I believe that unless people become members of the family of God, praying to God is a waste of time. God will not answer prayer if we stand outside of His eternal family of Christian believers.
Moreover, we should end all our prayers by saying "in the name of Jesus." Of course, this only applies to Christians (members of the family of God).
I cannot comprehend why people who are not saved expect God to answer their prayers.
Otherwise, I see no difference between a Christain and a nonChristian asking God for help in prayer.
I not talking about repentance. I am talking about praying for wealth, cure for illnesses, etc.
Why would anyone expect God to answer prayers if repentance has not taken place in the life of that person?
Your thoughts?
28 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
"He who turns away his ear from listening to the law,
Even his prayer is an abomination. "
Proverbs 28:9 NASB
2007-08-21 12:06:56
answer #1
answered by wefmeister 7
So you are G-d now - deciding what prayers you would and would not answer?
And you also place the only importance on Christians. You seem to forget that all people are G-d's children. Have you not considered that if someone prays to G-d that He may use this opportunity to open their hearts to Him?
Then you also have the Jews - with their everlasting covenant with G-d. It always amazes me that Christians both admit to this eternal covenant and yet say that G-d changed his unchanging covenant. Who are you to say that G-d does not answer their prays, hear them or help them?
Why would G-d only select one group of people to work amongst? Especially since this group of people already believes in Him. Wouldn't it be all the better if G-d actually went among all His other children and helped them so that they could turn their hearts to G-d?
So what will you say when you stand before G-d and he says "Why did you bar the unbelievers from praying? Why did you stop them from knowing me?"
It all has to start somewhere. To be Christian you had to pray to G-d, to start to know Him.
2007-08-21 12:09:29
answer #2
answered by noncrazed 4
Well, I have prayed from time to time because many Christians have advised me that prayer is the best way to prove to myself that God actually exists. I have never prayed for personal gain or to attempt to manipulate worldly outcomes. All I have ever prayed for is some sign that God actually exists. I have never received an answer.
By your interpretation I never will, and I am an utter fool for even bothering to try. Do you seriously expect people will believe in a God who goes out of His way to create confusion about His very existence? I've been an atheist for fifty-one years and have prayed hundreds of times during that period looking for some sign, some reason, to deny my atheism. At this point, I'm actually bitter about it and expect I'll die an unrepentant atheist. What choice do I have? Atheism is the only "faith" that actually lives up to its reputation!
2007-08-21 12:22:21
answer #3
answered by Diogenes 7
I don't recall seeing in the bible where only christians prayers are answered. I think that is a very close minded view. As a matter of fact I seem to recall that God loves everyone including the sinners and if they are calling out to him he will answer. It may not be the answer they necessarily want but he will answer it in his own time and the way he chooses.
2007-08-21 12:03:07
answer #4
answered by ? 5
then how does one get repentance if the prayers are ignored if unsaved ?
how does one even become saved if the prayers are ignored ?
so in order to be saved ... we really have to be saved in the first place ?
makes no sense sorry
what would make sense is if God answered the prayers of the " unsaved " then they would see the prayer answered and then believe
2007-08-21 12:01:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Precisely NYC!
The Bible says believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved.
Romans 10:9
"For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation".
The Bible says he that covers his sins shall not prosper. He that forsakes them shall have mercy.
2007-08-21 14:15:03
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
correct....John 9:31 , John 15:7 ,1 Peter 3:12
2007-08-21 13:09:18
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Youre right.
I have a lot of respect for Christians, and Ive more respect for Jesus because if it wasnt for his humble life, many people would not have found God.
To me as a Muslim, repentance from all the wrongs Ive done (whether knowingly or unknowingl/whether towards myself or my surroundings) is a prerequisite for my prayers to be accepted by God.
and they are, only when Ive repented.
When God is so close to me, closer than I am to myself, theres no reason for him not to forgive me if I repented and asked for His mercy.
No one has guarantee of heaven or hell.
That is why were all lost, yet still under the cool breeze of His unending Mercy.
Jesus said the same thing. He only added that those who are lost, should find the way through following him.
2007-08-21 12:02:08
answer #8
answered by Antares 6
I think God listens when an unsaved person prays for help to find God.
2007-08-21 12:04:51
answer #9
answered by superninfreak777 2
one should not be judgemental "Judge ye not lest ye be judge."
the people is the family of God the sun chooses no religion to shine upon and water is not made for Christians alone nor the fire to the Muslim nor the moon glow for the Jews Nor the soil for the Budhist or stars to the Hindus.God loves that loves his fellow man.
2007-08-21 12:05:24
answer #10
answered by Huzur 2
Look at Jesus Life.
Jesus Healed AnyBody that would Believe.
Some got Saved after they were Healed.
Only One Leper returned to Thank Jesus.
When he did, that Leper was Restored to Wholeness too!
GOD Hears EveryThing.
GOD has Mercy on Whom HE will have Mercy.
GOD Loves EveryBody.
2007-08-21 12:05:18
answer #11
answered by maguyver727 7