Well, consider that Odhinn hung upside down nine nights on Yggdrasil with a spear stuck through his guts to win them in the first place . . . no one said this would be EASY! ;-)
One can read and read, but most books have two things in common: what isn't ganked from Thorssen, someone pulled right outta their butt. Seriously.
However, that's *not* where to start, because Thorssen pulls stuff out of HIS butt, too. Start with Stephen Pollington's "Rudiments of Runelore," which while slim, has the advantage of being 1. scholarly, and 2. not made up. It'll help you separate fluff from fact later on.
From there, Thorssen's "Futhark" or "Runecaster's Handbook," Mountfort's "Norse Runes," and Aswynn's "Northern Mysteries & Magick" will, combined, give you a good overview of *modern* takes on and approaches to runework. I particularly like Mountfort's book, myself, because the section on rune meanings is 130+ pages long, includes all three rune poems, and brings in a lot of connections from the actual lore in his essays on each rune. It's pretty good stuff.
Historically, runes were never actually used for divination, btw, but if you have a natural bent in that direction, as a highly evolved and complex symbol system they can certainly be put to that use. Amulet and bindrune work is considerably more complex . . . but if you put in the work of making your own runes in the traditional manner, and let them speak to you, those mysteries WILL begin to unfold.
2007-08-21 12:36:51
answer #1
answered by Boar's Heart 5
I always thought of it as not fortunetelling.
If you get a good set of runes, it should come with a detailed book about it. There are a number of websites that can help with runes too. Keep reading, and it will sink in.
Take each piece at a time. I'd start first with reading about each rune and its symbolism. That will really help.
2007-08-21 19:04:11
answer #2
answered by Moonlit Hemlock 3
no wonder your confused you are thirteen....shouldn't you be reading harry potter or something
2007-08-29 18:36:38
answer #4
answered by stones 3