If you were serious, which I doubt, then you would have more problems then being an internalized homophobe.I would seek counseling if I were you.That is, if you are serious.Which I doubt.I think it is more likely that you are posing to get responses that agree with your own brand of religious homophobia.
2007-08-21 10:11:58
answer #1
answered by Demopublican 6
I don't think you are serious, but in case you are I shall try to answer honestly anyway.
You can't change your sexuality. Some people say you can but they are mostly very religious, and only say that it is possible because they can't accept that the writers of the Bible sometimes made mistakes (being human). Anyone who reckons they actually did change their sexuality must have been bisexual if both options were even available. I'm an atheist but there are plenty of gay Christians about who've come to terms with both their sexuality and their religion. I don't have any links, but this is the internet after all... I'm sure you can find a friendly group. Good luck.
EDIT: Avoid the organisation 'Exodus' at all costs. They are a proven bunch of frauds and the people who recommend it are very irresponsible. Same with other groups who say they can help 'change' people's sexuality.
Also I've just seen your post saying you are 12, that's too young to be sure which way you go so be cool about it and wait. No-one's going to expect you to have sex at 12 and if they do, call the cops.
2007-08-21 10:20:36
answer #2
answered by Citizen Justin 7
The Bible says nothing of the sort. It tells men that having sex with men is just as much adultery as having sex with women. It is true that many Christians and some Jews believe there is something wrong with being gay, but this is not strictly biblical (though I'm not pretending that the Bible gives explicit support to gay people either).
I am really sorry that you are finding your sexuality such a problem, and I very much hope you can find a context where you can begin to feel OK about it. I'm not a Christian, but I know gay Christians and I have read many things which indicate that there are different possible ways of understanding these things From where I stand, the capacity to love is the most important thing, and who you love is not the point. If God is love, surely loving is to be celebrated and not condemned? If you feel so very bad about who you are, please see a psychotherapist, who can help you come to terms with yourself.
2007-08-21 10:26:23
answer #3
answered by Ambi valent 7
If I realize your query you're a black male who needs to be with white men alternatively than black ones. I have no idea why that could be a predicament. I see combined couples plenty. I have no idea why you do not like black men, however I consider it is a factor that would possibly not consistently be real for you. You can meet folks all over the place of any race which are homosexual. Mixing of races has no longer been an limitation so far as I have spotted in Texas. Just be particularly cautious. train risk-free intercourse and are living lengthy ample to fall in love and develop ancient in combination.
2016-09-05 08:40:23
answer #4
answered by ? 2
Okay, I will believe you that this is serious. And if you are 12 and the son of a charismatic preacher, it will be difficult to discuss this with your dad and mom. Would they be open to helping you if you asked? By help, I mean that they would be willing to help you find counseling and other needed support?
I still encourage you to look at the website. If you feel that you want to change or if you have uncertainty about your life right now, these people have been where you are and they have found help through Christ.
I don't know that they have all the answers, as some have left their organization and expressed concerns. But I have also read the testimonies of many who have been helped when they want to change.
Here is the website:
Remember, that I only recommend this because you want to change. I also continue to suggest that you get counseling to help you look at this issue. The important thing is that you find peace with who you are and understand the depth of God's love for you. I will pray for you.
Pastor John
2007-08-21 10:24:51
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You are Gay if you are attracted to those who are the same sex as you. And you are BS ing if you are posing as someone with that problem.
I am a Christian and I am Bisexual. I wanted to kill myself for a time. And then I became a Christian. Now I am a Bisexual Christian. God didn't take it away; the feelings that is. But He does have me quite busy doing things for Him. Like writing to people on Y!A.
You may also keep feeling the way you are ( if you are telling the truth), even though you are Christian. You know what? It doesn't matter except for one awesome thing: You will constantly be reminded why you need God, and be an outcast to other Christians. The reason why that is good is because you can learn to be content with God. And that's what happened to me. I only need the relationships that God brings me.
It takes time to do that, but if I can do it, then you can too. You just have to do what is necessary; trust God through Jesus Christ with all your being. And I am telling you the truth: It is so freaking cool.
2007-08-21 10:18:08
answer #6
answered by Christian Sinner 7
John, my answer to you, if this be true, is to find a good non-dominational church. The reason I say non-dominational is because in my experience they are the ones less likely to ridicual, or judge. Remember, god says all have sinned, and no one sin is more than another. And if you truely want help in staying away from homosexuality, find someone in the church that can give you accountability. Someone you can talk with several times a week to make sure you stay on the straight and narrow, to tutor you on what God says. Someone who won't judge you but will love you (Gods way) the way you are, faults and all.
2007-08-21 10:20:05
answer #7
answered by Deb 2
I'm not a Christian - but I believe the Christians will tell you that it's okay if you're gay as long as you don't have homosexual sex.
I will tell you this. God is Love. It does not care about your sexual orientation.
If you ARE gay and you choose to lead a heterosexual lifestyle - it will not be fair to the woman you marry - unless you tell her that you ARE gay (or think you are) but have chosen not to live a gay lifestyle.
I know lots of gay men and women who had children with spouses BEFORE they came out. They didn't accept their homosexuality - and when they did - they had a wife/husband & kids. Most of them were afraid that they HAD to follow the bible - and that they would burn in hell if they lived as gays. They eventually changed their minds. You might too.
So - IF you are ever going to live a gay lifestyle - do it now - and don't involve a bunch of other people (wife and children).
If you decide to live as if you are straight. BE SURE you will be able to keep up the facade for the rest of your life. Not an easy choice in my opinion.
2007-08-21 10:20:30
answer #8
answered by liddabet 6
Oh, god.
Well, you'll have a lot of support here from bigots who use Scripture to justify their irrational hatred. And I'm sure they're the ones you'll listen to, and that's just too bad.
If you're gay, you're gay. Nobody can "help" you with that. Nor do you need "help" with that, but you seem to be convinced that you do, because you've internalized the religious and social taboo against homosexuality.
If you like, join one of those "ex-gay" programs and see where that leads. It won't lead to happiness or fulfillment, OR to God, but maybe you'll actually have to have that experience to figure that out.
P.S. - Again, it's too bad about your parents. I honestly feel sorry for you for being in that situation. I'd like to say that you should just be honest with them, and that they'll accept you for who you are, but I've known several people whose "religious" and "moral" parents basically disowned them for being gay. Apparently ingrained religious bigotry was thicker than blood in those cases - and that is sad and pitiful. Then again, I obviously don't know your parents, and I don't know how things will work out for you. In your case, things may be different. I also know several people who are gay, and have very religious parents, and their parents have accepted it and support and love them unconditionally, as parents should.
You can think whatever you want of me and what I've said, but I really do wish you the best. I don't have any pat answers. All I do know is that your sexuality is the keynote of who you are, and you can't pray it away.
2007-08-21 10:13:15
answer #9
answered by jonjon418 6
Oh my goodness John this is just about the worst place to get an answer to that question.
Being confused or not being sure of your sexual identity is not a Christian , or Muslim or Jewish or any kind of a religious question.
You really need to confide your questions in and ask your Doctor of medicine.
2007-08-21 10:16:52
answer #10
answered by Bemo 5
Our "turn on" system is pretty arbitrary, fickle, even
The power of suggestion is amazing!
What particular traits "get your attention"?
We actually teach it to ourselves if
you listen very closely.
You might have a different "need" to fill
and not realize it.
Antifreeze looks good, like koolaid,
but it is not good to drink!
Our "hungers" can be really mixed up.
Bad eating habits is an example.
We are most satisfied with what is healthy, though.
If you have been sexually abused in any way,
report it! That is often a factor.
2007-08-21 10:21:55
answer #11
answered by Nickel-for-your-thoughts 5