This is an interesting parable. By going into the bar the atheist is obviously looking for the same thing that makes the "innocent patron" happy (although he is ashamed of admitting it)
If atheists were committed to their beliefs, they wouldn't waste their time in religious territories. They are obviously looking for salvation. Brethren, don't be mean to them, give them some of that sweet spiritual wine they are ashamed of asking. Theres a reward for feeding the hungry.
2007-08-21 13:35:38
answer #1
answered by Been There 2
Not sure if I understand the question
IRL I only drink at home or places where I won't be driving.
On here I enjoy drinking when people ask questions like this one :
Atheists, if you didn't drink alcohol...?
woud you exhibit some senselessness by going to the bar to attack the bar's innocent and faithful patrons who truly enjoy their spirits in their haven of choice?
Why would you not stick to your territory where there's no interesting talk about positive future expectations and the hope of seeing the destruction of wicked evil enemies?
This Strangely sounds like "WHY are Atheists in the Religious section?"
2007-08-21 12:45:28
answer #2
answered by FallenAngel© 7
I see where you are trying to go with this...but you fall ridiculously short. What if I don't drink but I go to the bar to watch a football game and talk to someone about humanism.
lol "the bar's innocent" yeah thats who hangs out in bars all the time.
Isn't the hope that the evil and wicked will find the "error" in their ways and become innocent and faithful sheep....errr I mean patrons who truly enjoy their spirits in the haven of their choice?
2007-08-21 12:35:59
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Are you ******* kidding me????
Future expectations??
Did you just stereotype? I feel insulted. I am a non-believer, but I, unlike someone I'm responding to, would NEVER force my opinion on someone that didn't share my point of view.
I don't care what your religion is, if you TRULY respected your faith, you would let your God decide what to do with us after we die, instead of playing God and acting like a dipshit instead.
Maybe you misinterpret this concept of a "free country". I would fight by your side, facing a common enemy....but, somehow, I don't feel like you'd do the same for me. That's sad, considering someone's supposed to be adhering to a golden rule.(I happen to agree with that rule, btw). Not all of us are cold hearted, bloodsucking, Satan worshippers, lol.
If you really think about it (funny, an Atheist could sound so intelligent, huh?), you can't believe in one without believing in the other.
SO....lighten up....share the Earth....and be happy you have the opportunity to voice an opinion.
2007-08-21 12:37:21
answer #4
answered by imrt70 6
I'd only let rip if the drinkers were to start telling me how I was going to suffer for not drinking. If a drinker said something along the lines of "Oh, you don't drink? Interesting, why's that?" I'd be more than happy to engage in a wee discussion.
And really... the whole bar analogy's a bit over the top. I, for one, have never strode into a church denouncing everyone as stupid. I may think religious people are wrong, but that doesn't mean to say I would deny them their dignity.
2007-08-21 12:31:23
answer #5
answered by Jack W 3
Using your metaphor, wouldn't you be pretty pissed if the drunks came to your door and tried to get you to drink, while telling you the non drunks were evil and the root of most problems.
I used to go on Atheist IRC chat rooms all the time, they were full of soul saving Christians. Lets face it, it is a lot of fun when you get two opposite view points together.
One other point if I may, I really don't see many serious Christian post here. Just ones going back in forth between atheist and this one.
2007-08-21 12:33:45
answer #6
answered by Quimby 3
Of course not, the annoying part is when the bar patrons come out with bottles in hand and try either to bash me for being a non-drinker or to force me to drink.
2007-08-21 12:24:54
answer #7
answered by didi 5
That answer is indeed simple: Sesshomaru and the Inuyasha gang enjoy "baiting" you insecure Christians much too much to do what you on THIS side call "the right thing"; it's the best entertainment you can get "for free" (Nearly, at any rate!)... But, more importantly, HERE is a truth: NO-ONE argues, cajoles, insists, fights for, and argues more for THEIR case than a person who KNOWS, deep in their heart, that they are WRONG.
2007-08-21 12:32:58
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Are you insinuating that this is your cateogory and we are not welcome? Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but this category is here to discuss religion & spirituality and that's why I'm here. Nowhere does it say that the discussions have to only be PRO religion. I'm here for the CON side of the coin. Why would my beliefs threaten yours? Why would just non-belief bother you and not other faiths. I know that you believe that only your faith is saved, yet you don't want other faiths to leave this category and go elsewhere. Maybe they are next in line? Hmmm. Well, I'm not leaving. I have plenty to do here just answering questions asked of this one.
2007-08-21 12:30:20
answer #9
answered by AuroraDawn 7
Are you kidding!!!
I have been in atheist chat rooms, and website that get bombarded by Christians like its a war.
Why not ask the Christians why they can't just be happy with thier religion and leave everybody else alone.
(BTW i'm not an atheist, just someone who believes in freedom of choice)
2007-08-21 12:25:58
answer #10
answered by e13333 4