I'm a Pagan and I'd have to put my hand on a bible. It sucks I tell you.
Magic god. Isn't that some kind of cleanser?
2007-08-21 11:48:59
answer #1
answered by Voodoid 7
No to the first question. The most high God Jehovah, is powerful and has the ability do things beyond our scope of understanding (miracles). This is not "magic".
In regards to the second question, atheists (nor anyone else for that matter) are not required to place their hand on the bible when taking an official oath, whether in court or being sworn in for a governmental position.
2007-08-21 18:53:42
answer #2
answered by babydoll 7
Traditional conservative Christians would most likely say "No, magic is the tool of the Devil" which is what some uber-conservative church told me 10 years ago. But God generally works on miracles through common people, so call it what you'd like.
Also, my dad is a judge and I've seen trials. Witnesses do not put their hand on the bible, they only raise their right hand for the oath.
2007-08-21 18:50:07
answer #3
answered by mikeg1992 3
Had jury duty in '04, and no I did not. They handed out a few bibles for people who chose to do it that way, the rest of us just raised a hand.
2007-08-21 18:49:58
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
"oh..... if you are atheist, and you have to go to a jury, would you have to put your hand to the bible??? "
You watch too much TV. All you have to do is raise your hand and swear an oath to tell the truth.
2007-08-21 18:53:37
answer #5
answered by Dark-River 6
God is all power, There is absolutely no power other than that of God. Some will say what about witchcraft, the truth is each person is given power and authority above all the power the enemy possesses because satan has been stripped of power. The only power at work in any religion is the power God gives each one of us. So in the end days all Christians will be fighting powerless foes. Yeah satan is deceiving isn't he? Take care and may God bless you spiritually.
2007-08-21 18:57:26
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You still are under oath but it is not a religious bible. I cant remember the name for it (and no it dont work, id lie regardless of a book).
God is not magic. Hes fictional and if he is not, ill kill him myself or the devil and ill be god and the first thing ill do is tell the humans on earth to wake up to reality.
We all die, and we all live bad lifes. Life is such a one and million chance and some people cannot cope with it. Ill go out to work all my life, hardly see my children and make the board of directors hundreds of thousands of mythical paper value (money) but thats ok coz atleast god will accept me and ill go to a better place.
These people cannot face reality and should be culled from the face of the earth. All they are doing is adding to pollution for those who accept life for what it is.
Magical yes, offensive yes, disolusioned yes, afraid of reality yes.
2007-08-21 18:57:57
answer #7
answered by clarky 2
Hand on the bible is a traditional thing, it doesn't bother most Atheists.
2007-08-21 18:47:46
answer #8
answered by ? 6
Chris Angel mind freak does magic, God does miracles
2007-08-21 18:47:34
answer #9
answered by meister 4
No. Rather, since God is the one that created all the laws of physics, he has the ability to manipulate these laws such as the parting of the Red Sea and so forth.
2007-08-21 18:49:08
answer #10
answered by johnusmaximus1 6