Where is your proof of deception?
This site is the testimony of Muslims.
The deception took place over 1300 years ago.
2007-08-21 12:23:36
answer #1
answered by wefmeister 7
I have a issue with what you say here. See you have a problem you have made an assertion "Christians are this" however you do not give an example for your reasoning. Like this Christians are deceivers because (example). All you have done is stated a belief you have and your beliefs have nothing to do with Christians. Please show me where I am wrong using scripture and examples and you will have a question. I will give you an example.
Muhammad is a deceiver because. He claimed he was a prophet of the God of Abraham. He is a deceiver because all prophets before him knew the one and only name for God YHWH. Muhammad never not once said he spoke in the name of YHWH. He did not know his name therefore he did not know the God of Abraham.
See this is a me A Christian showing you not only that I know Muhammad is a Deceiver but why he is. Muhammad himself did not know the one and only name of God, therefore he did not know him as he claimed he did. Your ascertains mean nothing without proof my friend. Muhammad is dead, Jesus Is alive.
Repent of your sins and turn to the one and true God YHWY through Jesus Christ his only son.
I am the way. The Truth, and the life. "Jesus CHrist"
2007-08-21 12:30:47
answer #2
answered by Michael M 3
Why do people categorize all those people as deceivers. Some who claim to be Christian are not but what religion does not have some of the same? A true Christian will not attempt to deceive but satan will. Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior stated very clearly that no one comes to the Father except by Him. God loves You and wants you to come to know Him.
2007-08-21 12:26:10
answer #3
answered by Curtis 6
How lame is this. Islam is a religion that started with Plagiarism of the Hebrew Scriptures, and of the Roman Catholic Church Doctrines that Moohammed w exposed to despite the fact that his parents were Pagan polytheist. Interestingly they never converted to his totally made up religion. Guess they knew him for waht he was a Liar, cheat and deceiver. The reason for the success of Islam is that he gathered an army and those that refused to believe his made up religion were killed. That made it easy for him to get people to do what he sid, and say they believe in him and his "god" who they had already known from the Bedouin Pantheon for Allah began as a minor deity of the Bedouins a moon god at that. Interesting since Mohammed could not even be original he stole form many religions to make himself appear to be a Prophet. Mary believed in her Son, but Mohammad's parents did not. Seems that they were smart enough to see that he was allah messed up under his diaper clad head.
2007-08-21 12:28:29
answer #4
answered by cowboy_christian_fellowship 4
What's the deception? This site is giving you the opportunity of a lifetime, of an eternity actually, to get right with God. How tragic it will be if you miss this chance.
UPDATE: If it were supposed to be an islamic site it wouldn't be called isaalmasih (Jesus the Messiah) since muslims don't believe Jesus is the messiah. It's explaining about Jesus in terms muslims are familiar with.
2007-08-21 12:27:54
answer #5
answered by Rossonero NorCal SFECU 7
Same reason muslims propagate their faith by deception. It's what they have the freedom to do, believe in what they want and the world would be much happier if everyone did the same.
2007-08-21 12:20:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Man You know what?, you should be the last.... I started to answer this question, and I thought better.
But don't you worry about what Christians do!. Look at the actions, of your fellow believers.... And think what you, and they are first, and then You might be allowed to talk about someone elses religion.Yahoo shouldn't even allow that photo on here, Muslim WARRIOR????....
2007-08-21 12:28:49
answer #7
answered by Dragon'sFire 6
If this website offends you...
don't go to it.
Anyone can put up a website, there's no trick to it at all.
If you don't like that one, put up one of your own.
I guarantee that somebody won't like it, and, if it is religious
I can't tell you what might be true or what might be false on that website, because I don't know the people who put it up.
But I can tell you Who does know...
Talk to God about it.
2007-08-21 12:54:25
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Looks like some pervert wierdo to me not like something to do with Christanity, does he want you to send $50 dollars for eternal life by any chance.
2007-08-21 12:22:49
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You're full of deception. Obviously, it must be Muslims who propagate their religion by deception, since you are, yourself, using lies to propagate your religion.
2007-08-21 12:20:53
answer #10
answered by Hoosier Daddy 5