I learned that I am going straight to hell because I am evil and consort with demons and the devil. The best part is that I am not even aware of doing it because I am blind.
20 answers
asked by
Epona Willow
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Brynn, please read through...there have been a few people acting ugly (as there are most days) telling others they are sinners and satan worshippers and doomed to burn for eternity. I have never been angry at Christians, please do not make assumptions. Have a lovely evening.
12:27:47 ·
update #1
Hello sweet Epona Willow.. :)
I learned today, that my Love has not changed, for anyone here.. :)
That no matter what others may think of me.. :(
I still love them.. :)
If someone is not showing the Love and forgiveness of Jesus..they are not obeying the second Greatest commandment..to Love our neighbor as our-self.. :)
In Jesus Most Precious Name..
With Love..your Friend..In Christ.. :)
2007-08-21 14:38:02
answer #1
answered by EyeLovesJesus 6
My darling Epona, if you're going to be in "hell", I'll be delighted to be there, too.
Ah, yes....the fact that we don't realize that we're really worshiping the "devil" is because he's such a tricky guy that he's convinced us he doesn't exist.
I need to get some of those special polarized glasses that protect your eyes from inane tripe like that.
Fortunately, I learned FAR before today that there are loving, accepting, gentle Christians here, too. Otherwise I'd just start screaming when I read stuff like that.
2007-08-21 12:21:57
answer #2
answered by Raven's Voice 5
I learned all about the Tin Foil Hat. I learned how to laugh most importantly, oh yea and some people think I am going to hell. I don't believe in that though so I guess for me the best lesson was the laughing hysterically and the TFH!
2007-08-21 12:22:00
answer #3
answered by Mrs. Mad Maddy 4
i have learned that no matter how hared you try there are those that just can't let others be happy. that they will not accept you no matter what it is you do or believe...fortunately i have found far more tolerant people then there are of the first.
i believe that hell is all in their minds and that their unhappiness is their hell and unless they learn to be more accepting then they will be doomed to a life of hell.
and if i am to go to hell then i will be humbled by the company i will have.
2007-08-21 14:41:16
answer #4
answered by bgdadyp 5
I learned that there is some chick who wants to start a new religion where she is pregnant all the time and where she can't say words beginning with an A, a T, and some other letter. There is also some song she wants to sing every day.
It starts with a B...Bek? bak?
Something like that.
2007-08-21 12:31:08
answer #5
answered by batgirl2good 7
I haven't spend much time on here today, but I'm sure it's the same old story. I hate a god I don't believe in and am going straight to hell for blasphemy. That about cover it for us Atheists?
2007-08-21 12:44:34
answer #6
answered by Becca 6
I learned that John O and Jack B travel together.
I learned about TFH, too.
I learned that sometimes my fellow Christians actually DO have a sense of humor!
2007-08-21 12:28:47
answer #7
answered by Shihan 5
Our 'president' (and I use the term loosely) is a christian, and judging by the example set by the fine christians here, I certainly understand why our country is in the sorry shape it's in.
Hip Hip Hooray!
Way to go Jesus!
2007-08-21 12:22:50
answer #8
answered by Lethal Dose Of American Hatred 3
I am going to hell for the same reasons as you and that I am ignorant & stupid because of where I live..
All in all a pretty productive day today LOL
2007-08-21 12:19:26
answer #9
answered by FallenAngel© 7
I learned that too!! A couple times today...and yesterday...or was it the day before?
Well, if I have to go to hell...may the stay there be as fun as the way there!
2007-08-21 12:17:24
answer #10
answered by Cherry Darling 6