Hello Christians!
Ok, I would like some decorum tips if I may. Just so you know I'm an Agnostic/. I am babysitting my little cousins this weekend and will end up having a sleep over there. My aunt and uncle attend church on a weekly basis and they invited me to go with them, so I figured "Sure! Why not, it will be a learning experience".
Now I've never been to church (other than weddings and funerals and maybe a Catholic mass here and there) let alone a Christian church. What would be appropriate dress attire for the church? And are Christian masses like Catholic masses (eg. communion, stand up, sit down, etc.)?
Thank you for your help. I don't want to make a fool out of myself or seem disprespectful.
18 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Yes I know Catholics are Christians. But I am attending a Christian church.
Like for instance, my family goes to "Most Precious Blood Catholic Church"
13:28:54 ·
update #1
Thank you for your help. I may not believe what they do, but that's no reason to be disrespectful.
13:29:49 ·
update #2
Summer Dawn and High Flyer: Thank you for your kind words. Ok, so I suppose I should give my aunt a call.
Everyone else: thank you. And don't worries, I'm a conservative dresser normally =)
13:36:40 ·
update #3
"Christian masses" are nothing like Catholic masses. It really depends on what type of church you are going to.
Maybe as a suggestion, dont wear anything that shows cleavage. That usually draws a lot of attention in conservative churches. Also, don't wear something to short. Nothing above the knees. If you don't have a skirt, stick to pants that don't rise really low.
If it is a really spiritually minded church, they won't judge you for what you wear.
It is great you actually care. I have had girls come to church that looked like sluts. I compliment you for even being concerned about it.
2007-08-21 13:31:25
answer #1
answered by Summer Dawn 3
Only Catholics have "masses." And it would depend on which denomination you're attending, to know the appropriate attire.
I attend a non-denominational church that is quite casual. Several people wear jeans and I often wear black denim pants with a nice top.
Some churches prefer the women wear a skirt or dress, but few demand it, except for the Mormons - but that's a whole different religion, not Christian.
I think your best choice would be either a dress or a nice pant outfit.
Hope that helps and have a good time!!
2007-08-21 13:35:36
answer #2
answered by Devoted1 7
It may be wise to ask your aunt and uncle about their particular church. Some churches have begun having many services through the day with some being more traditional while others are casual. Its likely that you can't go wrong with slacks and a nice blouse or dress or skirt( if Pentecostal then wear the skirt or dress). I would also avoid heavy makeup and large jewelry. But if they go to a 12 o clock service and everyone is in jeans it would be good to know. I hope you have fun and don't worry so much. If you happened to know what denomination they were it would be easier to predict the service.
Baptists tend to be more quiet and sit through the service while Pentecostal services will see people on their feet and moving or vocalizing with the pastor. Methodists seem to be like Baptists. Nondenominational, hmm, the ones I have visited seemed to like singing or having more music, some people were happy sitting quietly while others vocalized more (amens and such). I have never been to a Catholic service. Hope that helps.
2007-08-21 13:28:35
answer #3
answered by future dr.t (IM) 5
If it is a true Christian church, what you wear will not matter. I come from a church that was the only one to allow the hippies of the 60s in to the sanctuary. You ain't seen nothin' like that.
But if it is a fairly conservative church, just wear something that you would to one of those weddings you mentioned in your question. Do not worry about what people might think. Rather, go and listen.
Remember, an agnostic is one who believes that there IS a God, but that He cannot be known personally. You have an opportunity to test that dogma out. Ask God in prayer, "If you are truly there, please reveal yourself to me in a real and personal way." and see what happens. If you are correct, nothing will happen. If God is a personal God, then He will make Himself known to you. Do not tell anyone. Do this is your heart before you enter the church building.
Jesus prayed to God for those who would believe in Him the following in John 17:3, "This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent."
2007-08-21 13:33:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You can't go wrong with dressy casual, but you may want to ask your aunt, just to be sure.
There are many different types of church services. At my church, for example, we have two "traditional" services and one "contemporary" service. Many people who attend the contemporary service come in shorts and jeans, but this would not be appropriate for the other services.
If this is not a Catholic service, you probably won't have as much stand up-sit down. Just relax and try to be open-minded. You might like it!
2007-08-21 13:37:27
answer #5
answered by tea4twoholiday 4
Depends on the church, totally.
If it's non-denomenational - they tend to be very relaxed about what you wear. You should just ask your cousin what they would suggest.
I hope you enjoy. We Christians have a great time at my church. Some times the Agnostics may feel a little uncomfortable, but we have some rockin' tunes - full band and all. Good bible teaching, that makes you think.
I'd like to hear what you think, afterward.
2007-08-21 13:34:43
answer #6
answered by TEK 4
Something you might wear to nice restaurant. Nothing too revealing though. Probably won't be like a mass. You'll sing songs, say some prayers, listen to some special music, listen to a message, take up a collection, maybe take communion.
2007-08-21 13:31:59
answer #7
answered by coolmanhatback 3
Appropriate dress varies widely from church to church. Some are pretty formal and others very casual. I would ask your aunt about appropriate dress. Nothing too revealing though.
2007-08-21 13:38:04
answer #8
answered by Northstar 7
khakis and a nice shirt, skirt/dress and blouse. dress modestly, nothing too revealing. most christian churches i've been to, you do stand and sit quite a bit for the first half of the service or so, then the last half you sit for the serman. wear something comfortable and neat.
2007-08-21 13:32:50
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
There is nothing there, except people going through their religious rites and rituals.
Go, adorned yourself with a clean and pure heart , ready to meet with God. In fact, you can meet Him anytime anywhere and not necessarily on a particular day, time and place.
Don't go to please men and with the intent of seeking their approval-that's the worse thing you can do before The Almighty God's Holy Presence.
Go with a humble heart and be more concerned what God will think of you rather than men.
Now, what more can I says !
Go expectantly to meet your Maker and return never the same again ! God Bless!
2007-08-21 13:55:37
answer #10
answered by Anonymous