Yes I believe there is something called the Satanic Bible is a book written by Anton LaVey in 1969. you know the devil is so un-orignal, here tries to pirate anything he can.
Dude wake up if your envolved in that stuff!
Their is only one reason why you would be, your to proud to bend the knee and surrender yourself to the one true God.
So you made your own that your comfortable with in your own mind. thats an idol breaking one of the commandments!
Are you a good person lets find out by taking a quiz?
Have you ever told a lie?
Have you ever stole anything?
Have you ever used the lords name in Vain as a cuss word or even cassually?
Have you ever disobed your parents?
Have you ever got mad at some and called them a fool or worse?(God looks at the intentions of your heart so he would consider you a murder at heart)
Ever looked at a woman with lust or Porn(God considers that adultry of the heart)
So by now you have probably said yes to a few of these we all have.
You know that the bible says that Liars will have there part in the lake of fire.
That no God will not him harmless that uses the lords name in vain.
So if God were to judge you by the ten commandments his Holly law would you be inocent or guilty?
Heres a hint if you broke so much as one Your Guilty so would you go to heaven or hell?
God cant tolerate anything out side of holly perfection.
So guess what you dont need to study Wiccan to hard you all ready have a ticket to hell.
That is unless you want to confess ask forgiveness of your sins. Repent and turn from them. Die to self and surender your will, and Believe that Christ died on the cross to pay for those sins and ask him to make you a new creature to be born again.
A fair judge cant do anything else but covict you of your sins but being Holy and just and loving he scarificed his son.
Even though your a wretched dirty sinner thats an ennemy to God currently. Thats why its AMAZING Grace.
John 15:13 "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
Think about it , whats wiccian going to do for you really?
Other than distract you from the truth?
2007-08-21 12:23:27
answer #1
answered by singularvision 2
the Book of Shadows would probably be the closest thing I have heard of to a "wiccan bible" this tends to differ between covens and even more between the solitary wiccans. I have yet to hear of any wiccan churches although if there were one I would definately be there. I think for the most part Covens have places where they meet but this is not open to public and solitaries do their rites at their own house or somewhere they feel safe. Wicca is more of a quiet religion due to persecution so its not as out like christianity
Blessed Be
Edit: Ignorance like that by Singularvision is the reason Wicca is a quiet religion
2007-08-21 19:39:10
answer #2
answered by Lorena 4
There is no Wiccan Bible. Wicca is a religion of experience. Any revelation that it imparts is personal, not projected by others and codified with the expectation that others will accept and believe their written version of events. The stuff that we write down and often pass onto others is information that is helpful in attaining such experiences, but the writing is not the ultimate message in and of itself.
Some Wiccan groups offer open circles. These are public events that anyone can attend. I personally find them counter-productive. The tradition coven of 13 ensured that all attendees were also participants - remember, its about experiencing, not about listening to someone's lecture. Open circles can get very large, with the majority of people essentially becoming nothing more than a congregation standing in a circle. On top of which, open circles tend to vague up what the heck they're actually doing or who they are invoking in order to not alienate anyone. Personally, I want to worship my goddess, not some amorphous, unnamed placeholder goddess.
2007-08-21 19:15:59
answer #3
answered by Nightwind 7
As far as I know there is no Book of Wicca. Witch's meet in covens, not in churches. Try a church that accepts all religions, you may find someone in a coven there.
Blessed Be
2007-08-28 10:09:12
answer #4
answered by Linda B 6
No there is no such thing as a Wiccan bible. Of course Gardner wrote stories in which he worked his beliefs into (before the witchcraft laws were repealed), and I suppose they bear resemblance to the Christian bible in that they're stories with beliefs worked into them.
There are no congregation-type Wiccan groups that I'm aware of, seeing as it's generally thought that large groups are too impersonal and less ineractive than covens. Of course there are festivals, inter-coven get-togethers, etc.
2007-08-21 19:03:41
answer #5
answered by xx. 6
There is not a single text that could be called a "Wiccan Bible". There are Wiccan religious groups inclucing Circle Sanctuary and others that often list on if you are looking for fellow worshippers in your area.
They may not have a specific BUILDING to meet in, but that does not mean that they could not be considered to be "churches" in the LEGAL sense.....
2007-08-21 18:59:54
answer #6
answered by Anne Hatzakis 6
We do not have a bible ...there are 2 books floating out there one by the Frosts The Witches Bible Compleat and one by the Farrars The Witches Bible. Do not be deceived my the titles. (Though I do recommend the one by the Farrars)
There are larger cities that do have temples/churches.
2007-08-21 19:00:24
answer #7
answered by Epona Willow 7
Gee you know a lot huh?
2007-08-29 06:28:41
answer #8
answered by Anonymous