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Many christians here believe in a Hell of fire where people will burn for eternety, these so called christian religions threat nonbelievers of eternal damnation in hell.

The problem is that the threat of a hell of fire where people suffer forever is not a teaching found in the Scriptures.

The bible states that God will destroy the wicked with eternal destruction. In other words, evil will be wiped out from existence. The lake of fire symbolizes eternal destruction.

Some so called christians also believe that right when a person dies, his/her spirit goes directly to heaven or hell.

Yet the bible teaches that the dead are sleep. They have no memory or anything, they are not conscious, therefore can't feel any pain. This is also more scientific.

Many teachings most so called christians teach are false, and I think keeps people away from the bible.

The bible talks about Satan using people to distort the bible truth. (Acts 20:29, 30)

2007-08-21 13:00:44 · 18 answers · asked by sfumato1002 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

You hit the nail on the head. He wants us all to be so confused we won't know which is true but i believe I'm on the right path now. I'm studying the bible now with J.W's

2007-08-21 13:05:17 · answer #1 · answered by Daysee 3 · 1 1

You need to go back and read the Bible, the whole thing, all the way to the end. The dead are asleep until Christ returns then all will be judged, some to eternal life and some to eternal damnation, there is a lake of fire where satan will be thrown along with those that did not repent and worship the Lord.

In answer to ur main question, YES, satan loves religion and he loves the bible, he's had a long time to study it, manipulate it and use it to destroy God's plan for us, many, many religions have been sabotaged by satan and don't even know it, but a deep Biblical knowledge reveals Truth, basically the only way to know Truth is to read your Bible and pray to the Holy Spirit for discernment

2007-08-21 13:08:20 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

The Traditional view is that the unsaved spend eternity separated from God in a place of torment. Until recently this was the only orthodox view. But now some teach a Conditional view. This view holds that God is too kind to make people suffer forever so at the Great White Throne judgment, He judges unbelievers according to the quality of their lives and levies punishment suitable to their works, less for those who did lots of good things, and more for those who did little or none. After they've served their time of punishment, they're destroyed and cease to exist in any form. So no one is immediately destroyed, but the time of torment for some is less than for others. It's conditional upon their behavior.

Conditionalists, as they're called, say that this view is in harmony with the nature of God. Each sinner gets exactly what he or she deserves and even the worst sinner is mercifully destroyed after a time. This view also parallels the price Jesus paid for believers' sins. Suffering and death, not eternal torment.

2007-08-21 13:10:34 · answer #3 · answered by High Flyer 4 · 0 0

Since Christianity accepts that ALL people are sinners, I see no reason why being a member of something like the KKK suddenly makes someone not a Christian. Of course, you can argue that the KKK's message is not a Christian message, but that just means that they're confused, not that they are suddenly not Christian. Same principle for Mormons (althoug I have no objections to Mormons, unlike my opinion of the KKK). You may not agree with their message, but that doesn't make them un-Christian. Same with the Amish, Catholics, Protestants, etc. Some people have this idea that only the group with the perfect message of Christ are the real Christians, but Christianity puts forth than no mortal is perfect. Each group is just trying in its own way to follow Christ to the best of its ability. The fact that another group disagrees with them doesn't invalidate that. Wiccans who go to a Christian church are confused. If they believe in one God and Jesus Christ as Savior, they're Christians, not Wiccans. If they follow Jesus but practice magic they are Christian witches, not Wiccans, which are still Christians. Even if you think magic is a sin, that doesn't invalidate their Christianity. Satanists are not Christians. Satanists don't claim to be Christians. Most Satanists do not even believe in Jesus and certainly don't accept him as Savior. (BTW, most Satanists don't believe in the Biblical Satan either, and many are atheists)

2016-05-19 02:52:58 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Satan's biggest act of duplicty yet lies in your last sentence: he does use people to distort the bible truth.

Martin Luther certainly had his issue with the Catholic Church but he insisted right to the end that it is only the Devil who could make people believe that the words, "This IS my Body....This IS my Blood" actually only mean "this resembles" or this "is a sign of". The greatest miracle happens every day in our Catholic churches and countless people deny this awesome Reality....the Real Presence of Jesus -- Body & blood, Sould & Divinity -- in the Blessed Sacrament. Martin luther was adamant about the Reality of the Sacrament:

"If a hundred thousand devils, together with all fanatics, should rush forward, crying, How can bread and wine be the body and blood of Christ? etc., I know that all spirits and scholars together are not as wise as is the Divine Majesty in His little finger. Now here stands the Word of Christ: Take, eat; this is My body; Drink ye all of it; this is the new testament in My blood, etc. Here we abide, and would like to see those who will constitute themselves His masters, and make it different from what He has spoken. It is true, indeed, that if you take away the Word or regard it without the words, you have nothing but mere bread and wine. But if the words remain with them as they shall and must, then, in virtue of the same, it is truly the body and blood of Christ. For as the lips of Christ say and speak, so it is, as He can never lie or deceive.....Now this is plain and clear from the words just mentioned: This is My body and blood, given and shed FOR YOU, for the remission of sins. Briefly that is as much as to say: For this reason we go to the Sacrament because there we receive such a treasure by and in which we obtain forgiveness of sins. Why so? Because the words stand here and give us this; for on this account He bids me eat and drink, that it may be my own and may benefit me, as a sure pledge and token, yea, the very same treasure that is appointed for me against my sins, death, and every calamity.

On this account it is indeed called a food of souls, which nourishes and strengthens the new man...."

2007-08-21 13:23:20 · answer #5 · answered by The Carmelite 6 · 0 0

YOU...... ASSUME..... FACTS... NOT .... IN.... EVIDENCE!

Your Quote:

Many christians here believe in a Hell of fire where people will burn for eternety, these so called christian religions threat nonbelievers of eternal damnation in hell.


The BIBLE teaches..... THIS...... and .... .NOT what you said...!

(Revelation 20:14-15) And death and hell were cast into the Lake of Fire. This is the second death.

(Rev 20:15) And if anyone was not found having been written in the Book of Life, he was cast into the Lake of Fire.

YOU...... DISTORT.... THE.... TRUTH....! Perhaps ..... YOU.... Need to Read .... YOUR ... BIBLE.....?

Thanks, RR

2007-08-21 13:18:44 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I assure you, The Lake of Fire is real and exists in the earth. Satan will use any means possible to make you believe that Hell is heaven. However, the truth of the matter will only come out when you leave this world behind.

2007-08-21 13:07:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Most religions today have compromised the Word of God by coming up with doctrines that are appeasing to the flesh.

Most do not want to hear the truth, for to hear the truth is to be held accountable to it.

As for your comments concerning the dead not having memory or knowing what is going on, you are incorrect.

When a man dies, his soul goes to one of two places. Heaven or hell. If you read 1 Sam. 28, you will see where God allowed for Samuels soul to be brought up to witness to Saul. There is much, much more scriptures to prove the soul still exists after death. Though the flesh returns to the earth and is looked upon by scripture as being asleep, the soul remains.

Those who believe in God's only begotten Son, when they die, their souls go to be with him since they were already quickened by the quickening spirit at spiritual rebirth which is better known as being born again, being saved from death and hell.

Those who dies without being born again will be cast into hell where it is reserved until the day of judgment.

2007-08-21 13:16:30 · answer #8 · answered by heiscomingintheclouds 5 · 0 1

Define Satan????? And as for what you say the bible teaches,idiots read a line like the sky was blue and take that to mean forever in paradise.If you wanna worry about a real bad guy worry about Baal your god didn't create him,yep one of those bad guys that was already here..........Wait wait wait didn't your god create everything ever of like all time,HOW HOW was there beings already here........HUH...........Oh well pray about it there will be an astaric or a period or comma in the wrong place that the printer messed up and that will explain all

2007-08-21 13:11:05 · answer #9 · answered by dvampyregod666 2 · 0 0

No ! People use people as God's do not exist,Satan is a
God,God is what he is? And J.C is another God?so is Thor
Zeus,and Wonder Woman,although i think i married her ?
"The bible has never talked" not unless someone redid it on to a tape or disk?If i had a talking bible,it would be worth a fortune !!

2007-08-21 13:19:34 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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