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Or at least it should. I had 671 before.

My question: What denomination of Protestant tends to be the most ? What about Catholics, can they be as well?

2007-08-21 12:23:49 · 5 answers · asked by Moonlit Hemlock 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Now I must inform you I no longer have 666 points, as i just told a man considering to shave his head that i prefer hairy men.

Thank you all for answering. :)

2007-08-21 12:39:53 · update #1

5 answers

I hate to break this to you ... But a fragment of the original Book of Revelation, written in Greek and dating back to the third century, has been deciphered and has found that the number of the beast is not 666 after all but is in fact 616!

Anyway ... Fundamentalism essentially applies to those who have split off from modern Christianity’s mainline developments. Fundamentalist-like movements seem to be found more frequently in those religions that claim to have received through revelation or great discovery a grand message of new truth. So I would give my vote to the Mormons.

One has to look at Islam as well. Islam is more given to fundamentalism than other religions with Semitic roots. The Islamic doctrine of scripture -- that the very words of the Koran are ‘‘Un-created," literal dictations of the eternal thoughts of God and not subject to modification by translation or interpretation -- presses this tradition toward literalism or fundamentalism. One might also mention that Mao Tse-tung’s "Little Red Book" played a similar role in the Chinese Cultural Revolution.

2007-08-21 12:57:07 · answer #1 · answered by thundercatt9 7 · 1 0

I would say some of the non-denominational. They set their own beliefs and end up like the group that goes to funerals of soldiers killed in the Iraq war saying it is because the country isn't turning against homosexuals. What a bunch of wackos.

2007-08-21 19:31:47 · answer #2 · answered by justme 2 · 3 0

Pentecostals tend to have the most fundies; followed by baptists.

2007-08-21 19:33:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Absolutely!... I was expelled from my Catholic church when I was 9 yeas old!.... The reason?... I was asking too many questions... and I did not liked the confession!

2007-08-21 19:35:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

God bless you<><

2007-08-21 19:29:53 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 2

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