A homocidal maniac who does it in the name of God? A faithful church goer who embezzles from his company? A gay preacher? A dead man who says the f* word when he stubs his toe on the pearly gates? Someone who appears to be faithful but has a secret affair?
15 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
My whole points is when looking for daycares. If I consider a church to take care of my kids, I don't want to trust any church where the employees can hit my kids on Friday, feel sorry on Saturday, be forgiven on Sunday and then go back to heaven on Monday. I wouldn't feel comfortable about considering any church daycare unless they believed in a tangible punishment for abusers.
12:58:18 ·
update #1
Person who is Christian in name only and has no Christian attributes.
2007-08-21 12:49:08
answer #1
answered by fuzzykitty 6
joezen..... I am not God, so, I cannot answer that with any authority.
My own personal belief is this...and many will argue with it, but, it is what I feel is True: People whom say they have asked Jesus into their heart and REPENT (turn away from or are actively trying to STOP) of their sins are "saved"...BUT...
The blackboard has been wiped clean of their PAST SINS and NOT from FUTURE SINS.
They then have to walk forward in their Faith and be BAPTIZED in the HOLY SPIRIT to SEAL THE DEAL.... and walk in the Spirit every day...
Bible says you must be Baptized in water AND of Spirit...
All those whom claim to be "Christian" without doing BOTH are just wasting their time in believing they are forever saved for one action on their part.
Like I said...their PAST was FORGIVEN...they are still responsible for everything they do after that.
As for those of us whom HAD been Baptized in water and of the Spirit....
We can still fall from grace if we are not careful.... however, our punishment will be more severe then the others because we have the tools available to NOT let sin overtake us. Some still do though...when we are weakened by illness or heartache, or feel we can be lazy and stop protecting ourselves every day, etc.,.or think "just once won't hurt", we let down our guard and satan CAN enter in and cause havoc.
It will be harder to regain our Faith if we sin then... and many refuse to try, just giving up because they know they not only hurt themselves but had hurt God and Jesus and are too ashamed to place Jesus on that cross again and start over.
The Bible speaks of this very clearly...why do people think it is always WARNING us about these things? That the Bible is talking to the other guy and not you?
Anyway... I believe that people are in a fool's paradise if they think they can do whatever they want and not lose their salvation.
Just one Christian's perspective.
Peace be with you all :)
2007-08-21 13:17:00
answer #2
answered by ForeverSet 5
Let me answer each question seperately...
A homocidal maniac...not a Christian
A faithful church goer who embezzles...not a Christian
A gay preacher...not a christian
Saying the f* word is not gonna keep you out of Heaven
Someone who has a secret affait...not a Christian...
I hope this helps
2007-08-21 12:42:23
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Christians are kept by the power of God until the day of redemption.The Christian already has
salvation.This is God's everlasting gift to all
real Christians.
2007-08-21 12:49:43
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Boy..the church and religion sure has people brain washed. No one needs to be "saved" another scare tactic invented by religion. Fear shouldn't be a part of your faith. Fear was created by religion so people would join. God does not judge..only humans do. You will not be judged in the afterlife...live your life as what is good for you..Im not saying all aspects of religion is bad..just dont feed into the fear..
2007-08-21 12:43:02
answer #5
answered by TheDeeds 3
Any one can say " I am a christian " James 1:22 " But be ye doers of the word not hearers only deceiving your own selves ."
2007-08-21 12:40:59
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You cannot be disqualified from salvation. You either trust in Jesus and repent or you don't.
The bible says we all fall short of God's standard. That includes Christians who've put their faith in Jesus. That's why we must continually ask for forgiveness.
2007-08-21 12:46:38
answer #7
answered by High Flyer 4
God knows our souls and knows who genuinely means it. God knows when you try to be a good person (christian) and when you just do it to recieve something in return.
2007-08-21 12:40:55
answer #8
answered by n p 3
There is only one unpardonable sin and that is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
2007-08-21 12:36:28
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Nothing disqualifies a TRUE follower of Christ from savation, but those examples you gave certainly don't sound like true followers of Christ.
2007-08-21 12:49:22
answer #10
answered by The Count 7