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Mosques that are still standing after natural disasters, such as earthquakes and tsunamis. I think it shows the power of God right in front of our eyes. Please share your views but without any disrespectful or immature comments. Thankyou.

2007-08-21 09:47:24 · 36 answers · asked by ¸.•*´`*•.¸ ℓανєη∂єr ¸.•*´`*•.¸ 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

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2007-08-21 09:48:03 · update #1


2007-08-21 09:52:52 · update #2


2007-08-21 09:54:24 · update #3

For those of you who say that the mosques are built of strong materials, there was a mosque made of wood and that also survived.

2007-08-21 09:58:36 · update #4

WalaikumSalaam Fez, there is no architecture section! Or if there is, I can't find it! I posted this question in the photography section instead.

2007-08-21 12:58:39 · update #5

36 answers

Ignore the haters.

These are powerful pictures that should be allowed to inspire a person's faith. I'm a damn pagan and I still caught my breath a little bit at a couple of these. If nothing else, they show us the presence of god in both the beautiful and the terrible.

2007-08-21 10:04:09 · answer #1 · answered by votanone_eye 2 · 5 0

Allahu Akbar

2007-08-21 10:52:21 · answer #2 · answered by namso141 3 · 2 1

Holy Book Quran Answers this question:

55:26 Whatever is on earth is bound to perish.
55:27 And there will abide for ever the Face of your Lord the Most Majestic and the Most Beneficent.

Sadaqallahul Azeem.Allah says the Truth.

2007-08-21 12:11:49 · answer #3 · answered by mohammad a 5 · 2 1

There was a storm in the US a while back that destroyed everything except the pub. Does that mean that God likes ale?

Sorry, but your pictures prove nothing, except that people spend more money on superstitions than their own houses. It's really a sad statement on the state of that area. If only the church didn't suck up all the money in building improvements, more people might have homes that survived.

2007-08-21 09:56:53 · answer #4 · answered by nondescript 7 · 4 3

Allahu Akbar!

2007-08-21 10:12:50 · answer #5 · answered by norcalislam 3 · 4 1

When will you show us the 100 that were flattened by such events or is this just a one sided propaganda filled question? Also, maybe because they are deemed to be important, they might have built to be much more sturdy than other buildings. If you think these pictures are proof that there is a god I think you must be joking or insulting my intelligence. (or deluded)

2007-08-21 10:00:39 · answer #6 · answered by thethinker 2 · 1 3

It shows Allah's power. By the way! It answers someone's question about Iranians burning Mosques!!! This shows that even if people want to burn Mosques, they cant!!! Allah Doesn't allow it!

2007-08-22 00:01:23 · answer #7 · answered by Fatemeh 1 · 2 1

I think it shows the power of taking a large sum of money from followers and using it to build stone a mosque that is far sturdier than the wooden houses of the general populace.

2007-08-21 09:54:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

It couldn't be that those building were built stronger than the surrounds buildings. Your right, it must be because of some supernatural occurrence.

2007-08-21 09:53:25 · answer #9 · answered by joe s 6 · 9 0

that is bcos allah s.w.t protected all the mousques!!

anyway u sent me your e-mail address but i can't e-mail you! i hope you don't take an offence! but i have no idea who you are and i don't wanna go about talking to people i don't know!! so i'm sorry ! anyway see you around xxxx

2007-08-22 06:02:03 · answer #10 · answered by Angel x 3 · 1 0

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