You get a second chance every second you breathe and are still alive. That's a lot of second chances.
2007-08-21 12:39:12
answer #1
answered by Tanya T 2
yes its strange that people have answered saying you have numerous chances.
However I disagree.
If Christianity is to be believed as the truth, then we live for an eternity. An eternity is a very, very, very long time, yet we only have a limited number of years of 'chances'. This, as a fraction of an eternity, is a minute period of time and is most unreasonable.
If I repent in Hell, there is no second chance (so i've been told when I asked on here once). This seems crazy to me, as if I went to Hell this would be what I needed to be convinced of His existence, therefore my sin of not believing would no longer exist, yet I would still be in Hell....?
Hows that for a second chance?
2007-08-22 04:03:31
answer #2
answered by zeppelin_roses 4
WOW! God must really hate you! He's given EVERY OTHER HUMAN many chances - but He's only given you one! Man, I'm not standing near you in a lightning storm......
Get real. God loves you and gave His son for you. Also, He's giving you right up until the moment of your death to accept Him. Not everyone dies of an extended illness though, so don't waste any more time complaining about the rules and accept His free offer.
2007-08-21 19:43:09
answer #3
answered by teran_realtor 7
Wrong. God gives you a chance to come to him every second you live on earth. You had a chance last year, yesterday, last week, 3 minutes ago and you will have one tomorrow and next month and 3 weeks from now. You have a chance right this second to repent and come to Christ. God is merciful, gracious and longsuffering with us not willing that any shoud perish and that all should come to repentance. Making up false doctrines and attributing them to God is infantile. Come to Christ.
2007-08-21 19:40:46
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
God is giving you a chance right now !! Isaiah 55:6 " Seek the Lord while he may be found , call ye upon him while he is near ". 2 Corinthians 6:2 " For today is the day of salvation ". Once you die with out Jesus or when Jesus comes back , his mercy is terminated .
2007-08-21 19:45:41
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
God has given you a second chance that is the reason god sent Jesus Christ to earth to save you and me and everyone else that has ever walked on this planet.
That was the only job Jesus came to Earth to complete an did successfully achieve his mission, if only we can accept Jesus as our saviour.
Quote from the Bible: Jesus said no one comes to the father by through me.
2007-08-21 19:43:25
answer #6
answered by sidestepper11 5
Why don't you give a God a second chance? He believes in you. If you don't believe in Him, you will go to Hell.
2007-08-21 19:40:00
answer #7
answered by Tex S 5
Whatever you have done or has happened to you, God can give you a million chances as long as you are still on earth.
Why not talk to someone from a church that can help you
2007-08-23 18:06:53
answer #8
answered by GG 3
God do give second chance.A lot of them actually.all you have to do is repent.Life itself full of second chance.You abilty to make somthing right is second chance.Hell is not the final destination if you submit to the god.I believe that everything you do in this world is accountable in afterlife.Same in this life,no crime come unpunished.
2007-08-21 23:21:55
answer #9
answered by khairil a 2
This life is a test, this life is temporary, God test's us all sorts of ways, its a test of faith, God wants to see if we are strong minded/hearted enough to have faith no matter what situation, God helps/guides those who he wills, God helps/guides those who help themselves, God as i said test's us, he wants to see if we give up or not, God is all prayers but sometimes the Answer is NO, because as i said he wants to test us, thats why its said one will be rewared if one has faith and be's righteous no matter what situation, real life is the after life, this life is not eternity as some belive it is.
2007-08-21 21:10:07
answer #10
answered by Anonymous