Seeing as how the Quran only mentions modest dress, and not spcifically the Hijab, how can any reasonable person take the wearing of it to be Gods Law?
Seeing as how the Hijab seems to simply be a centuries old dictate of man, justified by the Quran, does than also mean if some Imams interpretation held to cut off your breasts and never leave the house, and this became the new standard for modesty, would Muslim women begin to follow that as Gods Law as well?
It seems to me that the Hijab is nothing more than a "binding of the feet" backed by religious dogma, and a way for men to protect their own interests by thus inhibiting and limiting women.
11 answers
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I don't know any Muslim men, so they might be different, but from what I know about men in general, they lust even when they can't look. It's their nature. Covering yourself up doesn't "protect" you from men, it just makes you look subservient.
2007-08-23 15:20:08
answer #1
answered by babbie 6
I was born and raised in the United States of America and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, because I value my freedom very much. I do not want men telling me what to do. I want to do what I want do.
I do not want men to look at my body in a sexual way. Or to examine my looks. I do not want to follow the messages that are sent out in fashion magazines, on television, in movies, that I need to worry about my looks. That I need to make myself attractive for men.
And I want to follow the way of life that God has said I should. I believe that in the Quran, God has told women to cover their heads, and to dress modestly.
I am not oppressed, I am in fact liberated. I am more educated than most of you. I am a lawyer, with a Juris Doctorate Degree from a US law school.
No body made me wear hijab. And in fact there are many more Muslim women who don't wear hijab, because they have chosen not to.
My sincere advise to you is to learn anout Islam through proper channels. You will be surprised. The stuff you see on the news is a small group of people who are do not represent true Islam. You can go to to get the proper and true information.
2007-08-22 19:23:04
answer #2
answered by Muslimah American 2
OMAIR made a humorous point. lol
As a woman (agnostic now) I don't like the idea of a hijab either. I think it's a man-made rule to wear it. I don't like the idea of ANYONE telling me what to do or not do. Especially a male cleric. (But then I'm also living in the land of the free, Canada.)
I remember, as a young girl being forced to go to Sunday school, my mother would make us wear these dopey white straw hats with ribbon on them. I hated it and refused to wear it. I used to hide mine so that my mother would be nearly suicidal trying to get my sisters and I ready for Sunday worship.
Finally I refused to go to Sunday school anymore. Luckily though, I was not put to death for it. But if the church had said they were going to do that, I would have balked at that too!
I value my freedom over all!
PS. If a man told me I had to wear a full body covering, and I refused, and he decided to beat me, he had better kill me ... because when I get up ... I go at him like a cat on a poodle. No mercy. Emergency ward for him! LOL
2007-08-21 10:56:12
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Perfect. You got it right. hijab is to protect the woman from the lusting eyes of that man. The same man who is making her wear those outfits. The same man who might offend her if he lust over her. The same man who tells her what to do, and if she didn't he has the right to beat her.
You got it right. you have hit it smack on the nose.
Muslim men and women. Do you think those ladies living in places such as Saudi are happy covered with those black clothing, every inch of them, even their hands. In the hot weather! Why does it have to be Black! to make her life even more miserable. I feel for them.
I doubt it.
2007-08-21 10:52:56
answer #4
answered by sinafaith 3
I think Mohammed was the one who mentioned that women should cover everything except their face, hands and feet. Anyhow, it is supposed to be gods law. But you know that some Muslim women take it to a whole new level by covering even their face.
2007-08-21 10:55:18
answer #5
answered by Sam 6
I, as a man, think that men has more interest in pushing women to the other end, nudity. However, what I came here for is to tell you that it is really part of our religion, or at least what we believe is commanded to us through our prophet, mohammed peace be upon him.
I would also like to mention that men in Islam have to cover up certain parts of their bodies too, they have to cover from their belly buttons till their knees. Ah! so really Islam wants both men and women to cover up according to different standards..........
2007-08-21 10:46:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
In the olden days, women of arabian tribes used to cover their heads and faces but leave their bosoms open.
This was a sign of royalty for them.
but God explicitly says in the Quran, to put their head covers all over their shoulders and down.
Meaning: cover your bosom while youre at it!
2007-08-21 10:49:11
answer #7
answered by Antares 6
word of God
2007-08-21 10:54:15
answer #8
answered by namso141 3
it was an old custom to cover heads for the jews but it isnt necessary for CHristians..
2007-08-21 10:45:39
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
sounds more like a boxing punch to me!!
2007-08-21 10:44:50
answer #10
answered by Mike V 2