of them) in all church denomanations, including JW's. Isn't that hipocresy?

Did you know been overweight is cause all sort of cancers and deseases???I know that smoking is bad for your health, but why do you judge when you yourself are contaminating your own body?

Additional Details

3 months ago
achtung_… You don't think that eating at Mc Donalds or eating fried frech fries is
blatant disregard for life?

IT is pure posion to your body. Eat that for 30 days and you will become ill and your body will be depleted of vitamins.

I am a responsible adult, I smoke my pipe at nights and I don't inhale. I just like to flavor the tobac.

I eat very healthy, I east mostly raw food vegies and fruits and fish. no meat. I think, in shape but I enjoy the pipe which is said to be good for stress. I know is not healthy and I maybe be inhaling some second hand smoke but people are feeding themselfs cancer in forms of food, isn't that the same?

3 months ago
Danny H, thanks for the post.

I love God Jehovah. I am not baptized and only attend once a year when it is Jesus conmemoration. I think there are many bad examples of JW's out there. Usually the ones that judge others are the worst.

Judas was part of the 12 diciples, if Judas who saw all of Jesus miracles betrayed him. I imagine there are many judases inside the JW's.

I still want to make an effort to go to the meetings and avoid and ignore those that judge others. I have to make myself go because of God not humans. Humans are imperfect. I smoke my pipe and I don't inhale at all. Cigarettes are completly different because it is a device to feed nitotine to your body and they are full of chemicals. The pipe is just for flavor and you don't inhale just puff. its a hobby i enjoy 3-5 times a week. I don't think Im contaminating my body.

However when I used to eat at Mc donalds or Carls Jr. I used to feel soggy and unhealthy that's why I stopped eating junk food.

3 months ago
To say that If I smoke my pipe i will get disfellowshipped, well that is heavy to say, I doubt Jesus who is appointed by Jehovah to judge will agree with you, or maybe he will, I don't know. I don't think i am committing a sin to God for enjoying fine pipe tobacco responsibly, like drinking a glass of wine a day.

3 months ago - 12 answers "

The answer hasn't changed. Smoking in any form is a blatant disregard for life.

2007-08-21 16:56:27 · answer #3 · answered by NMB 5 · 0 1

I was disfellowshipped for smoking, and remained that way for 18 years.
The 18 years I was in the world proved to me the witnesses has the truth that leads to everlasting life.

One of my greatest evenings was when it was announced I was reinstated. Smoking had me so addicted, it took a year to quit. When you are outliving desire for tobacco, a year is a a long time brother.

I used the same arguments you listed. Don't go there brother. The main reason is not for physical reasons anyway.

Druggery is against the Bible. Smoking is one aspect of druggery.

She's hollering dinners ready!! BRB

2007-08-21 13:50:48 · answer #4 · answered by rangedog 7 · 2 1


Try this site / article.

It was interesting what King James said about smoking after it came over from the Americas.

Sir Walter Raleigh took possession of Virginia in 1584. As the colony grew, the Indian custom of smoking tobacco became popular with the settlers there too. Back in England, ‘it was Raleigh who was chiefly responsible for introducing the habit and patronising the cult,’ asserts historian A. L. Rowse.

The “Counterblaste”

Opposing the newfound habit, however, was none other than his king, James. He put pen to paper to alert his subjects to the dangers of smoking tobacco.

‘That the manifold abuses of this vile custom of Tobacco taking may the better be espied, it is fit that first you enter into consideration both of the first original thereof, and likewise for the reasons of the first entry thereof into this country.’ So begins the famous Counterblaste. After reviewing what the king called the ‘stinking and unsavory’ custom of using tobacco smoke to cure ills, James lists four arguments people used to justify their habit:

1. That human brains are cold and wet, and thus, all dry and hot things (such as tobacco smoke) should be good for them.

2. That this smoke, through its heat, strength, and natural quality, should purge both head and stomach of colds and upsets.

3. That people would not have taken the custom to heart so much if they had not found by experience that it was good for them.

4. That many find relief from sickness and that no man ever received harm from tobacco smoking.

In the light of modern scientific knowledge, you will no doubt well agree with James’ counterarguments. Tobacco smoke not only is hot and dry but, rather, has a ‘certain venomous faculty joined with the heat thereof.’ ‘It does no more good to inhale such smoke to cure a cold than to eat meat and drink beverages that give you wind in order to prevent colic pains!’ Some people may claim to have smoked for years without any ill effects, but does that make smoking beneficial?

James forcefully reasoned that ‘though old harlots may attribute their longevity to their immoral practices, they ignore the fact that many prostitutes die prematurely’ from the sexually transmitted diseases they contract. And what about old drunkards who believe they prolong their days ‘by their swinelike diet’ but never consider how many others die ‘drowned in drink before they be half old’?

Having decimated the arguments in favor of smoking, James next draws attention to ‘sins and vanities’ committed by those who smoke. Prominent among these, he maintains, is the sin of lust. Not content with inhaling a little tobacco smoke, most crave more. Indeed, nicotine addiction has become a common phenomenon.

And what of ‘vanities’? James blasts the tobacco smoker with the argument: ‘Is it not both great vanity and uncleanness that at the table, a place of respect, you puff filthy smoke and stink, breathing out the smoke, infecting the air, when others present abhor such a practice?’

As if aware of the numerous health hazards smokers face, James reasons: ‘Surely smoke becomes a kitchen far better than the dining chamber, and yet it makes a kitchen also oftentimes in the inward parts of men, soiling and infecting them, with an unctuous and oily kind of soot, as has been found in some great Tobacco takers that after their death were opened.’

To crown his argument, James continues: ‘Herein is not only a great vanity but a great contempt of God’s good gifts, that the sweetness of man’s breath, being a good gift of God, should be willfully corrupted by this stinking smoke!’

smoking, which King James I of England long ago said is “lothsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmefull to the braine, dangerous to the lungs.”


2007-08-21 14:00:32 · answer #5 · answered by TeeM 7 · 1 1

The SMOKE that pipes deliver is just as deadly as that from cigarettes.

The Bible says: "You must love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:39) Also, there are the dangers of second-hand smoke to others. Love for your neighbors—and your family members are your closest neighbors—is a powerful reason to quit.


2007-08-21 14:09:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

If you enjoy pipe smoking, then why are even interested in the slightest about what other people think?

2007-08-21 13:34:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Keep smoking your pipe, its a great hobby, and don't worry about what others think.

2007-08-21 13:39:20 · answer #8 · answered by Cowboy Jacob 7 · 2 1

Everyone I personally know who died from heart problems was skinny.

2007-08-21 13:32:47 · answer #9 · answered by dddbbb 6 · 0 0

They take away Christmas, and you're concerned about something that might eventually eat away your tongue? I would rather have my tongue and presents.

2007-08-21 13:33:06 · answer #10 · answered by YouCannotKnowUnlessUAsk 6 · 0 1

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